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Published byCandice Nicholson Modified over 9 years ago
The LHCb VELO Upgrade Jianchun Wang Syracuse University For the LHCb VELO Group VERTEX 2009 Workshop,Veluwe, Netherlands, Sept 13-18, 2009
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 20092 The LHCb Environment Choose to run at ~2 10 32 cm –2 s –1 (2 fb – 1 /year), ~10 12 bb pairs produced per year. Maximize probability of single interaction per crossing. Clean environment (average interactions per crossing ~ 0.5 ), easier to reconstruct. Less radiation damage ( the closest tip ~7 mm away from beam). Designed to maximize B-acceptance within cost and space constraints. Forward spectrometer ( 1.9 < | | < 4.9 ), where b are maximally boosted, benefits proper time measurement. One arm is OK since bb directions are correlated. Production bb ~500 b, Min. bias: inel ~ 80 mb. A dedicated b-physics experiment b b b b doesn’t occur b b
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 20093 VErtex LOcator The LHCb Detector VErtex LOcator primary vertex impact parameter displaced vertex Tracking Stations Trigger Tracker (IP) ~ 14 m + 35 m / P t Primary vertex ~10 m in X/Y, ~50 m in Z. B proper time resolution ~ 40 fs. Ready to go !
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 20094 Limitation of Current Trigger System To improve the physics sensitivity LHCb plan to increase the luminosity by a factor of 10. Current trigger system has two stages: L0 hardware trigger, reduce to 1 MHz. HLT software trigger, reduce to 2 kHz. L0 trigger limit is driven by 1 MHz maximum readout rate. With increased L, the L0 criteria has to be tighten to stay below 1 MHz. There is not much net gain, especially in hadron channel. Increasing L to 10 33 will not introduce too much complexity to event. Most events have 1 or 2 interactions. Increasing to 2x10 33 the average number of interactions increases to ~ 4, At L=2x10 33, unacceptable increase in CPU time due to large combinatorics. hadron trigger muon trigger Rate
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 20095 LHCb Upgrade Strategy Run at 2x10 33 cm -2 s -1 for 5 years (~100 fb -1 ). This plan is consistent with, but independent of the sLHC upgrade program. LHCb will readout all sub-detectors at 40 MHz replace FE electronics of most detectors. The trigger decision will be performed entirely on CPU farm. Removing L0 trigger, thus no limit on the data rate. Software trigger allows sophisticated triggering scheme with lower P t cuts and use of IP to maximize the signal yields. Preliminary studies show that at current L the hadronic channel efficiency improves by ~2 (the goal), and the yield increases proportionally to L. Increases in statistics by ~20 for hadronic channels and ~10 for leptonic channels. More complicated events significantly increase trigger processing time, increasing granularity is mandatory. Improve or maintain efficiency and resolution.
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 20096 pile-up veto (R-sensors) RF foil interaction point 3cm separation ~ 1 m Current Vertex Locator Silicon micro-strip, n+ in n-bulk sensors. Detector halves retractable (by 30mm) for injection. 21 tracking stations per side. R-Φ geometry, 40–100μm pitch, 300 m thickness. Optimized for tracking of particles originating from beam-beam interactions. fast online 2D (R-z) tracking. fast offline 3D tracking in two steps (R-z then ). r = 8 mm ( ~7 mm) r = 42 mm 2048 strips
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 20097 Current VELO Detector for Upgrade? Radius (cm) Particle Hits / Event / cm 2 L(x10 32 cm -2 s - 1 ) 251020 a b At L=2x10 33 the occupancy will be high, especially at the inner region (particle/hit occupancy ~2%, strip occupancy ~4%). Higher granularity and lower noise are needed. Pixel architecture meets the need. Analog readout of VELO data at 40MHz is unrealistic. Signals need to be digitized and sparsified at FE. The data rates are enormous. Clustering reduces the data rates out of FE. This triggered a dedicated R&D on radiation hard FPGAs. Pixel architecture reduces pattern recognition difficulty. Inner Radius Start upgrade studies from the current VELO
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 20098 Pixel Detector Two main thrusts of R&D required for the upgrade are: Front-End Electronics Sensor We had studied different types of sensors and readout schemes. We decide to focus on an upgrade solution based on pixel architecture.
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200910 Front-end Electronics Must provide digitized data to trigger processor in real time: digitization, data sparsification, and pushing data to storage buffer. Withstand same radiation environment as sensor TID: ~400 MRad. Modern fabrication technologies may allow larger radiation tolerance – 130 nm, 90 nm. Issues to be investigated Analog electronics optimization: noise, peaking time, stability of performance with irradiation, leakage current compensation Digitization: speed, effective number of bits. Zero suppression: effective threshold, time walk, discriminator stability Digital section: data rate capability, stability of performance with irradiation.
