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Introduction to Programming CGS 3460, Lecture 2 Jan 11, 2006 Hen-I Yang.

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1 Introduction to Programming CGS 3460, Lecture 2 Jan 11, 2006 Hen-I Yang

2 Previously… Temporary Course Web Site: Syllabus  6 Assignments + Quiz sets, the lowest grade is dropped  Optional Comprehensive Exam  Academic Dishonesty Policy Practice Make Perfect Questionnaire Due Today (1/11)

3 Cold Pizza You have to take the associated quiz if you want a particular assignment counted toward your final grade It is your right to ask any questions that may help you learn. Your instructor and TAs have the responsibility to make sure you understand, both inside and outside of the classroom. Ask questions as soon as you get any, don’t put off.

4 Today’s Special What is a computer?  A Tour Behind the Scene. What is a program? Why do we bother to write programs? How do programs work?

5 1889 Hollerith Tabulator,

6 1906 Lee De Forest invents the vacuum tube which is used as an early form of 1907computer memory holding the values of zero and one by being on or off

7 1939 Dr. John V. Atanasoff and his graduate assistant Clifford Berry build the first electronic digital computer

8 1947 The giant ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator). machine was developed by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, Jr. at the University of Pennsylvania. It was only programmable by changing the wiring, not through software changes, but was productive from 1946 to 1955 and was used to compute artillery firing tables.

9 106fc:9d e3 bf 88 save %sp, -120, %sp 10700:90 10 20 19 mov 0x19, %o0 10704:40 00 40 71 call 208c8 10708:01 00 00 00 nop 1070c:82 10 00 08 mov %o0, %g1 10710:c2 27 bf ec st %g1, [ %fp + -20 ] 10714:03 00 00 41 sethi %hi(0x10400), %g1 10718:90 10 63 f8 or %g1, 0x3f8, %o0! 107f8 1071c:40 00 40 6e call 208d4 10720:01 00 00 00 nop 10724:03 00 00 42 sethi %hi(0x10800), %g1 10728:90 10 60 10 or %g1, 0x10, %o0! 10810 1072c:d2 07 bf ec ld [ %fp + -20 ], %o1 10730:40 00 40 6c call 208e0 10734:01 00 00 00 nop 10738:03 00 00 42 sethi %hi(0x10800), %g1 1073c:90 10 60 18 or %g1, 0x18, %o0! 10818 10740:d2 07 bf ec ld [ %fp + -20 ], %o1 10744:40 00 40 6a call 208ec 10748:01 00 00 00 nop 1074c:82 10 20 00 clr %g1! 0 10750:b0 10 00 01 mov %g1, %i0 10754:81 c7 e0 08 ret 10758:81 e8 00 00 restore 1075c:81 c3 e0 08 retl 10760:ae 03 c0 17 add %o7, %l7, %l7 1001 1101 1110 0011

10 Summary Program/Software allows us to instruct computers how to perform various tasks. Programs are written in a language with a specific set of grammars and interpretations that computers could understand. Why do we want to implement programs?

11 Reference History of Computers CompEduc/Ch1/historykeylist.html

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