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Presentation on theme: "THE QUALITY ASSURANCE AND ACCREDITATION Project Outcomes and Activities."— Presentation transcript:



3 Establishment of quality and accreditation unit ► Staff ► Structure ► Connection to central unit

4 Mission, Vision and Strategic aims of the faculty ► 1- Preparation of the mission, vision and strategic aims of the faculty by the QA unit

5 Mission, Vision and Strategic aims of the faculty ► 2- Informative Meetings (4) with the education centre members and QAC members about the project and mission, vision and strategic aims of the faculty

6 Mission, Vision and Strategic aims of the faculty 3- Informative meetings for the dean, vice deans, heads of departments. + One staff member from each department, about the project and mission, vision and strategic aims of the faculty 3- Informative meetings for the dean, vice deans, heads of departments. + One staff member from each department, about the project and mission, vision and strategic aims of the faculty

7 Mission, Vision and Strategic aims of the faculty 4- Informative meetings for all staff members about the project and mission, vision and strategic aims of the faculty

8 Mission, Vision and Strategic aims of the faculty 5- Informative meetings for all students about the project and mission, vision and strategic aims of the faculty 5- Informative meetings for all students about the project and mission, vision and strategic aims of the faculty

9 Mission, Vision and Strategic aims of the faculty 6- A published leaflet about the project and mission, vision and strategic aims of the faculty 6- A published leaflet about the project and mission, vision and strategic aims of the faculty

10 Mission, Vision and Strategic aims of the faculty 7- Final approval of the mission, vision and strategic aims of the faculty through: 7- Final approval of the mission, vision and strategic aims of the faculty through: - Department councils - Faculty council

11 Preparation of program specification 1- Preparing the ILOS of the program by the QAC unit 1- Preparing the ILOS of the program by the QAC unit

12 Preparation of program specification 2- Informative Meetings with the education centre members and QAC members about program specification 2- Informative Meetings with the education centre members and QAC members about program specification

13 Preparation of program specification 3- Informative meetings for the dean, vice deans, heads of departments. + One staff members from each department. About program specification 3- Informative meetings for the dean, vice deans, heads of departments. + One staff members from each department. About program specification

14 Preparation of program specification 4- Awareness for all staff members About program specification through training of departments coordinators 4- Awareness for all staff members About program specification through training of departments coordinators

15 Preparation of program specification 5- Informative meetings for student representatives about program specification 5- Informative meetings for student representatives about program specification

16 Preparation of program specification 6- Final approval of program specification through: 6- Final approval of program specification through: - Department councils - Faculty council (running)

17 Preparation of program specification 7- Published booklet about program specification 7- Published booklet about program specification(running)

18 Preparation of course specification 1- Workshop for department representatives on developing course specifications (ILOS) 1- Workshop for department representatives on developing course specifications (ILOS)

19 Preparation of course specification 2- Training of the management and implementation team members through repeated small group workshops about how to write ILOS for each course 2- Training of the management and implementation team members through repeated small group workshops about how to write ILOS for each course

20 Preparation of course specification 3- Follow up of department coordinators about course specifications (ILOS) ) 3- Follow up of department coordinators about course specifications (ILOS) )

21 Preparation of course specification 4- Workshop for department representatives on developing course specifications (teaching methods) 4- Workshop for department representatives on developing course specifications (teaching methods)

22 Preparation of course specification 5- Workshop for department representatives on developing course specifications (assessment methods) 5- Workshop for department representatives on developing course specifications (assessment methods)

23 Preparation of course specification 6- Follow-up meetings with the faculty staff to follow their activity of developing course specifications. 6- Follow-up meetings with the faculty staff to follow their activity of developing course specifications.

24 Preparation of course specification 7- Informative Meetings with the education centre members and QAC members about course specification 7- Informative Meetings with the education centre members and QAC members about course specification

25 Preparation of course specification 8- Informative meetings for the dean, vice deans, heads of departments. + One staff members from each department. About courses specification 8- Informative meetings for the dean, vice deans, heads of departments. + One staff members from each department. About courses specification(Comming)

26 Preparation of course specification 9- Informative meetings for all staff members About course sps 9- Informative meetings for all staff members About course sps(coming) 10- Informative meetings for student representatives about course sps

27 Preparation of course specification 11- Preparation of student and staff handbook 11- Preparation of student and staff handbook

28 Preparation of annual report Data collection (questionnaires, meetings and interviews with head departments, staff members, students and administrative staff) — preparation Data collection (questionnaires, meetings and interviews with head departments, staff members, students and administrative staff) — preparation

29 Preparation of annual report Workshop for department representatives on developing course report Workshop for department representatives on developing course report

30 ► Follow-up meetings with the faculty staff to follow their activity of developing course/program report

31 ► Data analysis Finalization of the annual report by the QA unit

32 ► setting up a plan for maintaining areas of strengths and improving areas of weaknesses in the academic program/courses

33 ► Editing the report ► Meeting with stalk holders ► Contacting the peer reviewers and receiving their feedback ► Taking feedback from the reviewers ► finalizing the annual faculty report ► Faculty approval of the report

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