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German Trip 13-17 th July 2012. Aims of trip Brings the learning of a language to life A greater understanding of the culture Independence and responsibility.

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Presentation on theme: "German Trip 13-17 th July 2012. Aims of trip Brings the learning of a language to life A greater understanding of the culture Independence and responsibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 German Trip 13-17 th July 2012

2 Aims of trip Brings the learning of a language to life A greater understanding of the culture Independence and responsibility Chance to speak German in an authentic environment

3 Staffing Mrs Walker Mrs Parker Mrs Elliot Mr Dudley

4 Accommodation 3 - 4 per room all rooms en-suite (shower and WC) all meals provided (packed lunches for days out)

5 Provisional Itinerary FRIDAY 13 JULY 0600Coach arrives school 0630Coach departs Comfort stop en route 1300Arrive Dover 1355Depart Dover by P&O Ferries 2000 ETA Traben Evening meal ry

6 SATURDAY 14 JULY River Cruise Visit to castle SUNDAY 15 JULY Excursion to Cochem Swimming MONDAY 16 JULY Excursion to Cologne and chocolate factory + Bowling one evening ALL EXCURSIONS INCLUDED IN PRICE

7 TUESDAY 17 JULY 0730Depart accommodation 1300ETA Calais 1400Depart Calais 1430ETA Dover 2100ETA Allerton Grange All times are local

8 Safety on trip Regular checkpoints with allocated staff Free time – students in groups of no less than 3 Staff member at agreed checkpoint at all times Punctuality at meeting points and times

9 Next steps Remaining payments EVH2 Form Valid Passport EHIC Card Another parents evening will be held a few weeks before trip.

10 Any Questions?

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