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Aquarium Fish ~8 million households have pet fish in US ~1-10% marine fish captive bred – Rest wild caught from coral reefs Aquatic vertebrates, usually.

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2 Aquarium Fish ~8 million households have pet fish in US ~1-10% marine fish captive bred – Rest wild caught from coral reefs Aquatic vertebrates, usually covered in scales, have fins, and have gills for respiration

3 Scales Size Lack of scales Deciduous

4 Scales Growth rings – Temperate areas – Stress – Age estimate

5 Muscle 40-60% of fish muscle used in movement White – Low Myoglobin, O 2 – Anaerobic, fast, short duration Red – High myoglobin, O 2 – Aerobic, sustained Pink


7 Muscle Arranged in “W” segments

8 Gills Circulation – Heart  Gills  Body  Heart Ammonia excretion

9 Common Aquarium Fish 1.Tropical freshwater – 1 O Guppies, mollies Livebearers, prolific – 2 O Egg layers Bettas, paradise fish, catfish, angelfish, oscars Active, can be aggressive

10 Common Aquarium Fish 2.Cool, freshwater – Goldfish, Koi – Hearty – Aquarium, pond 3.Tropical, marine – Clownfish – Increasing in popularity – Challenging – Sources of fish

11 Tropical Marine Fish Most wild caught – How? – tch?v=MtMs_6Z_jTE tch?v=MtMs_6Z_jTE – Stressed Space Parasites Specialized diet Rule of thumb to avoid aggression – Only have 1 fish of each color, color pattern and shape – Avoid large differences in size

12 Tropical Marine Fish Top species options – Anemone fish – Damsel fish – Angel fish – Gobies – Wrasses – Parrot fish – Butterfly fish

13 Assignment Create your dream aquarium https://www.youtub 9LJ0sWKU https://www.youtub 9LJ0sWKU

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