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Lunar Exploration Kaya Umeda Tomohiro Hoshino. Lunar Exploration? Moon is our close cosmic neighbor Humans were exploring its surface since they first.

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Presentation on theme: "Lunar Exploration Kaya Umeda Tomohiro Hoshino. Lunar Exploration? Moon is our close cosmic neighbor Humans were exploring its surface since they first."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lunar Exploration Kaya Umeda Tomohiro Hoshino

2 Lunar Exploration? Moon is our close cosmic neighbor Humans were exploring its surface since they first developed telescopes Lunar exploration is a human exploration of the moon

3 First Landing In 1959, Luna 2 became the first spacecraft to land on the moon’s surface – Impacted near the Aristides, Archimedes, and Autolycus craters

4 In 1962, NASA placed its first spacecraft, Ranger 4, on the moon – Its mission was to take as many images as possible before crashing onto the surface – Unable to return any scientific data

5 2 years later, Ranger 7 streaked towards the moon with cameras – Took more than 4000 photos in 17 minutes before crashing Ranger 9 showed that the moon’s surface was rough

6 In 1966, Luna 9 became the first vehicle to soft-land safely on the surface – Stocked with scientific and communications equipments and took a picture of a ground level lunar panorama Luna 10 became the first spacecraft to successfully orbit the moon

7 Surveyor space probes (1966-68) became the first NASA cract to perform controlled landing on the moon’s surface – Carried cameras, soil samplers that analyze the nature of lunar rock and dirt

8 In 1966 and 1967, NASA launched lunar orbiters – Designed to circle the moon – Designed to chart its surface in preparation for future manned landings

9 Man on the Moon On 6/20/1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldrin became the first people to reach the moon – Apollo 11 lunar lander touched down in the Sea of Tranquility – Spend as long as 3 days on the moon

10 In 1994, Clementine mission succeeded in mapping the moon’s surface – in wavelengths – In visible lights, from ultraviolent to infrared

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