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Grants Application Workshop September 28, 2015 Komen Colorado South Affiliate.

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Presentation on theme: "Grants Application Workshop September 28, 2015 Komen Colorado South Affiliate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grants Application Workshop September 28, 2015 Komen Colorado South Affiliate

2 Introductions

3 Agenda Introductions About Susan G. Komen Breast-Self Awareness Grant Process & Community Profile Changes to the 2016 Application Review Lessons Learned GeMS Instruction

4 4  Founded in 1982 by Nancy G. Brinker  World's largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists  Invested more than $2.5 B since inception  Our promise: to save lives and end breast cancer forever. Susan G. Komen

5 Komen Colorado South Affiliate Granted more than $6.8 million in local breast health and breast cancer awareness projects in El Paso, Pueblo and Teller counties. Up to 75 percent of net proceeds generated by the Komen Southeastern Colorado Affiliate will stay in the five county area The remaining income goes to the national Susan G. Komen for the Cure Grants Program for energizing science to find the cures. The next race will be our 21 th year

6 Affiliate Grants Non-profit organizations in their service area Address the priorities of the community profile Aim to change behaviors and health care systems Ensure information and resources reach those who need it most.

7 Breast Self-Awareness Messaging developed by Susan Brown, M.S., R.N. Managing Director, Community Health

8 BREAST SELF-AWARENESS MESSAGES 1.Know your risk 2.Get screened 3.Know what is normal for you 4.Make healthy lifestyle choices

9 1. KNOW YOUR RISK Talk to both sides of your family about your family health history Talk to your doctor about your personal risk of breast cancer

10 2. GET SCREENED Talk with your doctor about which screening tests are right for you if you are at higher risk Have a mammogram every year starting at age 40 if you are at average risk Have a clinical breast exam at least every 3 years starting at age 20,and every year starting at age 40 Sign up for your screening reminder at

11 MAMMOGRAPHY IN THE U.S. Best screening tool widely available for finding breast cancer early Screening every year at age 40 for women at average risk If a woman is under 40 and has a family history or other concerns, she should talk with her doctor Can be used as a diagnostic test for women (and men) at any age

12 CLINICAL BREAST EXAMINATION (CBE) Clinical breast exam by a health care provider at least every 3 years starting at age 20, and every year after age 40

13 3. KNOW WHAT IS NORMAL FOR YOU Know how your breasts look and feel and report changes to your health care provider



16 4. MAKE HEALTHY LIFESTYLE CHOICES Maintain a healthy weight Add exercise into your routine Limit alcohol intake Limit menopausal hormone use Breastfeed, if you can

17 TO REVIEW: BREAST SELF-AWARENESS 1.Know your risk 2.Get screened 3.Know what is normal for you 4.Make healthy lifestyle choices

18 Grant Process

19 Our Grants Process  Community Profile  4 Year Process, Reviewed in 2 years  Data gathering, key informant interviews, surveys  RFA  Posted on Website (  Priorities fill the gaps  Statement of Collaboration  Compliance Review by Grants Committee

20 Our Grants Process (Cont’d)  Review Panel  Community Representatives  Confidential  Create Slate  Board Approval  Entire Slate  Funding Levels  Grants Awards

21 Komen Colorado South Affiliate

22 Community Profile Results 1.7 of 14 counties have income under 250% of the Federal Poverty Level 2.Overall, breast cancer death rates are lower than the US 3.Late stage incidence trend is higher than the US but not significantly different from Colorado as a whole 4.Breast cancer screening is lower among Hispanic/Latina women and in rural communities

23 Healthy People 2020 Objectives The HP2020 breast cancer death rate is to decrease the death rate by 10% The HP2020 objective for late-stage breast cancer diagnoses is to decrease the number of breast cancers diagnosed at a late stage

24 Priority Areas Fremont County Teller County Otero County Pueblo County El Paso County These five counties comprise over 90% of the female population of Komen Colorado South

25 Continuum of Care

26 Grant Priorities Screening and diagnosis Treatment support Patient Navigation

27 Changes in RFA Statement of Need (20%) Program Design (20%) Impact (20%) Organizational Capacity (20%) Monitoring and Evaluation (20%)

28 Changes in RFA (cont) 1.Beginning this fiscal year, grantees returning 15% or more of grant funds two years in a row will be evaluated by the grant committee for future funding 2.Grants need to be evidence-based 3.Application needs to be initiated into GeMS by November 15, 2015

29 Changes to the 2016 Application

30 2016 Changes to Application Project Profile page Financial Contact Address fields were removed. The address inputted into these fields was NOT where the grant checks are sent, which was a source of confusion. Instead they are sent to the address in the “Organization Information” page.

