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Quality Assurance Review Team Oral Exit Report District Accreditation Murray County Schools February 26-29, 2012.

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1 Quality Assurance Review Team Oral Exit Report District Accreditation Murray County Schools February 26-29, 2012

2 © 2010 AdvancED AdvancED AdvancED is a global leader in advancing excellence in education through continuous improvement, organizational effectiveness, and accreditation.

3 The AdvancED Community World’s Largest Educational Network  27,000 public and private schools throughout the United States and 69 countries worldwide  All Department of Defense schools  15 million students  18 thousand volunteers  More than 3 million teachers © 2010 AdvancED

4 AdvancED is Comprehensive  Accreditation  Public, Non-public, Post-Secondary, International  Professional Learning  Conferences, Workshops, Training, e-Learning  Innovation  Research, Product Innovation, Knowledge Management, Strategic Partnerships, Marketing  Information & Education Technologies  IT Infrastructure, Web-based Management, Education Technologies, Development & Support © 2010 AdvancED

5 DistrictAccreditationProcess

6 District Accreditation An international protocol for school districts committed to systemic, systematic, and sustainable improvement – Builds capacity of the district and its schools to increase and sustain student learning – Stimulates and improves effectiveness and efficiency throughout the organization © 2010 AdvancED

7 District Accreditation  A systems approach to improvement  unified, coordinated, and integrated manner in pursuit of a shared district vision  Promotes continuous improvement  Strengthens efforts to meet accountability requirements  Encourages growth beyond compliance to achieve excellence © 2010 AdvancED

8 Cornerstones of Accreditation  Meet Standards for Organizational Effectiveness  School Systems  Schools  Engage in Continuous Improvement  Systems Perspective and Approach  Demonstrate Quality Assurance  Internal Assessment  External Review © 2010 AdvancED

9 AdvancED Accreditation Standards for Quality Systems 1.Vision and Purpose 2.Governance and Leadership 3.Teaching and Learning 4.Documenting and Using Results 5.Resources and Support Systems 6.Stakeholder Communications and Relationships 7.Commitment to Continuous Improvement © 2010 AdvancED

10 Expectations for Accreditation  Meet the AdvancED Standards for Quality Systems  Identify and guide the implementation of a systemic continuous improvement process  Monitor its schools and departments through the quality assurance process  Prepare and host a QAR every five years  Respond to findings from the QAR Team © 2010 AdvancED For a School District

11 Expectations for Accreditation  Meet the AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools  Implement the district’s continuous improvement process with fidelity  Participate in the district’s quality assurance process © 2010 AdvancED For a School

12 Expectations for Accreditation District leadership establishes and implements practices to support schools and departments  Direction: sets expectations and provides guidelines  Assistance: builds understanding and develops skills  Resources: provides people, materials, time and funds © 2010 AdvancED

13 Quality Assurance Review

14 Quality Assurance - External Review The QAR team  Is comprised of professional peers with diverse experience and rich contextual perspective  Assesses and evaluates district effectiveness in meeting the requirements of accreditation The QAR process provides the district and its community with  Important validation and recognition  Valuable feedback and direction for improvement © 2010 AdvancED

15 Activities of the QAR Team  Reviewed Standard Assessment Report and District Website  Listened to District Presentations  Interviewed District Stakeholders  Examined Artifacts  Visited a Representative Sample of Schools  Observed Practices and Learning Environment  Collected and Organized Data © 2010 AdvancED

16 Activities of the QAR Team  Engaged in Analysis and Deliberations  Sought and maintained a systems perspective  Examined the district’s actions and results in relation to its vision, mission, and beliefs  Pursued evidence that could be corroborated through multiple sources  Used evidence to guide discussions, and reach decisions  Applied the accreditation criteria and requirements © 2010 AdvancED

17 Data Collection During the on-site Quality Assurance Review, team members visited 8 schools and interviewed: 3 Board members 31 Administrators 142 Teachers/Instructional Staff/Counselors 23 Support staff 45 Parents, community, and business partners 69 Students TOTAL Stakeholders 313 © 2010 AdvancED

18 Quality Assurance Team Findings

19 The QAR Team The QAR Team delivers high quality feedback by:  Assessing each standard, writing narratives describing evidence, highlighting strengths and opportunities for improvement  Providing commendations that identify and celebrate significant accomplishments in meeting or exceeding standards  Defining required actions to help improve district effectiveness and student learning  Communicating findings orally and in writing  Making an accreditation recommendation for national review © 2010 AdvancED

