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Multimodal Emotion Recognition Colin Grubb Advisor: Nick Webb.

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1 Multimodal Emotion Recognition Colin Grubb Advisor: Nick Webb


3 P REVIOUS R ESEARCH o Multimodal fusion o Research looking at audio, visual, and gesture information o Feature Level vs. Decision Level

4 R ESEARCH Q UESTION o To what extent can we improve emotion recognition by using classification methods on audio and visual data?

5 D ECISION L EVEL A NALYSIS o Set of rules vs. training a classifier o Rule set is too basic o Will use classifier to learn outputs of unimodal systems

6 https://www.informatik.uni- ovoice/ A UDIO S YSTEM o EmoVoice (EMV) o Real Time Audio Analysis o Five emotional states w/ probabilities o Published accuracy: 47.67%

7 E MO V OICE C ONFIDENCE L EVELS (Negative Active)  Angry (Negative Passive)  Sad (NEutral)  Neutral (Positve Active)  Happy (Positive Passive)  Content negativeActive

8 V ISUAL S YSTEM o Software created by Prof. Shane Cotter o Uses still images o Published accuracy: 93.4%

9 S YSTEM L AYOUT I’m in a good mood! EmoVoice Images Emotion: Happy Video Software Emotion: Happy Classifier Output: Happy

10 D ATA G ATHERING o 8 subjects o Five male, three female o Audio Data o Read sample sentences o Visual Data o Gather facial expressions from regular and long distance (6 ft.)

11 E XPERIMENTS o Weka Data Mining Software o Used J48 Classifier o C4.5 algorithm – decision tree o Each branch represents decision made at that node 1 23 Output 1Output 2Output 3Output 4

12 E MOTION C LASSES o Final dataset classifies between o Happy o Angry o Neutral o Sad o Audio performance: 38.43% o Visual performance: 77.43 %

13 I NITIAL P ERFORMANCE o Ran combined dataset against J.48 classifier o Multimodal data initially ineffective o Needed a way to improve dataset ExperimentMultimodal Data EmoVoice OnlyVisual Only Regular Distance76.6438.43 *77.43 Long Distance65.6038.43 *67.01

14 I MPROVING A CCURACY o How can we use the two individual systems to complement each other? o Two pieces of information: o What does the visual system do poorly on? o What kind of biases does EmoVoice have?

15 M ANUAL B IAS o Visual System o Performs poorly at Neutral o Some inaccuracy for all emotions tested o EmoVoice o Bias towards negative voice o Very strong bias towards active voice

16 E MO V OICE – M ODIFICATION R ULES o Happy: For all happy training instances, if PP + PA > NA & NE & NP, change EMV Class to Happy o Sad: If NP is 2 nd to NA and within 0.05, change EMV Class to Sad o Neutral: o If NE tied with another confidence level, change EMV Class to Neutral o If all probabilities within 0.05 of each other, change EMV Class to Neutral

17 R ESULTS ExperimentMultimodal Data EmoVoice OnlyVisual Only Regular Distance76.6438.43 *77.43 Long Distance65.6038.43 *67.01 Regular Distance82.4758.17 *77.43 * Long Distance70.0958.17 *67.36 Regular Distance – Confidence Levels Removed 81.0860.04 *77.43 * Long Distance – Confidence Levels Removed 73.9860.04 *67.36 * Post Man. Bias

18 F UTURE W ORK o Spring Practicum o Refine rules o Automation o Online Classifier o Mount on robot; cause apocalypse

19 T HANK YOU FOR LISTENING. o Questions? Comments?

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