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Dividing Whole Numbers and Decimals. Do Now:  Take out your homework  Silently work on the following problems 12345 - 678 78.7356-2.0956.

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Presentation on theme: "Dividing Whole Numbers and Decimals. Do Now:  Take out your homework  Silently work on the following problems 12345 - 678 78.7356-2.0956."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dividing Whole Numbers and Decimals

2 Do Now:  Take out your homework  Silently work on the following problems 12345 - 678 78.7356-2.0956

3 S.W.B.A.T  Divide whole numbers and decimals

4 Parts of Dividing We read it as: Dividend divided by the divisor equals the quotient Dividend ÷ Divisor = Quotient

5 What’s the Dividend?  15 ÷ 3  25 ÷ 5  48 ÷ 8  144 ÷ 12

6 What is the Divisor?  14 ÷ 2  25 ÷ 5  81 ÷ 9  120 ÷ 10

7 Lets practice writing them  15 ÷ 3  25 ÷ 5  48 ÷ 8  144 ÷ 12  14 ÷ 2  25 ÷ 5  81 ÷ 9  120 ÷ 10

8 Practice Problems: whole numbers  594 ÷ 9  40 ÷ 8  534 ÷ 3

9 Now Let’s Work With Decimals  When dividing by decimals, if the divisor is not a whole number, then move the decimal point to the right to make it a whole number and move the decimal point in the dividend the same number of places  Divide as usual. Keep dividing until the answer terminates or repeats  Put the decimal point directly above decimal point in the dividend

10 Check your Answer!  Once you have your answer, to check and make sure it is correct you will multiply the quotient by the divisor.  If you are correct, the number you get will equal the dividend  USE ROUNDING AND ESTIMATING

11 What does it mean to round?  Rounding means to make an approximation of your answer  For example 1.29 is approximately 1.3  The directions will tell you what place to round to  For example they can say round to the nearest HUNDREDTH and then your decimal will stop at the hundredths place value  If the number next to the place value you are rounding to is GREATER THAN 5 the number goes up one and if it is LESS THAN 5 it stays the same

12 Practice rounding  Round to the nearest thousandth  1.45678  3.4387364  4.37852  0.023

13 Remember!  When you round, we no longer use the equal sign!  The answer is not exactly equal to the number you have it is approximately equal  In this case we use the approximation sign which is, ≈

14 Let’s Practice  Divide 5.39 by 1.1  I will do this on the board with you!

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