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Special Ed CST Lehman College January 12, 2013. This is a criterion referenced test that is designed to measure your and skills in relation to an established.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Ed CST Lehman College January 12, 2013. This is a criterion referenced test that is designed to measure your and skills in relation to an established."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Ed CST Lehman College January 12, 2013

2 This is a criterion referenced test that is designed to measure your and skills in relation to an established standard The explicit purpose of these tests is to help identify for certification people who have demonstrated the appropriate level of knowledge and skills important for performing the responsibilities of a teacher in NY state public schools. General Information

3  Within each subarea, objectives (statements of important knowledge and skills) define the content of the test.  Questions were developed using textbooks, NYS learning standards and curriculum guides, teacher education curricula, and certification standards.  Your performance is evaluated against an established standard. It is not a score that compares you with someone else. Each test CST is designed to measure areas of knowledge called SUBAREAS

4 There are 4 subareas and 17 objectives are divided among the subareas. The test contains approximately 90 multiple-choice test questions and one constructed response (written) assignment. ABOUT THE STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES TEST

5  Characteristics  Effect of disabilities on development and learning  Types and characteristics of assessment instruments and methods  Purposes, methods and procedures for identifying students and evaluating their progress  Developing the IEP SUBAREA I—UNDERSTANDING AND EVALUATING STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES (approximately 27%)

6  Methods of planning and managing teaching and learning environments  Principles of curriculum development and instructional planning (inclusion and differentiating instruction)  Individualizing instruction  Promote language arts, math, functional living skills, social competence  Behavioral interventions SUBAREA II—PROMOTING STUDENT LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT IN A COLLABORATIVE LEARNING COMMUNITY (approximately 42%)

7  Partnering with students and their families  Partnering with other educators, administrators, school personnel and community members  Understanding the social, historical, legal and ethical foundations of education for students with disabilities SUBAREA III—WORKING IN A COLLABORATIVE PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENT (approximately 21%)

8  The content to be addressed by the constructed- response assignment is described in Subarea II, Objectives 06–13.  The written response should be approximately 150- 300 words. SUBAREA IV—PROMOTING STUDENT LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT IN A COLLABORATIVE LEARNING COMMUNITY: CONSTRUCTED-RESPONSE ASSIGNMENT (approximately 10%)

9  Your response will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria.  PURPOSE: Fulfill the charge of the assignment.  APPLICATION OF CONTENT: Accurately and effectively apply the relevant knowledge and skills.  SUPPORT: Support the response with appropriate examples and/or sound reasoning reflecting an understanding of the relevant knowledge and skills. Criteria for written assignment

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