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Fishing practise, science and management, a French case study Cédric Briand ÅLSEMINARIUM i Stockholm den 20 oktober 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Fishing practise, science and management, a French case study Cédric Briand ÅLSEMINARIUM i Stockholm den 20 oktober 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fishing practise, science and management, a French case study Cédric Briand ÅLSEMINARIUM i Stockholm den 20 oktober 2005

2 I.Status of fisheries and current management practises in France II.A practical example of management : the Vilaine III.What consequence will have the setting of management plans on the quantity of glass eel available for transport ?


4 Landings of the glass eel fisheries in France Estimation for 2004 FAO 76 T T 1999-2001 Statistics Loss of 40 % 1999-2001> 2004-2005

5 Export from France Source Ofimer, Castelnaud, Thibault 2004 Export =65 T, FAO expertise > 76 T


7 Yellow eel catches (T) Yellow eel fisheries landings 2001 Atlantic 220 T Mediterranean 900 T Mediterranean 300 T

8 Management by hydrographical district Separate management for marine and fluvial areas Separate management in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean areas Habitat restoration along with fishery management measures Eel management in France

9 The Vilaine 10 400 km² II. A practical example of management : the Vilaine

10 Exploitation rate 96%

11 Piège

12 Targets – 700 kg glass eel > freshwater –0.3 eels/m² of riffle Measures –Reduction of the fishing season –Fishing trips after closure of the fishery Management in the Vilaine

13 Total annual catch for the Vilaine fishery


15 <50 50-100 >100 Yellow eel density in the basin /electrofishing

16 15 trips 60 trips

17 Fishing ladder efficiency = Trapping ladder catches/Stock in the estuary (marking recaptures) % The efficiency of the fishing ladder has diminished 5 kg

18 700 kg Target of 700 kg never reached

19 R² = 0.63 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 01/11/0201/01/0301/03/0301/05/03 Glass eel recruitment (Kg) 2002-2003 p=0,252002-2003 p=0,752002-2003 p=0,5 Modelling of glass eel recruitment 1996-2000 Modelling of April recruitment 1987-1995

20 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 01/11/0201/12/0201/01/0301/02/0301/03/0301/04/0301/05/03 Glass eel (Kg) Standing stock always lower than expected Cumulated recruitment Recruitment Standing Stock Fisheryclosure Fishery catch Models should account for mortality and settlement

21 Summary Glass eels have no chance to die naturally Estuarine stock is probably below density- dependent migration The Vilaine is an extreme case, also an habitat problem

22 How much glass eels are available for transport once French basins achieve the target ? What is the target ? III Consequence of the management plans for the resource available for transport

23 Bpa 40 % of pristine production

24 40 % of potential production at the actual recruitment Zpa

25 How do we implement Bpa? The following discussion applies to Zpa What does 40 % SPR means when fishing several stages ?  63 % SPR per stage if fishing of both yellow eel and glass eel  73 % SPR per stage in the Loire where silver eel are also fished About Targets

26 Glass eel fisheries : 2005 Fishing limitations  -13 T % SPR marine fishery=70 to 87 Loire Gironde Adour %SPR=4 %SPR=20

27 Eel repartition is receding in the Gironde and the Loire

28 Decrease of the total catch of yellow eel fisheries in the Gironde and Loire estuaries

29 Low fishing efficiency also corresponds to large carrying capacity ?

30 Conclusion  About 60 T available after management measures (guess)  French basins now seem to be below carrying capacity ?  Market problem

31 Tack

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