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THIS (Change) Is For the Good Kansas State Curriculum Vs. Common Core Curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS (Change) Is For the Good Kansas State Curriculum Vs. Common Core Curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 THIS (Change) Is For the Good Kansas State Curriculum Vs. Common Core Curriculum

2 Out with the Old… In with the New  How do the Common Core Standards compare with the past Kansas Standards?   nu.asp

3 “WHY” Adopt Common Core Standards  Read pages 3-4 of the Kansas Mathematics Standards (CCSS).  Address the problem of standards that were “a mile wide and an inch deep”   CCSS stress conceptual understanding of key ideas and each grade level building on the content of the previous grade   To develop these standards, the authors started by studying research-based learning progressions about how students learn math developmentally.

4 Common Core Overview  Please highlight the verbs in each bulleted point within the domain you choose.

5 New Vocabulary For Teachers  Standards for Mathematical Practice  These are located on pages 6-8 of the Kansas Mathematics CCSS.  EVEN STEVEN, ODD TODD  Work with a partner.  Pick Even or Odd.  Read those 4 Standards.  Summarize for your partner.  Please make sure to read the beginning and ending paragraphs.

6 How To Read the Standards  Domains: overarching ideas and larger grouping of related standards  Clusters: illustrate progression of increasing complexity from grade to grade; related standards within a domain  Standards: define what students should know and be able to do at each grade level –part of a cluster

7 Common Core Standards  Critical Areas (first page of your grade level)  Overview (Notice the 8 Math Practices on the right side of the page.)  Grade Level Standards


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