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Exploration EQ: How did European exploration affect Native American culture?

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1 Exploration EQ: How did European exploration affect Native American culture?

2 Spanish Missions (1568-1684) *Catholic missions (churches) were established on the barrier islands (Cumberland Island, St. Catherine's Island, and the Okefenokee Swamp) * this allowed the Spanish to lay claim to land in Georgia * The Spanish named the northern region "Guale" (pronounced "Wallie") and the southern region "Mocama" * used to teach the natives about God * the missions also served to prepare the settlement for the colonists from Spain

3 Decline of the Spanish Missions 1. close contact with the Spanish brought many diseases to the natives (smallpox) 2. Juanillo's Rebellion (1597): friar deemed him unfit to be chief (allowed natives to see Spanish weaknesses) 3. last mission was destroyed by a pirate attack in 1684 (other revolts led to lack of growth)

4 Hernando de Soto (1539-1542) represented Spain Purpose: explore and conquer * first European to explore Georgia * entered Georgia in the Chiefdom of Coosa (located in the northwest corner of the state) * brought guns and diseases (smallpox/influenza) * introduced horses and pigs to the area * captured the natives for slave labor and land scouting * battle with the natives left 2500-3000 natives dead and mortally wounded de Soto * de Soto's men weighed his body down with sand bags and placed him in the Mississippi River * native survivors formed modern tribes (Cherokee)

5 Three main countries: 1. Spain 2. France 3. England (Great Britain)

6 Why are they exploring? Spanish * God, Glory, and Gold 1. God: wanted to bring Catholic religion to the Natives (convert) 2. Glory: power for their nation and themselves (expand empire) 3. Gold: wealth for personal purposes and for the nation (gain wealth)

7 Further explorations 1. Spanish * convert the Indians to Catholicism * bring fame to Spain and the Conquistadors * find gold and establish trade lines Explorers included: Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce de Leon, & Hernando de Soto 2. English * colonialism: setting up permanent colonies * mercantilism: government controls the trade and transfers wealth from the colony to the mother country Explorers included: Sir Francis Drake and John Cabot 3. French * Huguenots: French protestants seeking religious freedom * Florida: tried to settle but Spain drove them out * New Orleans: colonized along the Mississippi River * Indians: set up trade Explorers included: Giovanni Verrazano & Jean Ribault

8 Christopher Columbus * 1492 * Italian, but represented Spain * "discovered" North America * opened up the land for European exploration

9 Juan Ponce de Leon * 1513 & 1521 * Represented Spain * explored Florida-looking for the fountain of you

10 Hernando de Soto * 1540 * Represented Spain * explored the southeast region of North America

11 Jean Ribault * 1562 * Represented France * Explored North Florida and Georgia * built Charles Fort in the Carolinas * established French presence

12 Sir Frances Drake * 1586 * represented England * explored Florida * attacked/burned St. Augustine * established English presence

13 Mercantilism 1. colonies provide raw materials 2. England manufactures the goods 3. England sells the goods back to the colonies *Result=England becomes very RICH



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