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200911 Timepix Readout Chip Pixel readout chip based on Medipix2 256 x 256 pixels 55 m square, and chip is 3 side buttable. Single Layer Modules Possible!! (X 0 ) By using TSV (through silicon vias) dead side can be reduced to 0.8 mm in Medipix3 (out of 1.5 mm) Analogue power consumption 6 W per pixel. TOT provides better than 6 bit equivalent ADC resolution Upgrade being considered to 90 nm technology (power consumption, density of logic and radiation hardness benefits) Specifications for Timepix adaptation to VELO upgrade needs are under study. 14100 800 Medipix3 Chip dimensions See Richard Plackett’s presentation for more details Comparator output Comparator threshold LE TE ToT = TE - LE Q
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200912 Conceptual Design Silicon (1-3 pieces) 55x55 m pixels + 800 m pixels in areas under chip periphery 10 Tiimepix chips (periphery indicated in white) Ground plane (aluminised directly onto diamond) Diamond thermal plane with cutouts immediately above TSV regions Power strips and signal routing area Cooling channel Cross section cutout region Advantage: Single layer, less material, very important for IP. Challenges: power tape + TSV, Thinned electronics / sensor. Beam position
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200913 Timepix In Real Beam A telescope was constructed with 6 double rotated (9 o ) around both axes. 4 Timepix and 2 Medipix sensors were used. The DUT (in this case another Timepix chip) position and angle are controlled by a stepper motor to reduce the number of interventions 6 plane Timepix/Medipix telescope DUT Track reconstructed
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200914 Quick Look at TimePix Testbeam Data More to Be Studied Time walk, which could potentially affect physics. Non-linear gain curve. Investigate methods of moving data off chip at required speeds (started, digital processing within pixel array may be necessary). Testbench features of baseline module. N=1 N=2 N=3 N=4 Angle (Degree) (N pixel =N) / All Angle (Degree) Unbiased Residual ( m) Normal Incidence All N=1N=2 N=3N=4 Indiv. pixel Total Charge
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200915 Medipix3 X-ray Irradiation Total ionizing dose measurement on a single chip up to 400Mrad (X-ray, continuously over 4 days) Confirmation of previous single transistor studies on 130nm CMOS Chip readout DACs, LVDS etc remained operational for full dose. This needs to be followed up by hadron irradiation.
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200916 Current VELO Pixel X/Y Pixel Y ~ 1 m 5 stations 6 modules per station 4 chips per module Total 120 FPIX2 chips Aperture 35 x 35 mm 2 Number of Rows Number of Hits (arb Unit) Residual (mm) =11.3 m 75.8%
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200917 Electronics Development FPIX2 Features (selected): Derived from BTeV Columnar architecture (50 m x 400 m) Flash ADC (3-bit) Data driven readout. Sensor and electronics successfully thinned down to 200 m. Separate X/Y precision measurements. Large digital periphery requires overlap material. Need to Study (selected): Modern fabrication technology Radiation hardness study. Stability of front end electronics Readout speed, with designed for 132ns. Cooling. Focus resources on a single chip development (still useful for sensor R&D). TIMEPIX Features (selected): Derived from MediPix Square pixel (55 m x 55 m) Time over threshold Single layer module possible, edgeless possible Need to Study (selected): Modern technology: 130nm or 90nm. Radiation hardness study. Optimization of analog front end Time walk Digitization precision and readout scheme Data flow and data rate TSV technology Detector and sensor thinning Cooling Development continues. Two main avenues of investigation in LHCb Upgrade
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200919 Sensor Sensor requirements Radiation hardness Low leakage current, heat dissipation High granularity Minimize material Sensors investigated: Sensors of current type: n-type, strips Sensors with small modifications: p-type Sensors with large modifications: pixels Sensors using new technology: 3D Alternative material: diamond
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200920 Test of Irradiated Sensors N type sensor Preliminary VELO sensors of n-type and p-type were differentially irradiated. They were tested in the beam at Fermilab using FPIX2 pixel system for tracking (in collaboration with Dave Christian). Irradiation particle flux ~ 0.86x10 15 n eq /cm 2 (~6 years running of current L at inner radius). More results on irradiated sensors are coming soon. N-type ~ 25% drop Measured in 120 GeV proton beam @ -10 C Preliminary 1 MIP Q mp
