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Published byAndra Bruce Modified over 9 years ago
A CASE FOR CHANGE Strategic Planning Cascade Process and Workshop Packet October-November 2006
2 2 Contents I.Agenda II.Strategic Planning Overview III.Cascade Process IV.Transformational Initiatives Workshop Packet
3 3 I. Agenda 1.Developing/aligning commitments around “A Case for Change” transformational initiatives (TIs) Participation & Support Pathways to Student Success Community Collaborations Collegiality and Empowerment 2.Preparing to align budget and funding to programs supporting TI achievement
4 4 II. Strategic Planning Overview
5 5 A Case for Change: Key Challenges 1.Improving Student Learning and Success 2.Enrollment 3.The Economy 4.Our Competition 5.Technology 6.Funding
6 6 Key Challenge — Enrollment Projected Growth in 15- to 24-year-olds concentrated among Hispanic population Source: CA Department of Finance, Race/Ethnic Population with Age and Sex Detail, 2000-2050. Sacramento, CA, May 2004.
7 7 Key Challenge — Enrollment 60+ Population Projected to Grow Rapidly Source: "Projections 2002" ABAG, December 2001 for 1990; "Projections 2003" ABAG, June 2003, for 2000 to 2030..
8 8 Opportunities to Improve Student Learning & Success High Priority / Low Satisfaction Student Satisfaction Survey Institutional Priorities Survey Convenient classes Adequate parking Does whatever it can to help me Advisor knows transfer Early notification Key Challenge — Improving Student Learning & Success Advising Concern for individual Run-around Register for classes Quality of instruction Fair and unbiased treatment Campus safety Security staff respond quickly Advisors approachable Counselors care Library/ lab
9 9 De Anza Strategic Planning Process 2006 4 TIs Develop MayJune-August Story-based PlanningTeams FormTeams Plan June 80 Faculty and Staff Develop “Future Vision” Story Themes Develop into 4 Initiatives Teams of 10-20 create Vision, Areas of Focus, Metrics
10 10 De Anza Cascade Process 2006-08 Initiative Recommendations September 22October- November Opening Day Workshops Senates All Employee Cascades October All Staff input to Initiatives Review Initiatives and Recommendations Campus-wide Planning January 2007 Incremental Funding Operational Execution 2007-08 December 11 Senior Staff Goal Realignment/ Refinement/ Reporting Out
11 11 Initiative Team Members Wayne Chenoweth Marcos Cicerone Nancy Cole Mary Donahue Mary Kay Englen Mae Lee Ann Leever Olivia Patlan Chris Storer John Swensson Pauline Yeckley Participation Co-Champions Jean Miller Rob Mieso Maryalice Bonilla Cindy Castillo Michele Nga Doan Al Guevara Jeanine Hawk Paula Joseph Carmen Pereida Dan Salah LaDonna Yumori-Kaku Pathways to Success Co-Champions Lydia Hearn Andrew LaManque Gregory Anderson Robert Boller Pat Fifield Robert Griffin Lois Jenkins Judy Mowrey Fran Lathers Judy Miner Cinzia Muzzi Deb Sack Rich Schroeder Marion Winters Cheryl Woodward Matt Abrahams Patrick Gannon Cynthia Kaufman Duane Kubo Sally Larson Ben Rodriguez Kristin Jensen Sullivan Mary Sullivan Community Co-Champions Carleen Bruins Karl Von Ahnen De Anza College Collegiality Co-Champions Margaret Michaelis Bradley Creamer
12 12 Participation and Support Community Collaborations Clear Pathways to Student Success Success Metrics/Individual Commitments to Action Planning Vision Building on its tradition of excellence, De Anza challenges students of every back- ground to develop their intellect, character and abilities; achieve their educational goals; and serve their community in a diverse and changing world. Collegiality and Empowerment Target outreach and inreach to regional communities by divisions, departments and programs Increase retention of new and returning students in targeted populations Develop campus capabilities with accountability Develop individual and institutional cultural competencies Individualize attention based on student need Utilize effective tech- nological tools for achieving student success Consistent and frequent communications Enhance culture of learning and interaction Increase professional and personal opportunities for all employees Keep education current, vital and relevant to the needs and interests of our students and communities Teach and engage students to be agents of change and lifelong participants in the social, economic environmental and political realities of their lives, communities and beyond Facilitate the exchange of campus and community resources Areas of Focus Transformational Initiatives De Anza Alignment Arrow
13 13 III. Cascade Process