31 2016 Changes to Application Project Abstract page Name of page changed to “Project Priorities and Abstract” Primary/Secondary/ Tertiary project category classification questions removed. Abstract narrative inclusion instructions adapted: … Applicants now asked to include the expected number of individuals served … No longer asked to include a summary of evaluation methods in the abstract

32 2016 Changes to Application Project Narrative page Text box capacity increased from 3,500 to 5,000 characters for each section. Narrative sections changed from: …Organizational Capacity, Statement of Need, Project Description, Collaboration, Sustainability, and Evaluation, to …Statement of Need, Program Design, Organization Capacity, and Monitoring and Evaluation Affiliates now have the option of including two additional Affiliate categories instead of one

33 2016 Changes to Application Project Target Demographics page Increased the number of target populations that can be selected by applicants from 4 to 6. Race and ethnicity categories separated into two separate categories to match U.S. Census Bureau categories and designations. Age options: Youth (0-19 years) removed and instead the youngest category is “39 years and under”. Other options: 40-49 years, 50-74 years, 75+ years. Gender category removed. Named groups: …Added: Amish, Mennonite; Appalachian, Frontier, Rural; Armed Forces, Military; Males …Revised: Homeless now “Homeless, Residing in Temporary House (i.e. shelter); Migrants added to “Immigrants, Newcomers, Refugees”; Offenders/Ex- Offenders changed to “Inmates, Ex-Offenders”; Q added to LGBT

34 2016 Changes to Application Key Personnel page This page has been removed, and now is combined with the Salaries page (see “Key Personnel/Salaries” page below for more information). Project Work Plan – Goal Only one goal can be entered instead of multiple goals. Therefore, there will only be one goal page.

35 2016 Changes to Application Project Work Plan – Objectives Weblink added to instructions for more direction on writing SMART objectives. SMART objective text box increased from 300 to 400 characters. “Please select the interventions you will use to accomplish your objective” removed. “What methods and techniques will you use to evaluate the effectiveness of this objective” removed.

36 2016 Changes to Application Key Personnel/Salaries page Columns now include: …Name …Job Title (formerly on Key Personnel page) …Role on Project …Attach Resume/Job Description (formerly on Key Personnel page) …Total Salary …Benefits …% of Salary on Project …Total

37 2016 Changes to Application Consultants page The following was added in the instructions: …Consultants are persons or organizations that offer specific expertise not provided by staff and are usually paid by the hour or day. There is a separate budget section for Sub-contracts, which should include any organization with which your program will have a contractual agreement or partnership. Subcontractors have substantive involvement with a specific portion of the program, often providing services not provided by your organization.

38 2016 Changes to Application Supplies page The following was added in the instructions: …Note: Komen grant funds may not be used for the development of educational materials or resources. If awarded, Affiliate grantees must use/distribute only Komen-developed or Komen-approved educational resources. Komen grantees are eligible to receive preferred pricing for Komen educational materials. Komen materials should be used and displayed whenever possible. To view our educational materials, visit “Educational Materials” column changed to “Supplies”

39 2016 Changes to Application Patient Care page “If you are providing treatment of survivorship support please input the requested funds in the other budget category. Ex. Pain Management, Psychosocial help, symptom management” removed from instructions. “Other Patient Care” field added to include costs for support (symptom management, psychosocial issues, reproductive issues, etc.). Screening, Diagnostics, Treatment, and Transportation categories remain the same.

40 2016 Changes to Application Sub-Contracts page The following was added in the instructions: …Subcontractors have substantive involvement with a specific portion of the program, often providing services not provided by your organization. Consultants should not be included in this section, as there is a separate budget section for Consultants. Consultants are persons or organizations that offer specific expertise not provided by staff and are usually paid by the hour or day.

41 2016 Changes to Application Other page “Ex. Treatment and Survivorship Support (pain management, psychological issues, symptom management, reproductive issues)” removed from instructions.

42 2016 Changes to Application Project Budget Summary page The following was added in the instructions: …Any monetary funds for the program from outside sources, such as other grant awards, should be entered as Cash. Both services and supplies provided by the organization itself (including salaries) and from outside sources (e.g. food, supplies) to support the program should be entered as In Kind. Question added: “What percentage of the organization’s overall budget is the amount requested from Komen for this program?”

