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CGSLB–MIS Belgian Development cooperation program Capacity building 5C model Progress monitoring TUDCN: 20/03/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "CGSLB–MIS Belgian Development cooperation program Capacity building 5C model Progress monitoring TUDCN: 20/03/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 CGSLB–MIS Belgian Development cooperation program Capacity building 5C model Progress monitoring TUDCN: 20/03/2015

2 Organisational Capacity building 1.Background 2.Implementation & timeline 3.5 c and progress markers 4.Scale definition 5.Scale snapshot 6.Tips

3 Background Before 2011 – worked on capacity building, but without a specific model External evaluation 2011 – recommendation on measuring capacity building: – Within our partnerships develop our vision on capacity building towards a more result focused methodology with attention for monitoring – Suggest introduction of the 5C

4 5C implementation and timeline Internal training (2011) Workshop with partner organizations – introducing the 5C (Sept, 2011), making a trade union 5C frame, look at “focus capacity” Workshop with partners - linking the logical frame work with the 5C frame (March, 2012) Workshop with partners – introducing the scale/progress markers (April, 2013) Workshop with partners, second measure (July, 2014)

5 5C– How did we implement it 2011 -Follow up on external evaluation recommendation -Internal training on 5C, studied sector examples -Introduction to partners 2012 -5C trade union frame identification with partners -Selection of focus/priority 5C for partners -First monitoring

6 Focus/priority for South-African partners on the 5 C COSATU focus: 3 & 5 SACCAWU focus: 1-3 5 1 3 42

7 5c in a time line 2013 -Update training session, development of the scale as progress markers -Identified capabilities and sub components understood in trade union vision -Follow the evolution -7 steps in time -Monitoring moment on basis of the scale…

8 What do we mean by each scale? Marker XQuestion ?Sources of verification Scale 1Nothing done/not relevant Why/why notStandardized MIS Reports Scale 2 Identification of relevant capacities has been made (but nothing happen on integrating this capacity within the organisation) What is identified as being a relevant capacity? For those who are not, why? Why this capacity? Discussion with MIS during mutual partner meetings (ex. Dakar 2013) Discussion with MIS during field visits Scale 3 Discussion/meeting took place on sub component What has been done as a practical approach to the sub-components of the identified capacity? Internal meeting (like, IRC, NEDCOM, CEC) Minutes of meetings, interviews Field visits, Scale 4Action took place on subcomponent What decision do you made to take regular actions and how are they implemented at the sub- component level? Report of the action/activity (workshops, campaign…) Scale 5Document available (doc' process) Based on the implementation, what is the available documentation, policy documents and other references? Guideline, Handbook Policy document Meeting reports Scale 6Formal decision taken to implement Once the results of actions and documentation acquired, decides that it does in the long term for the future of the organization? CEC reports Conference declarations Congress Resolutions Scale 7The organization function on the basis of decisions taken at the level 6 How does the organization built out the capacity structurally within the organization? Results of regular extra-curricular activities Follow-up at next Congress Statistic (for ex. number of member growth)

9 Scale snapshot 5C - oneCapacity to commit & engageSACCAWU: 2013To be completed:To be completed (b): ComponentsSub-components Link with MIS ProgramLogical Framework indicator Progress Example by SACCAWU how MIS program helped your work: Scale 1Scale 2Scale 3Scale 4Scale 5Scale 6Scale 7 8 principles TUDCN 1. Democratic ownership 2. Autonomy 3. Transparency 4. Partnership 5. Accountability 6. Coherence 7. Inclusiveness and Equality 8 Sustainability § Partnership agreement – signed with SACCAWU § Partnership contract – signed with SACCAWU on 31/12/2011 § Partner organization affiliated to ITUC and under scribe 8 principals voted during GC of February 2011 § TUDEP organizational plot – compile by SACCAWU during meeting of Sept 2011, with focus on the last 2 elements - March 2012, meeting in Brussels * on ITUC’s 8 principals of aid effectiveness * follow-up on external evaluation, * planning session on south-south initiatives between MIS partners, with 2 participants from SACCAWU - Partnership aggreement was signed by both SACCAWU & CGSLB/MIS commiting to the 8 principles. - During our M&E partner workshop in April, Dakar it was decided that for our program with SACCAWU we will focus on the 7th and 8th element of the TUDEP model. X Ability to inspire and mobilize TU staff and membership § Committed and active staff:§ Contracted Steering Committee/Coordinators with clear mandate – function - Steering committee selected and task assigned, - Steering committee operational - CEC compiles report on % operational costs saved Steering committee (consisting out the NOB's), reports as put out during PCM workshop and fixed in partner contract X § Committed and active membership § Active member mobilization on mass events - SACCAWU campaign for CB SACCAWU as trade union has taken this fully up in their structures X § Clear rights and obligations (also in informal economy organization) - Resolution communicated within the structures of the union and voted by congress Done after the Congres in 2011 X - Draft of SRA model introduced to OCCBU structures Draft model available and legal aspectes checked in 2013 X - Bargaining takes place on basis of the new organigram Work in progress, but number of companies agreed to some aspects X Clear roles and responsibilitie s § Clear organizational structure § Way of working with SACCAWU, contract, steering group - Steering comm. makes ToR for M&E and reports 2 times p/y to MIS Reports available, but not always on agreed time X § Organizational structure according to program logic - New organigram drafted and distributed by implementing committee Done in 2012, some company structures still need to be consulted X

10 Scale snapshot COSATU: 2013To be completed (a):To be completed (b): 5 C'sComponentsSub-components Link with MIS/CGSMB Program Logical Framework indicator Progress Example by COSATU how MIS program helped your work: Scale 1Scale 2Scale 3Scale 4Scale 5Scale 6Scale 7 5. Capability to maintain coherence and diversity Clear and coherent mandate, vision, strategy, and operational principles § Explicit mandate, vision, strategy, and operational principles, known by staff and used by management § Structure of the trade union 2.1.1. Central Executive Committee (CEC) has endorsed by 2014 the international policy document, as introduce by the IRC & steering committee, lining out the vision, mission, principles and role of COSATU within a south- south cooperation context. During CEC of feb. 2013, document available X § Way of communication: 2.1.2. COSATU is informed of SSC initiatives of the 21 affiliates Via mapping, provincial roll-out workshops, IRC X To achieving coherence between values, principles and operations § Coherence between values and principles promoted and the actual operations on the ground § Congress/statutes - vs program priorities See Congres resolutions 2012 X § Vision text- The international relation work of the 21 affiliates is mapped out See mapping document X § Internal action plans- Mapping document gives information to CEC to better coordinate, cohere and avoid SSC duplication Work in progress X

11 Tips Know self what you want/expect - clear aim Talk through with partners – shared responsibility Keep it simple – for example link with logical frame work, simple scale Limited scope to for example “program related” Link with M&E

12 Questions?

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