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200921 Double-sided 3D Sensor Optimisation for SLHC: Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 592 (2008) 16 Glasgow / CNM Test beam results: Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 607 (2009) 89 novel double sided structure n-bulk and p-bulk detectors produced & tested SEM after polysilicon deposition and etching Pixel on Medipix detector m
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200922 Double-sided 3D Sensor Glasgow / CNM P+P+ N+N+ 2.3V lateral depletion ~9V back surface depletion Tesbeams at Diamond Light Source (X-rays), CERN (MIPs) 3DPlanar 3D, 15keV Charge sharing Noise Signal Measurements of: Charge loss in holes Charge sharing Irradiations Two presentations at IEEE NSS with full results
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200923 Sensor R&D Diamond sensor Ultra radiation hard, Very low leakage current (~nA instead of A) Needs no guard ring and can be edgeless. CVD diamond can also be used as heat conductive spine. Joined RD42 collaboration for investigate this option. Planning test beam studies of different solutions. P-type silicon sensor “BTeV style” single chip pixel devices. Fabricated by Micron Semiconductor. Depletion voltage 20-80V before irradition. Started examining performance of irradiated detectors Syracuse/RD50 Syracuse/RD42
Other Issues
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200925 POSSIBLE NEW RF FOIL for UPGRADE MAIN REQUIREMENTS Separates accelerator and detector vacua (must be ultra-high vacuum compatible) Should have the smallest radiation length possible, esp. before first measured point Must shield against RF EMI pick-up effects Must carry beam image charge Must allow for sensor geometry and overlap Must withstand high radiation levels CURRENT DESIGN Foil is 300 um AlMg3, coated with insulator and getter Foil shape set by overlapping sensors, beam clearance and beam effects Wakefield suppressors to adapt beam pipe geometry Was a huge engineering effort (NIKHEF) UPGRADE DESIGN Replace AlMg3 by Carbon Fiber composite Use large-modulus fibers (stiff, low density) Resin with high rad tolerance, low outgassing (space-qualified), micro-crack resistant Produce foil + box + flange as a single integrated unit Avoids sealing problems Can reduce mass thickness to ~50% current Similar material mechanically stable to above 500 MRad (CERN 98-01) Currently in development with industrial partner CMA (Composite Mirror Applications, Inc.) Prototyping planned to start by End 2009, testing to start in early 2010 CURRENT DESIGN FOIL ~200 mm x 1 m Dominant contribution to the average X0 of particle traversing VELO at 2< <4.2
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200926 Conclusion The LHCb detector is ready to take data. Initial plan is to collect 10 fb -1 in the first 5 years. LHCb upgrade forseen for 2015/16, with luminosity increases to 2x10 33 cm -2 s -1, expected to collect 100 fb -1 in 5 years. Key aspects of the upgrade are: Readout of the full detector at 40 MHz fully software-based trigger flexibility. Improved granularity in sub-detectors needed to cope with larger occupancies, provide better background suppressing and reduce CPU time/event. Goal is to increase sample sizes by a factor of 10-20 with comparable or better S/B to current detector. Many R&D projects associated with VELO upgrade are in progress: readout electronics, sensor, hybrid, mechanics, cooling cabling etc. The VELO upgrade is feasible.
Backup Slides
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200928 Backup Mini Strip Plan 200 m Diamond heat plane routing out Beetle signals 20 Beetle40 chips Inner radius at 7.5mm, 25- 30 m pitch (edgeless sensors would bring 10% improvement) 200 m thin silicon sensor Radiation length 0.6%. Double sided module Cooling channel p-stop or p-spray. Need to study more on data readout scheme.
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200929 Trigger Time in HLT Di-hadron L = 2 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 L = 2 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 L = 1 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 At L=2 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1, the events are more complex. With current VELO-like detector, the pattern recognition is very slow. And trigger can not be decided within 2.5 m latency.
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200930 Irradiation Issue Operating up to ~120 fb -1 Flux: 0.8x10 14 n eq cm -2 per fb -1 TID (Electronics): 3.7 MRad per fb -1 at tip ~ 7mm 500 50 5 Radius (cm) Dose after 100 fb -1 n eq cm -2 x 10 16 TID (MRad) After this dose @ 900V we expect 102 uA / cm -2 at -25 o C CCE of ~ 8.5 ke - Thermal runaway at the tip is the issue tip of current VELO T. Affolder TIPP 09
Sept 13-18, 2009Jianchun Wang, Vertex 200931 FPIX2 Readout Chip FPIX2 Chip 22x400 m 128x50 m 10.3 mm 9.0 mm I/O & Control pads from Chip to HDI 6.4 mm 0.7 mm
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