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We are extremely delighted to provide information regarding the Arabic & Islamic Studies Program in the Junior School at VISS ARABIC & Islamic Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "We are extremely delighted to provide information regarding the Arabic & Islamic Studies Program in the Junior School at VISS ARABIC & Islamic Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 We are extremely delighted to provide information regarding the Arabic & Islamic Studies Program in the Junior School at VISS ARABIC & Islamic Studies PROGRAM

2 In the Arabic and Islamic section, we follow The Ministry of Education curriculum and guidelines. We use a variety teaching methods, such as games, competitions and activities, to assist the students to learn Arabic and Islamic in a creative and engaging way. Arabic 8 periods Islamic 4 periods Arabic 7 periods Islamic 3 periods Per 2 Weeks Grades 1,2 and 3 Per 2 Weeks Grades 4 and 5 Number of periods in 2 Weeks

3 * Initially, we work in coordination with the Early learning Centre, where the child naturally acquires the Arabic Alphabets in terms of shape and sound. This process is mainly carried out through reading stories and listening to songs. * In Grade 1, we continue revising alphabets and practice their different writing forms, then start writing simple words, read, and eventually construct complete and meaningful sentences. * In Grades 2,3,4 and 5 the main goal is to improve students’ skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

4 اللّغة العربيّة بحرٌ واسعٌ ننهلُ منه ما استطعنا لنحافظ على هويتنا العربيّة ، ومدرسة فكتوريا الدّولية فتحت الآفاق أمامنا واسعةً لتحقيق هذا الهدف ، ففيها أدركنا أنّ التّعليمَ ليس منوطًا فقط بالقلم والورقة والكتاب ، وإنّما بكلّ ما يوسّع مدارك طلّابنا ويساعدهم على تنمية مهاراتهم التعلّمية من خلال التّطبيق العمليّ والاكتشاف والاستنتاج.

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