20 Commendations The Quality Assurance Review Team commends Murray County Schools for: Stakeholders share a meaningful vision of excellence that is embedded in the culture and serves as a source of pride for the community. This emphasis helps the district achieve desired results by ensuring all stakeholders are compelled by a common belief that, collectively, all stakeholders play a role in the success of the district. © 2010 AdvancED

21 Commendations The Quality Assurance Review Team commends Murray County Schools for: Progressive administrative and teacher leadership teams promote equitable learning opportunities for all students and are highly responsive to community expectations. This leadership culture allows the district and its stakeholders to continue to focus on the district’s core purpose of excellence in education that permeates the entire community. © 2010 AdvancED

22 Commendations The Quality Assurance Review Team commends Murray County Schools for: Continuous learning is expected and valued for all staff members of the district. This expectation clearly supports the ongoing improvement of teaching and learning, as well as the capacity of the district to sustain continuous improvement. © 2010 AdvancED

23 Commendations The Quality Assurance Review Team commends Murray County Schools for: An exemplary level of service and dedication of employees is evident throughout the system. This strong support and commitment permits the district to focus on resources and services necessary to support its vision and purpose and to ensure achievement for all students. © 2010 AdvancED

24 Commendations The Quality Assurance Review Team commends Murray County Schools for: The district utilizes multiple quality mechanisms for communication, as well as seeking the input of stakeholder groups. This communication allows the district to create a culture that fosters relationships with and among its stakeholders. © 2010 AdvancED

25 Commendations The Quality Assurance Review Team commends Murray County Schools for: A systemic and systematic process for the analysis of data has been established for instructional and organization decision- making. The analysis of this data forms the foundation for instructional improvement for subgroups and cohorts of students within the district. Performance indicators are utilized at the district, school, classroom, and student level. © 2010 AdvancED

26 Required Actions The Quality Assurance Review Team has determined that Murray County Schools must act on the following: The district must continue with strategic planning processes to determine how to efficiently and effectively utilize existing resources for improvement and growth. Collaboration, planning, and school improvement initiatives within grade levels, across grade levels, and across program levels will require time, resources, and organizational agility. © 2010 AdvancED

27 Required Actions The Quality Assurance Review Team has determined that Murray County Schools must act on the following: Continued attention must be given to trends and patterns of learning and achievement by the various accountability subgroups so that instructional practices are both monitored and improved in response to the patterns that emerge. © 2010 AdvancED

28 Standards Rubrics Highly Functional © 2010 AdvancED The district is exceptional in its demonstration of the standard and exhibits practices not commonly found in other schools. A small percentage of districts have standards ratings at this level. The district is demonstrating the standard and using practices commonly found in other schools. Many districts have standards ratings at this level. Operational Emerging Not Evident The district is beginning to put in place the practices necessary to meet the standard but is not meeting it. Many districts have standards ratings at this level. The district has not put practices in place or beginning efforts to meet the standard. Some districts have standards ratings at this level.

29 Ratings by Standard © 2010 AdvancED StandardRating Vision and Purpose Governance and Leadership Highly Functional Teaching and Learning Documenting and Using Results Resources and Support Systems Stakeholder Communications and Relationships Commitment to Continuous Improvement Highly Functional Operational Highly Functional Operational

30 Standards Evaluation © 2010 AdvancED 3 4 0 0

31 Evidence-Based Accreditation  Accredited  On Advisement  Warned  Probation © 2010 AdvancED  Deny or Drop Accreditation

32 Accreditation Status Process © 2010 AdvancED QAR Team Provides Evidence via Report AdvancED Accreditation Commission Determines Accreditation Status and Grants Term of Accreditation

33 Next Steps  A written report of the findings will be submitted within 30 business days  After receipt of the report, the district is expected to:  Review and communicate the findings  Address the required actions o Districts are accountable for acting on these  Monitor school and system accreditation standards and improvement efforts on ongoing basis  Submit the Accreditation Progress Report © 2010 AdvancED

34 Final Thoughts On behalf of the Quality Assurance Team, we extend:  Our appreciation for your hospitality, support, and professionalism;  Our respect and acknowledgement of your efforts to improve the quality of your school district; and  Our congratulations for your progress toward achieving District Accreditation as a quality system. © 2010 AdvancED

35 We believe in the power to transform. © 2010 AdvancED

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