14 14 Strategic Planning Cascades Campus Level Department Level Quickly Engage Next Level Mission College Success Model Values Stretch Goals Metrics Commitments Initiatives Quickly Engage Next Level Individual Level Mission College Success Model Values Stretch Goals Metrics Commitments Initiatives Mission College Success Model Values Stretch Goals Metrics Commitments Initiatives Realign
15 15 Goal Alignment Process StepComplete By: Senior staff develops commitments to action (CTAs) to share with deans and directors. October 23 Deans and directors develop CTAs to share with departments/divisions November 3 Department cascadesNovember 20 Individuals finalize CTAs with dean or directorNovember 27 Deans/directors prioritize commitments to action and submit to their vice president; and send to Tina Woo in the president’s office, as one complete package, individual and departmental CTAs. December 1 Deans and directors discuss and finalize commitments to action with their VP. These commitments will be part of management performance criteria for 2007-08. December 8 Town Hall Meeting: Senior Staff Goal Realignment/Refinement and Reporting Out (based on departmental and individual CTAs) December 11
16 16 SMART Objectives S pecific Is it clear, understandable and well-defined? M easurable Can the result of the objective be quantified? A ligned Does the objective fit with your departmental and VP commitments to action? Are interdependencies identified and addressed? R elevant Is this a high-impact driver of achieving the overall transformation? Do I have the necessary authority, knowledge and skill to accomplish the objective? T ime-Based Are start and completion dates assigned?
17 17 Table Team Roles Facilitator: Ensures that the Table Work Team understands the task assignment and follows the outlined steps to completion on time. Encourages all team members to be involved in the discussion. Recorder:After team discussion and prioritization, clearly and concisely records the most important answers to each of the questions in the table team worksheet. Please rotate the roles among the Table Team members as the team moves from one initiative to another.
18 18 INSTRUCTIONS 1.The leader at each table will lead a discussion encouraging everyone to share their thoughts about how the team can support their department’s 2007-08 commitments to action. 2.NOTE: There are two worksheets to be completed in this team assignment: Team Worksheet: For recording and presenting the team’s three best ideas for commitment Individual Worksheet: For recording your own draft performance commitments to action for 2007-08 (one-year CTAs) 3.The facilitator will first help the Team choose the three best commitments that support the 2007-08 goals. 4.The recorder will record these on the team worksheet. 5.At the end of the module each individual will record his or her own performance commitments to action for this initiative on the 2007-08 Individual Worksheet at the end of this section. DELIVERABLES A.Initiative Table Team Worksheet B.2007-08 Individual Commitments to Action Worksheet – Each participant documents his/her preliminary individual performance commitments to action. Initiative Table Work Assignment
19 19 Initiative Module: Format Presentation of Initiative5 min Division/Department Leader’s 5 min Commitments & Coaching Table Work & Team Dialogue30 min Individual Recording of 5 min Performance Commitments 45 minutes per initiative
20 20 SAMPLE Table Team Worksheet Area of Focus List the 3 best commitments to action the team identified to help achieve our goals for this initiative Division:Department: Recorder: Turn in worksheet
21 21 2007-08 Individual Commitments to Action Name:Department: InitiativeArea of Focus SAMPLE 1. 2. 3. Areas of Focus Individual Commitments to ActionMetricsTime Frame
22 22 By November 27, individuals finalize their commitments to action with their manager and submit a copy of the individual CTA form to him or her. By December 1, deans/directors and divisions prioritize commitments to action and submit to their vice president. Deans/directors will send to Tina Woo in the president’s office, as one complete package, individual and departmental CTAs. Individual CTAs should align with departmental CTAs, which must align with senior staff CTAs. On December 11, there will be a town hall meeting which will include realignment/refinement and reporting out from the senior staff based on departmental and individual CTAs Next Steps
23 23 Division prioritization of commitments will be submitted to Planning and Budget Teams (PBTs) for additional prioritization and proposed budget allocation during January 2007. There will be campus-wide quarterly reviews and annual “mini-cascades.” Next Steps
THANK YOU For Your Commitment to A CASE FOR CHANGE!
