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CEOS Joint Subgroup Meeting, Thailand, September, 2003 CEOS Landsat & SRTM Project (CLASP) Wyn Cudlip BNSC/QinetiQ Lorant Czaran UN For discussion at Joint.

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Presentation on theme: "CEOS Joint Subgroup Meeting, Thailand, September, 2003 CEOS Landsat & SRTM Project (CLASP) Wyn Cudlip BNSC/QinetiQ Lorant Czaran UN For discussion at Joint."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEOS Joint Subgroup Meeting, Thailand, September, 2003 CEOS Landsat & SRTM Project (CLASP) Wyn Cudlip BNSC/QinetiQ Lorant Czaran UN For discussion at Joint WGISS/Subgroup Meeting Thailand, September 2003

2 CEOS Joint Subgroup Meeting, Thailand, September, 2003 Background (1) zDeveloping Countries want improved access to Landsat data zAlso advice/help with custom processing for Land Cover analysis zSeveral UN Agencies (Associate members of CEOS) have expressed interest in on-line access to satellite data zCEOS Plenary direction to work with Developing Countries zLandsat global mosaic data becoming available zSRTM data at 90m also becoming available –global availability by end of 2004 –DLR data already available but at cost!

3 CEOS Joint Subgroup Meeting, Thailand, September, 2003 Background (2) zNASA have offered UN 2 sets of Global Landsat coverage –1990; 30m, 7 bands, 7,500 scenes; 8Tbytes –2000; 9 bands (1 at 15m), 8,500 scenes; currently being compiled (2500 scenes already available). –Earthsat already provides 5deg 1990 mosaic at full resolution (7, 4 2 bands, MrSID files). Working on 2000 dataset. – (http download 70Mb per tile) –NASA Mosaic Project to provide WMS access to 2000 data (Bands 3,2,1) by end of 2003 zAccess by developing countries is still difficult –UN have insufficient resources in (storage and bandwidth) to improve access –UN Cartographic Section generated WMS for Africa but unable to host due to excessive demand zImproving access would be good candidate to demonstrate OGC technology and CEOS Agency co-operation zMight be able to link to WSSD follow-up activities (area 5)

4 CEOS Joint Subgroup Meeting, Thailand, September, 2003 The Problem zNeed distributed host sites with sufficient on-line storage & good internet bandwidth. zNeed suitable server software - WMS, WFS and WCS zNeed suitable client software (tailored for various users) zRe-projection and seemlessness may be an issue –(data is in UTM) zNeed firm UN requirement –Need recommendations for additional processing capability based on output of WCS –Could be land cover generation (unsupervised classification) in client defined areas – or subset downloads at desired band combinations and projections.

5 CEOS Joint Subgroup Meeting, Thailand, September, 2003 The Proposal zPhased development of a number of work packages: zWP1 Overall Co-ordination and management –Resolve data policy issues zWP2 Initial WMS deployment: –Mosaic Project for 2000 data (3,2,1); Improve resolution to 15m. –Other WMS for Landsat 1990 RGB (7,4,2); –Initial client development; Use adaptation of UN and other suitable clients. –Further deployment for Landsat 1975 dataset –Establish links with vector (WFS) servers zWP3 Initial WMS/WFS deployment for SRTM 90m zWP4 3D Viewing development with OGC Terrain Spec zWP5 WCS development/deployment; further client development; data processing development zWP6 Service chaining developments zWP7 Integration with GRID activities (exploiting GRID backbone)?

6 CEOS Joint Subgroup Meeting, Thailand, September, 2003 Task Team Involvement zGlobal Datasets - requirements and overall co-ordination zData Services - Help establish WMS, WFS and WCS systems zIDN - register Landsat datasets and Services zNetworks - Network support zLiaison with Global Map Project? –Source of vector data.

7 CEOS Joint Subgroup Meeting, Thailand, September, 2003 CEOS WGISS benefits zProvide a focus for further development/exploitation of OGC standards zGenerate “Lessons Learnt” to assist newcomers to OGC implementations zProvide a portalthrough which individual Agency Landsat holding could be accessed. zAssist WGISS Task Team interaction zHelp develop Liaison with Global Map Project.

8 CEOS Joint Subgroup Meeting, Thailand, September, 2003 Distributed network of servers zCould divide world into 7 basic regions (~1Tbyte each) –North America –South America –Europe –Africa –Russia –Asia –Australia zBut could have any number of mirror sites zSome with language specific clients.

9 CEOS Joint Subgroup Meeting, Thailand, September, 2003 Schedule zProposed 2-year project WGISS / Subgroups CEOS Plenary 20042005 Concept Presentation Progress Presentation Final Presentation Project Approval Initial WMS Deployment Initial SRTM availability WCS Terrain View Integrated availability

10 CEOS Joint Subgroup Meeting, Thailand, September, 2003 Conclusion zProposed Project for improved access to Landsat and SRTM data has a number of benefits for CEOS WGISS z2-year project with a number of phases. zWould be part of Global DataSets Task Team activity. zEmphasis needs to be on access to raw data. zLorant Czaran (UN) would be “User Champion”. zWyn Cudlip to be WGISS Champion zProject WIKI at: – ceos-grid grid-tech

11 CEOS Joint Subgroup Meeting, Thailand, September, 2003 Next steps (next 2 months) zWGISS approve project start. zEstablish points of contact with interested agencies zLorant to solicit support from UN Agencies zPrepare slides for upcoming CEOS Plenary zApproach Mosaic Project with mirroring proposal zAgencies volunteer to contribute zUpdate Project Plan zMaintain Action Register zLinks with SDI, Global Map, Digital Earth? zExploitation Software. E.g., GRASS zLink to Keyhole? zExample Clients: z z z

12 CEOS Joint Subgroup Meeting, Thailand, September, 2003 Preliminary POCs zUSGS John Faundeen zNASA Ken McDonald zNOAA Dave Clark zRAS Victor Savorskii zESA Ivan Petiteville zGISTDA Pakorn zNASDA Osamu Ochiai zNRSCC Dingsheng Liu zCCRS Brian McLeod zCNES Paul Kopp

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