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Progressive Era 1890 - 1920. Roots of Progressivism Populists Social Gospel Settlement Houses Hull House in Chicago.

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Presentation on theme: "Progressive Era 1890 - 1920. Roots of Progressivism Populists Social Gospel Settlement Houses Hull House in Chicago."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progressive Era 1890 - 1920

2 Roots of Progressivism Populists Social Gospel Settlement Houses Hull House in Chicago

3 Muckrakers Jacob Riis- How the Other Half Lives Lincoln Steffens- Shame of the Cities The Jungle

4 Political Progressivism Direct Primary Initiative Referendum Recall Australian Ballot Direct Election of Senators – 17 th Amend. Women Suffrage – 19 th Amend. City Manager System

5 Progressive Reform at the state and local level Robert LaFollette – Wisconsin Governor “laboratory o f democracy ” Initiative, referendum, recall City Manager system

6 Social Progressivism Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Safety and Sanitation Codes Muller vs. Oregon Jane Addams – Hull House Women Christian Temperance Union -18 th Amendment

7 Teddy Roosevelt and the Square Deal Pennsylvania Coal Mine Strike 1902

8 Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal Corporations – Northern Securities Company Consumers – Pure Food and Drug Act & Meat Inspection Act Conservation – Yosemite National Forest

9 1912 Presidential Election Democrat – Woodrow Wilson Republican – William H. Taft Progressive Party (Bull Moose Party) – Theodore Roosevelt Socialist Party – Eugene V. Debs


11 Wilsonian Progressivism Underwood Tariff 1913 – Tariff reduction Federal Reserve Act 1913 – Banking reform 16 th Amendment 1913 – Income Tax 17 th Amendment 1913 – Direct election of senators Federal Trade Commission Act 1914 Clayton Anti- Trust Act 1914 LaFollette Seamen’s Act 1915 Federal Farm Loan Act 1915 Workingmen’s Compensation Act 1916 18 th Amendment - Prohibition 19 th Amendment – Women’s suffrage

12 Court Cases Muller vs. Oregon – Louis Brandeis Supreme Court upheld limit on women’s work hours in factories Lochner vs. New York Supreme Court overturned New York’s law establishing a 10 hour workday for bakers

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