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Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers

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Presentation on theme: "Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers

2 Dividing Decimals by Single Digit Whole Number
When dividing a decimal by a whole number, divide as with whole numbers. Then place the decimal in the quotient directly above its place in the dividend. Example:

3 More Examples

4 Dividing a Decimal by a 2-Digit Whole Number
The decimal point is placed in the quotient directly above its place in the dividend.

5 An Example with Rounding
If the problem doesn’t result in a remainder of zero, round the quotient to the thousandths unless specified otherwise. You will do this by adding zeros to the dividend. Example:

6 Dividing With Money When calculating money in division, you will always round to the nearest cent (hundredth). Example: $2.53 divided by 2.

7 Practice Problems

8 Dividing a Decimal by a Decimal
When dividing by a decimal, change the divisor into a whole number. To do this, multiply both the divisor and the dividend by the same power of 10. Then divide as with a whole number. *You can simply count the number of places you move the decimal in the divisor and move the same amount in the dividend. Ex X 10=9 1.71 X 10=17.7 You move both decimals one place to the right.

9 More Examples

10 Zeros in the Quotient and Dividend
Line up the numbers by place value as you divide. Annex zeros in the quotient in order to deep digits with the correct place value. Annex zeros in the dividend to continue dividing after the decimal point. Example:

11 More Examples

12 Reminder: Any time your answer contains only a decimal, you must annex a zero before the decimal in the ones place. Ex. .75 – Incorrect correct

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