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Presentation on theme: "MOSHANNON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2015-2016 PROPOSED BUDGET 4-20-15."— Presentation transcript:


2 2015-16 Timeline Oct ‘14 – PDE issues 2015-16 adjusted index (2.8%) Oct ‘14 – PDE issues 2015-16 adjusted index (2.8%) Nov ‘14 – Approve resolution not to increase taxes above index (2.43 Mills) Nov ‘14 – Approve resolution not to increase taxes above index (2.43 Mills) Dec ‘14– 15-16 Budget request forms forwarded to staff Dec ‘14– 15-16 Budget request forms forwarded to staff Jan ‘15 – Budget requests forwarded to principals for review Jan ‘15 – Budget requests forwarded to principals for review Feb ‘16 - Approved requests forwarded to district office Feb ‘16 - Approved requests forwarded to district office Feb-May ‘15- Begin annual bid process & schedule Finance comm. mtgs. Feb-May ‘15- Begin annual bid process & schedule Finance comm. mtgs.  May ‘15 – Approve Proposed 15-16 budget (begin public display)  June ‘15 – Advertise intent to adopt final 15-16 budget  June ‘15 – Adopt final 15-16 budget; release purchase orders

3 Fund Balance Projection 6-30-16 General Fund 10  Unassigned $1,448,153  Less 15-16 deficit($191,218)  Balance $1,256,935  Assigned  Health Ins,Ret, Energy $3,425,631 Bldg. Projects $1,730,000 ********************************************** Capital Reserve Fund 22 (Restricted)  Capital Projects ESCO$1,028,358

4 PROJECTION 2015-16 $13,616,319 14-15: $13,663,658 (projected) 13-14: $13,821,922(actual) 12-13: $13,293,570 (actual) 4 yr avg $13.5 M

5 State Subsidy $9,722,442  Basic Education Funding $6,974,374 +2%  Special Education $767,068 +  Transportation $720,000 -  Rental & Sinking fd pmts $206,000  Retirement $500,000 (25.84%)  Other $555,000


7 Local Revenue $3,518,877  Revenue source – RE Taxes, PC Taxes, Delinquent Taxes & Interest  Local control – Real Estate  87.8 mills +1 mil  District collects approx 88% of RE taxes  Est. 2015-16 RE $2,405,777  Est. Property Tax Relief:  $327,000 - Lowers RE taxes $164 (est.)  1 mill equals approximately $30,000 Average Property Value $39,668

8 1 Mill Impact on Property Owners  $30,000 property - $7.50 increase  $50,000 property - $12.50 increase  $75,000 property - $19.63 increase  $100,000 property - $25.00 increase  $125,000 property – $31.25 increase  $150,000 property - $37.50 increase  Our last increase was 1 mill in 2008-09  Seven years ago

9 Coal Lease  Will add to our Local Revenue  $5,000 received and deposited  Not sure when operations will begin  Added $3000 to local rev for 15-16  Start budgeting royalties in 16-17  Different than tax revenue, has a beginning and end  Use for 1 time purchases

10 Federal $375,000 est  Title I (School wide) $265,000  Reading, Math  Title II $50,000  Professional Development  Access $60,000  Based on billing for Eligible Services

11 Debt Service Schedule  2009 Series – Paid off in 2015  $1,032,574 bond payment in 15-16  2012 Series - $16,000,000 The refinance savings ends 2017, payments will increase by approx. $218,000 in 2018. (until 2032)

12 New 15-16 Special Education Teacher $53,300 Increased Minimum Wage to $10/hr $55,154 (Custodians/Aides) Cafeteria Transfer ?

13 Optimize Student Achievement 2015-16 Expenditures withAvailableResources

14 Expenditures by Function $13,807,537 1000 – Instructional; 2000- Support; 3000-Student Act; 4000-Building; 5000-Debt

15 Expenditures by Object $13,807,537 100- Salaries; 200-Benefits; 300- Prof Svcs; 400-Bldg Svcs: 500-Transp/Tuition; 600- Supplies; 700-Equip; 800-900-Debt

16 15-16 Instruction (1000) Expenditures $7,889,908 70 Employees; 2.8% Salary increase; 0% Health Insurance Increase; Retirement – 25.84%; TTT-Cyber-Charter Tuition, Prof Svc-S4T, CIU, OT

17 Support (2000) Expenditures $4,440,084 45 Employees, 2.7-3% wage increase, 0% Medical Ins Increase, TTT-Pupil Transportation, Prof Svcs.-Technology, training, legal, auditors, Athletic Trainer, Bldg Svcs.- Maintenance Agreements

18 3000 STUDENT ACTIVITIES 4000 BUILDING 5000 BOND PAYMENTS  Student Activities $372,471  Building Improvements $30,000  Bond Debt $1,075,074

19 2015

20 MVSD 5 Year Salary Projection Projected SalariesPSERS TOTAL Salaries & PSERS Projected SalariesPSERS TOTAL Salaries & PSERS Projected SalariesPSERS TOTAL Salaries & PSERS Projected SalariesPSERS TOTAL Salaries & PSERS Projected SalariesPSERS TOTAL Salaries & PSERS Department15-1625.84% 16-1729.69% 17-1830.62% 18-1931.56% 19-2032.23% INSTRUCTION $ 3,684,769 $ 952,144 $ 4,636,913 $ 3,787,943 $ 1,124,640 $ 4,912,583 $ 3,894,005 $ 1,192,344 $ 5,086,349 $ 4,003,037 $ 1,263,358 $ 5,266,396 $ 4,115,122 $ 1,326,304 $ 5,441,426 SUPPORT $ 1,168,449 $ 301,927 $ 1,470,376 $ 1,203,502 $ 357,320 $ 1,560,822 $ 1,239,608 $ 379,568 $ 1,619,175 $ 1,276,796 $ 402,957 $ 1,679,753 $ 1,315,100 $ 423,857 $ 1,738,956 NON-INSTRUCTIONAL $ 164,000 $ 42,378 $ 206,378 $ 168,592 $ 50,055 $ 218,647 $ 173,313 $ 53,068 $ 226,381 $ 178,165 $ 56,229 $ 234,394 $ 183,154 $ 59,031 $ 242,184 Total $ 5,017,218 $ 1,296,449 $ 6,313,667 $ 5,160,037 $ 1,532,015 $ 6,692,052 $ 5,306,925 $ 1,624,980 $ 6,931,905 $ 5,457,998 $ 1,722,544 $ 7,180,542 $ 5,613,376 $ 1,809,191 $ 7,422,567 GENERAL FUND SALARIES 2014- 15 $ 5,051,128 GENERAL FUND PSERS 13-14 $ 926,453 PSERS REIMBURSEMENT 13-14 $ 463,227 TOTAL FUND BALANCE, BEGIN* 6,599,784 6,414,786 6,003,096 5,398,035 4,593,119 (108,909) (255,797) (406,870) (562,248) CHANGE IN PSERS (369,996) (605,562) (698,527) (796,091) (882,738) CHANGE IN PSERS REIMBURSEMENT 184,998 302,781 349,264 398,046 441,369 GENERAL FUND BALANCE, END 6,414,786 6,003,096 5,398,035 4,593,119 3,589,503 Projection for 6-30-2015 *Designated Ret, Ins, Utilities $ 3,425,631 *Designated Capital Projects $ 1,730,000 *Unreserved Undesignated $ 1,444,153 TOTAL $ 6,599,784 ASSUMES ALL OTHER REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES WOULD RESULT IN NO FUND BALANCE CHANGE (BALANCED BUDGET)


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