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Research libraries in a European e-science infrastructure Wouter Schallier Executive Director LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries) e-mail:

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Presentation on theme: "Research libraries in a European e-science infrastructure Wouter Schallier Executive Director LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries) e-mail:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Research libraries in a European e-science infrastructure Wouter Schallier Executive Director LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries) e-mail:

2 Contents  About LIBER  Strategic areas 2009-2012  Digital Preservation  New strategies for libraries  Conclusions

3 “Making the case for European research libraries”  The largest network of European research/academic libraries: 420 institutions, from over 40 countries  Mission: to represent and promote the interests of European research/academic libraries, and of their users: students and researchers

4 What we do  Formulate a European strategy for research libraries  Offer a forum for knowledge sharing and dissemination  Conferences, workshops, documentation, LIBER Quarterly  Foster partnerships  EU projects  Advocate and lobby with the EU  Infosoc, Market, Research

5 Strategic areas 2009-2012  Scholarly Communications  Digitisation and Resource Discovery  Heritage Collections and Preservation  Organisation and Human Resources  Services

6 Scholarly Communication 1  Open Access  SPARCEurope  Awareness raising  Tools for the implementation of OA: –Digital repositories –OA publishing  No OA without Digital Preservation

7 Digital repositories  Trustworthy and with a long term preservation strategy  With substantial content  Embedded in the research workflow  Interoperable: part of a consistent European e-science infrastructure  New content: primary research data, multimedia


9 Scholarly Communication 2  E-science  Large amounts of research data need to be captured, made available and preserved  Results of publicly funded research should be available in public domain  Sharing data stimulates excellence in research and should be rewarded

10 The paradox of e-science  “My data is mine and now your data is mine”  Reluctancy to share data  Lack of rewards for sharing data/collaborative efforts  Current copyright/IPR/publication models are a hindrance for e- science vs.  E-(nhancing) science  ODE

11 Digitisation and Resource Discovery  Digitisation  “What is not digitally available does not exist”  Europeana Travel: travel and tourism: over a million items from national and university libraries made available via  General lack of funding


13 Digitisation and Resource Discovery 2  Resource discovery:  Europeana Libraries: makes over 5 million objects available through Europeana  Europeana Scholar?  Europeana does have strategies on metadata improvement, enriching metadata, semantic search engine, digitisation, user generated content, …  BUT: no digital curation strategy (responsibility of the individual instititions)

14 Heritage Collections and Preservation  Heritage collections  Preservation  Analog and digital materials  Skilled curators  Preservation not for its own sake but as a way to valorise knowledge (use and re-use)

15 Digital Preservation  Awareness raising  Shared European vision/framework and tools for its implementation  Blue Ribbon Task Force: sustainable DP and access  LIFE: costs of DP  APARSEN: NoE of DP  APA

16 Digital Preservation 2  Ubiquitous, trusted and easy access to research data  Integrity of data  Version management  Visualisation  Semantics  Provenance and ownership of data  Selection  Use and re-use  IPR, licensing  Technology and sustainable infrastructure  Data managers  “Data repositories may become the new special collections for research libraries” (Borgman)

17 Organisation and human resources  Break walls between libraries, datacentres and researchers: information and its curation matters to all of us (we are all information and curation amateurs) :  We need librarians with a good understanding of modern research, with an ability to bring the library’s services into the researcher’s environment and integrate data sharing and curation in the researcher’s workflow.  We need researchers with good understanding of information and curation matters.

18 New strategies for libraries  Into the research and education workflows/environment:  Major shift: libraries used to come only at the end of the R&E workflow!  Recruitment of content  Digital curation starts with data creation  Requires new skills: communication, training …

19 LIBER wants APA  A forum for discussion with other stakeholders (researchers, publishers, data managers, funding) in digital preservation  Communication and awareness raising  Shared European vision/framework  Tools for its implementation  E-science infrastructure: identify new roles and responsibilities, new business models

20 APA wants LIBER  A huge network of research libraries:  Linked through a common strategy where e-science and DP are crucial  Some of them with a lot…others with less expertise in e- science/digital preservation  Keen to take up their roles in a European e-science infrastructure (and many are actually already doing so)

21 LIBER events  40th LIBER Annual Conference, 29 June-2 July 2011 – Barcelona: “Getting Europe ready for 2020: the library’s role in research, education and society”  Digital Preservation workshop 2011

22 Thank you! Skype: wouter.schallier

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