43 Lessons Learned from Past Grant Reviews

44 Who Reviews Grants Recruited from all five counties Term limited to three years Medical Nursing Education Business Survivor Ethnic minority Male

45 What Are They Looking For? Proposal Identifies a Problem Prove it needs attention How will you mitigate a problem? What have you done? What is the timeline? Supported By: Statistics, Demographics Historic data, research Factually show corrective actions/solutions Past success, growth Outlined plans for implementation

46 Keys to Success Proposal Establish Goals (SMART) Evaluation/Feedback Growing your grant Supported By: Defined reasonable objectives Tracking mechanism Demonstrate the potential growth and impact of funding on data/behavior

47 Red Flag Warnings Proposal Budget Personnel Repeat Grants Collaboration Supported By: Realistic/Reasonable Personnel, Explain it Demonstrate improvements Demonstrate In-kind support

48 Helpful Hints Use graphs, charts, and historic data Use current statistical data for the area Number of the people served or unable to serve Numbers are consistent throughout the grant Define your population, goals and objectives Examples while services are in one county, you provide services to other counties What make your grant different Look at the quality of the goals not the quantity

49 Helpful Hints Budget Clarify staffing If using multiple grants clarify Komen Dollars Example 2000 women served how many are Komen Re-check your budget Budget conservatively

50 Helpful Hints Demonstrate collaboration with existing agencies in the area Have someone unfamiliar with your program read it Proof read your document

51 Grants eManagement System GeMS

52 GeMS GeMS is a complete online grant management system that will allow grant applicants to complete their applications, Affiliates to complete the review process, and grantees to submit progress and final reports online.

53 User Roles 1. Affiliate Grants Administrator 2. Project Director 3. Authorized Signer 4. Viewer 5. Writer

54 User Roles Affiliate Grants Administrator (AGA): The Affiliate Grants Administrator is responsible for executing the tasks related to the day to day management of the grant process. This is the highest level Affiliate user and this individual will have all of the administrative functions available for use. This individual will approve all Project Director positions. Currently Paula, Will be changing

55 User Roles Project Director: The role of Project Director should be assigned to the individual at your organization that will serve as the project’s lead contact. This individual is responsible for validating all new users when they register for the system under their organization. This individual will have the highest level of access in the system and will be responsible for overseeing all of the administrative functions available such as application creation and completion. There is only one project director per organization.

56 User Roles Authorized Signer: The role of Authorized Signer should be assigned to the individual at your organization that has the authority to sign legal documents on behalf of the organization. This individual is responsible for electronically signing the application before submission and the grant contract if the organization is awarded funds. There may be more than one authorized signer (i.e., one for the application and another for the contract as needed)

57 User Roles Helpful Hint: The Project Director must be the first individual at your organization to register. The Authorized Signer must register and be validated/approved by the Project Director prior to the creation of the organization’s first application.

58 User Roles Viewer: The role of viewer should be assigned to any individual at your organization that needs access to view the organization’s information but does not need the functionality to save, add, edit, or change anything within the organization’s information. There may be more than one viewer assigned.

59 User Roles Writer: The role of writer should be assigned to any individual that needs access to an organization’s application process to help complete the application but does not have the authority to complete the submission process. This individual cannot change the status of an application and will not have administrative function availability. There may be more than one writer approved in your organization.

60 Registration

61 Registration If a question has a pink “GO” button next to it when completing a question, you MUST select the “GO” button and wait approximately 5 seconds before advancing to the next question.

62 Registration “Username” field must consist of all letters and numbers, minimum length 5 characters, maximum length 20 characters; “Password” field must consist of all letters and numbers, minimum length 7 characters, maximum length 20 characters; “Password” and “Confirm Password” must be the same.

63 Registration Affiliate position: select applicant and click on “go”

64 Registration From the “Organization Name” dropdown list, select your organization’s name and click GO. If your organization does not appear in the dropdown list, please choose “Other” in the organization drop down list. If you choose “Other,” you will be required to complete the Organization Registration section during your registration.

65 Registration After you save your contact and organization information, your account must be approved before you have access to the system. You will receive two email communications as part of the registrations process: Registration Submitted Access Granted

66 Approving Users Every user that registers must be approved. The Affiliate Grant Administrator approves each organizations’ project director. Each organization’s project director approves other users within their own organization.

67 Validating Users Project Directors: 1.Log in. 2.Select the My Administration link. 3.Click the link for User Approval for Project Directors 4.Under “User Type,” search for new users 5.Complete the validation process as follows: …Select the checkbox next to the user’s name in the Search Results section. …Select “Approval Type” to Approve User or Deny. …Assign the person’s organization to the exact same organization listed as the Project Director’s. …Select a role for the user – Authorized Signer, Writer, or Viewer. …The current date will appear in the “Active Date” field. …Select the “Approve Selected User” button to complete the user’s approval/validation.

68 Application Creation and Submission

69 User Homepage

70 Application Creation Select View Opportunities under View Available Proposals section to create a new application. Note: Community Grants are designated as “CG” and Small Grants as “SG.” Make sure you select the Community Grants.

