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W EI-Eurasia: Networking for transparency. W Outline Overview of the Eurasia Regional Transparency Network: -History and evolution -Problem statement.

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Presentation on theme: "W EI-Eurasia: Networking for transparency. W Outline Overview of the Eurasia Regional Transparency Network: -History and evolution -Problem statement."— Presentation transcript:

1 W EI-Eurasia: Networking for transparency

2 W Outline Overview of the Eurasia Regional Transparency Network: -History and evolution -Problem statement -The Working Group on Regional Network Management -Perceptions and priorities Strategic Options for the Eurasia network -Maintain the status quo -Consolidate coordination mechanisms -Collaborative advocacy -Capacity-building An example from elsewhere: PWYP Africa Relationship with PWYP?

3 The Eurasia regional transparency network Mongolia Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Kyrgyz Republic Eurasia Regional Network PWYP International network

4 The Eurasia regional transparency network Mongolia Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Kyrgyz Republic Eurasia Regional Network PWYP International network Ukraine Bulgaria Georgia Turkey Afghanistan Tajikistan Albania

5 The Eurasia regional transparency network Mongolia Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Kyrgyz Republic Eurasia Regional Network PWYP International network Ukraine Bulgaria Georgia Turkey Afghanistan Tajikistan Albania

6 W Problem statement One region or regions? Who is part of this network, which region(s) are we talking about? Eastern Europe? (Ukraine, Albania), Caucasus? (Azerbaijan, Georgia), Central Asia? (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan), East Asia? (Mongolia). Different languages, different socio-political-cultural contexts. Networking for network’s sake? Is there a common, shared vision for this network? If so, what is it? Making the network work: How do we ensure that different national groups take ownership for the network, so that activities continue between regional meetings?

7 W Different network roles and functions Information exchange Community building Joint Advocacy Capacity- building

8 Network functions: Perceptions and priorities Consensus areas Better coordination; information exchange and experience-sharing More than just an annual meeting Engagement with the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Possibilities: Collaborative advocacy Capacity-building Funding support

9 Strategic Options Option 1: Maintain the status quo No change Option 2: Consolidate coordination Regional Coordinator to support coordination (regional website management, regional email lists, collaboration with PWYP international) Option 3: A framework for regional network management Regional Coordinator supported by a Regional Steering Committee Develop strategic action-plan to explore and exploit opportunities for collaborative advocacy, capacity-building and sustainable funding support

10 An example from elsewhere: PWYP Africa

11 Questions for further discussion:

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