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Religions, Beliefs and Viewpoints Course Introduction Presentation 1: Which religions, beliefs and viewpoints are currently present in Scotland?

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1 Religions, Beliefs and Viewpoints Course Introduction Presentation 1: Which religions, beliefs and viewpoints are currently present in Scotland?

2 Course Introduction Research, plan, deliver and evaluate a religion, beliefs and viewpoints fair, reflecting your local community. You will develop an understanding of the impact that religions and beliefs, together with other viewpoints, have had on your local community. You will be given an opportunity to organise a one-off event to demonstrate how religion, beliefs and viewpoints are represented in your area. This course will help you to understand the beliefs, values, practices and traditions of people within your own community. It will also enable you to assess and review your own beliefs and values, and develop a wider understanding of the world in which you live and the wider world into which you will enter when you leave school. It is also hoped that you will gain skills in organisation and people management and be able to reflect more deeply on religion, beliefs and viewpoints.

3 Background In 2011, Scotland’s Census found that 54% of the population stated their religion to be Christian. This unit is designed to give you the opportunity to gain a better understanding of which religions, beliefs and viewpoints are present in Scotland today, especially in your local area. How far does your local community reflect the Census for Scotland generally and what does it mean to have a religion, a belief or a viewpoint?

4 TASK: Answer the following Question What religion, religious denomination or body do you belong to? Your options are: 1.None 2.Church of Scotland 3.Roman Catholic 4.Other Christian (please state) 5.Muslim 6.Buddhist 7.Sikh 8.Jewish 9.Hindu 10.Another religion or body?

5 TASK:Discussion of Results What trends appear? How far do you think answers given were likely to be honest? Do the answers give a true reflection of your local area or your school? Why might some question the value of this question? Now create your own display of the results

6 TASK: Research Research other areas in Scotland, consider the following and add your findings to your display board. How do the results compare with your initial class findings? Which religions are represented? Which other belief-systems, which are not classified as religions, are present in Scotland? Use the following websites:,,818217,00.html57/53570

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