71 Application Creation Review the organization name and the application period. Then click the Apply Now button. There is also a hyperlink to the RFA if you want to review that now

72 Application Creation To complete the creation of the application, click I Agree. If you decide not to create the application, click I Do Not Agree. (You would do this if you are accidentally creating a duplicate application)

73 User Homepage

74 Application Process You can search for the Application you are looking for via the various fields. We suggest using the “Status” field and selecting “CG Application: Application in Progress” from the dropdown list, and then for “Year” entering the grant year. Click the “Execute” button towards the upper right corner of the page.

75 Application Process Once the search is completed, the applicant will click on the application name they would like to work on.

76 Application Process The information at the top of the page is the applications unique name. To begin viewing the pieces of the application, the applicant will click View Forms.

77 Application Process You will click on any of the application pieces to begin completing the application.

78 Application Process Some forms have an “Add” button to create additional fields so you can list each item that falls under a particular category. For example: Project Work Plan - Objectives. When multiple pages have been created for a particular form, you can choose between them. A dropdown menu will appear on the far right of the button toolbar. Select the item and hit the “Go” button and it will take you to that item’s page. When additional pages have been created, a number in parentheses will appear after the form name to indicate the number of pages connected with the particular link.

79 Submitting the Application Project Director: completes the online application. Enters “Change the Status” from the CG Application Menus. Changes the status to “Authorized Signature Required.” Authorized Signer: enters “Change the Status. ” Changes the status to “Application Submitted.”

80 Application Revision After Compliance Review

81 Application Revision From the CG Application Menu, select “View Forms” below “View, Edit and Complete Forms”.

82 Application Revision The pages of the application that needs revisions made to it will be marked with a notepad. Select the notepad next to the page you plan to revise. Select the “Show Notes” section at the top of the page.

83 Application Revision Review the notes provided by the Affiliate and make any necessary changes. ****Repeat previous steps for all pages marked with notes.

84 Contract Acceptance and Budget/Application Revision

85 Contract Acceptance From the CG Application Menu, select “View Forms” below View, Edit and Complete Forms. Select the “Contract Acceptance page from the application page list.

86 Contract Acceptance Complete the “Contract Acceptance” page. At this time the Insurance Certification and W9 must be uploaded and the contract must be accepted or declined. Project Manager must attach these forms Authorized Signer must click agree

87 Contract Modifications Select the “Contract Modification Request” page from the application page list.

88 Contract Modifications Complete the “Contract Modification Request” page. At this time input any change you would like to make to the contract verbiage. This information will be used to create a letter of clarification for the initial contract.

89 Helpful Hints

90 GeMS was designed to be compatible with common up-to-date web browsers including Internet Explorer V.7 and above, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera By default Internet Explorer 10 in Windows 8 does not run in compatibility mode. This is easily tested by logging into GeMS. If the compatibility mode is not enabled, the progress wheel in GeMS will simply spin without ever completing an action. To enable the compatibility mode for Internet Explorer 10, follow these steps (Windows 7 users start at step 2): 1.Windows 8 only - from the Windows 8 start screen select the Desktop. 2.From the Desktop launch Internet Explorer 10. 3.Press the Alt key on your keyboard to bring up the top menu. 4.Go to Tools | Compatibility View settings 5.Add to the Compatibility View websites, or Select Display all websites in Compatibility View. Enabling the compatibility mode using either option in step 5 will affect all GeMS websites/pages.

91 When completing the application within GeMS, please review the Request for Applications and additional support tools provided by the local Affiliate for details on each application page and submission requirements. Before you start typing on any page in GeMS, make sure a “Save” button is located in the upper right-hand corner. If you do not see a “Save” button, then any additions or edits made will be lost. The presence of the “Save” button on an application page is dependent upon the status of the application and/or the role of the user. For example, if the status of the application is “Application Submitted,” no changes to the application can be made. Therefore, the “Save” button will not appear. If the “Save” button is present, save often for good measure. If you do not hit “Save” and you navigate away from the screen, your data will be lost.

92 Always hit the “go” button next to a field if there is one before going to the next field. If you scroll over the first aid kits, help content will be available for that specific question. The system will log out after 45 minutes with no activity. If the system logs out automatically, the last data entered will not be saved if the save button was not selected prior to the log out. If you copy and paste text from Word, you must hit the backspace button within the text field for the character count to be shown.

93 The Project Work Plan Summary is a report of the goal and all objectives entered on the Project Work Plan pages. Print versions of the blank report and completed report are available within the Access Management Tools section of the application menu. Always use the “Back” button within the system when trying to return to a previous page.

94 If you add a user to your system after you have started an application, the project director may need to add that user to the document using the My Administration tab. To view/edit/complete applications that are already in progress, go to your “My CG Applications” tab. To initiate a new or additional application, click on the “View Available Proposals” tab. Please make sure you leave enough time to get an authorized signer to approve your application. The application will not be available to submit after the deadline.

95 Question and Answer

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