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Slide 56 The Origin of Life Origin = Start How life started!

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 56 The Origin of Life Origin = Start How life started!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 56 The Origin of Life Origin = Start How life started!

2 Slide 57 Small vs. Large Organisms  Small Organisms = Microscopic (e.g. bacteria)  Large Organisms = Anything that’s microscopic (e.g. flies, rats, humans, etc.)

3 Slide 58 Spontaneous Generation (SG) False idea that non-living things can produce life. Life “spontaneously” appears. Spontaneous = Out of Nowhere!

4 Slide 59 - Redi Proved Spontaneous Generation was wrong with a fly experiment.

5 Slide 60 Redi’s Fly Experiment Long time ago, people thought maggots (baby flies) appeared out of nowhere in meat. Redi found that only the jars of meat left uncovered and open for mom flies to enter developed maggots.

6 Slide 61 - Pasteur Disapproved microscopic organisms spontaneously appear.

7 Slide 62 - Before the Microscope People believed that bacteria was generated from a “vital” force in the air.

8 Slide 63 - Pasteur’s Experiment Bacteria create bacteria! He found that the only solution which had bacteria was exposed to air.

9 Slide 64 - Biogenesis Living organisms come from other living organisms. Life from life!!!!

10 Slide 65 If life comes from life, how did the first life appear? We still don’t know, but we have some have some hypotheses (educated guesses).

11 Slide 66 - Biomolecules Bio = Life Molecules made by living things!  Proteins (Muscles and Bone)  Carbohydrates (Sugar)  Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA)  Lipids (Fat)

12 Slide 67 – How Biomolecules Formed Alexander Oparin Hypothesized: Lightning hit the atmosphere of early earth (ammonia, water vapor, methane, hydrogen gas) and caused amino acids to form.

13 Slide 68 Stanley Miller and Harold Urey Tested Oparin’s Hypothesis and found that it worked!

14 Slide 69 Endosymbiotic Theory

15 Slide 70 Endosymbiotic Theory Steps

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