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Translation Warm-Up: In your Notebook record: What did the process of Transcription produce?

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Presentation on theme: "Translation Warm-Up: In your Notebook record: What did the process of Transcription produce?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Translation Warm-Up: In your Notebook record: What did the process of Transcription produce?

2 Overview of Translation During translation, the sequence of nucleotides in mRNA determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein

3 Overview of Translation In translation, each set of THREE nucleotides in an mRNA molecule codes for one amino acid in a protein Each set of three nucleotides is called a codon Each codon specifies a particular amino acid

4 Overview of Translation The sequence of codons in the mRNA determines the sequence of amino acids in the protein.

5 How does Translation actually take place? mRNA travels out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm of the cell and heads to the cell’s ribosomes. But how are the right amino acids added in the right sequence to match the sequence of codons in the mRNA? Simple! A special type of RNA is required and this RNA is called transfer RNA (tRNA) tRNA ensures that the correct amino acid is brought in to match each codon in the mRNA

6 tRNA Multiple types of tRNA Each tRNA has 3 nucleotides that form an anti-codon The 3 nucleotides in the tRNA anti-codon are complementary to the 3 nucleotides in the mRNA

7 Translation Inside the ribosome, an mRNA codon is matched with the complementary anti- codon in a tRNA molecule tRNA brings the correct amino acid for that position Each amino acid is joined by a covalent bond

8 Translation Modeling Activity Working with your elbow partner collect the following supplies and follow the translation instructions provided. Supplies: tRNA molecules Amino Acids mRNA from Transcription activity Page with a Ribosome

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