25 25 IV. Transformational Initiatives Workshop Packet
26 26 Participation & Support for Underserved Populations VISION FOR INITIATIVE Attract, support and retain new and returning students from regional communities with low college participation rates including, especially, Latinas/os, African Americans and older adults.
27 27 Participation & Support for Underserved Populations DescriptionMetrics Area of Focus #1 Targeted outreach & inreach: externally to regional communities and internally from divisions, departments and programs to targeted students underrepresented in their areas Each instructional division and support program will increase its enrollment and/or capacity to serve students in targeted groups by 5% for each group each year; the first increase will be measured from fall 2007 to fall 2008. Area of Focus #2 Increased retention of new and returning target-group students through improved linkage to services and improved teaching Increase retention of each target group by 7% per year, beginning with a measured increase between fall 2007 and fall 2008. Area of Focus #3 Developing campus capabilities to accomplish areas #1 and #2 with accountability, support and feedback All De Anza staff will receive learning opportunities in cultural competency. Targeted participation rates: by fall 2007, 15%; by fall 2008, 35%. Learning opportunities may be offered in a variety of formats including online, workshops and ongoing classes. All opportunities will carry PGA and/or PAA credit as appropriate.
28 28 Participation Table Team Worksheet Area of Focus List the 3 best commitments to action the team identified to help achieve our goals for this initiative Division:Department: Recorder: Turn in worksheet Increase retention of new and returning students in targeted populations Develop campus capabilities with accountability Target outreach & inreach to regional communities by divi- sions, departments, programs
29 29 2007-08 Individual Commitments to Action Name:Department: InitiativeArea of Focus Participation 1.Target Outreach and Inreach 2.Increase Retention 3.Develop Campus Capabilities Areas of Focus Individual Commitments to ActionMetricsTime Frame
30 30 VISION FOR INITIATIVE Cultivate an environment in which every student is equipped to enroll, participate, learn and succeed through individualized attention, effective pedagogical practices and technology. Pathways to Student Success
31 31 Pathways to Student Success DescriptionMetrics Area of Focus #1 Develop Individual and Institutional Cultural Competencies The percentage of students starting in basic skills courses who successfully complete college level courses in the same subject will increase by 1 percentage point each year. Participation rates of underrepresented student groups in transfer-level math and science courses will equal each group’s representation of on-campus students stating a goal of transfer. Annual targets will be based on end-of-term data for the previous year. Course success rates of underrepresented student groups in transfer-level math and science courses will be equal to other ethnic groups in the same courses. Annual targets will be based on end-of-term data for the previous year. There will be no statistically significant differences among ethnic groups on annual campus climate indices, with improvement demonstrated each year. The percentage of fall, first-time, degree-seeking students transferring to a UC within 3 years will be 20% for all ethnic groups. For students starting in fall 2007, there will be a 1 percentage point annual increase for each ethnic group. Area of Focus #2 Individualize Attention Based on Student Need On-campus FTES enrollment will increase 2% annually. Fall-to-winter persistence rate of first-time degree-seeking students with a goal of transfer or degree will increase 1% each year from winter 2007 to winter 2009. Area of Focus #3 Utilize Effective Technological Tools For Achieving Student Success At least 90% of first-time degree-seeking students will use online systems to develop and modify educational plans by fall 2012, starting with 25% of new students in fall 2007. Achieve a 90% satisfaction rate (currently <70%) on the annual technology survey, including questions regarding the use of technology to enhance student learning and being kept informed of new ays to use technology.
32 32 Pathways to Student Success Initiative Table Team Worksheet Area of Focus List the 3 best commitments to action the team identified to help achieve our goals for this initiative Division:Department: Develop individual and institutional cultural competencies Individualize attention based on student need Utilize effective technological tools for achieving student success
33 33 2007-08 Individual Commitments to Action Name:Department: InitiativeArea of Focus Pathways to Student Success 1. Develop individual and institutional cultural competencies 2. Individualize attention based on student need 3. Utilize effective technological tools for achieving student success Areas of Focus Individual Commitments to ActionMetricsTime Frame
34 34 Collegiality and Empowerment VISION FOR INITIATIVE Create a climate that empowers all employees to be actively engaged in the campus community and encourages mutual respect through open communication, morale-building and professional development.
35 35 DescriptionMetrics Area of Focus #1 Consistent and Frequent Communication at the College, Division and Departmental Levels *Double annual number of faculty and staff events (town halls, division-sponsored events, all-campus events, etc.) *Enhance communication with all employees through a variety of channels including electronic communication, staff newsletters, etc. *Ensure that all employees are using college e-mail and portal systems within one year of implementation of the initiative Area of Focus #2 Enhance Culture of Learning and Interaction *Increase number of staff and faculty social and learning learning events by one per quarter for the first year; two per quarter following years *Conduct annual climate survey; response rate 50% with satisfaction rate 85% by year 5. *Increase professional presentations/open houses by departments until every department does one each year. *Increase attendance at quarterly all-campus college gatherings (e.g. college hours or alternative events) 15% per year over 5 years Area of Focus #3 Increase Professional and Personal Opportunities for All Employees Increase by 10 percent annually: *Faculty/staff participation at professional meetings *Applications for professional and other growth awards *Number of employees seeking educational courses *Number of eligible employees seeking tuition reimbursements *Development of new career counseling options for staff Collegiality and Empowerment
36 36 Collegiality and Empowerment Initiative Table Team Worksheet Area of Focus Department: Recorder: Turn in worksheet Consistent and Frequent Communications Enhance culture of learning and interaction List the 3 best commitments to action the team identified to help achieve our goals for this initiative Increase professional and personal opportunities for all employees
37 37 [insert logo] 2007-08 Commitments to Action Name:Department: InitiativeArea of Focus Collegiality and Empowerment 1. Consistent and Frequent Communications 2. Enhance Culture of Learning and Interaction 3. Increase Professional and Personal Opportunities for All Employees Areas of Focus Commitments to ActionMetricsTime Frame
38 38 VISION FOR INITIATIVE Increase and nurture community partnerships and collaborations that will strengthen the educational, cultural, economic and environmental assets of the college and the communities we serve. Community Collaborations
39 39 DescriptionMetrics Area of Focus #1 Keep education current, vital and relevant to the needs and interests of our students and the communities of which De Anza is a part. Establish 3 new or revitalized program advisory groups per year over the next 5 years, or hold 3 community, business, and/or student focus groups per years over the next 5 years. Hold at least 3 faculty and staff development trainings per year over the next five years. Area of Focus #2 Teach and engage students to be agents of change and lifelong participants in the social, economic, environmental and political realities of their lives, their communities and beyond. Work areas (i.e. divisions, departments, programs and offices) will increase the number of projects involving civic and community agencies and organizations, institutions and businesses by 10% per year for the next five years. Area of Focus #3 Facilitate the exchange of campus and community resources. Increase the number of companies, organizations and individuals involved in contributing materials, ideas and resources (e.g. tutoring and internships) by at least 5 partners per year for the next 5 years. Community Collaborations
40 40 Community Collaborations Initiative Table Team Worksheet Area of Focus Department: Recorder: Turn in worksheet Keep education current, vital and relevant to the needs and interests of our students and communities. List the 3 best commitments to action the team identified to help achieve our goals for this initiative Facilitate the exchange of campus and community resources. Teach & engage students to be agents of change & lifelong participants in the social economic environmental & political realities of their lives, communities & beyond.
41 41 2007-08 Individual Commitments to Action Name:Department: InitiativeArea of Focus Community Collaborations 1. Keep education current, vital and relevant 2. Teach and engage students to be agents of change and lifelong participants 3. Facilitate the exchange of campus and community resources. Areas of Focus Individual Commitments to ActionMetricsTime Frame
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