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January 2001NETWORK ICE1 Forensics. January 2001NETWORK ICE2 What is Computer Forensics? Acquisition of Computer Evidence Preservation Analysis Court.

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Presentation on theme: "January 2001NETWORK ICE1 Forensics. January 2001NETWORK ICE2 What is Computer Forensics? Acquisition of Computer Evidence Preservation Analysis Court."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 2001NETWORK ICE1 Forensics

2 January 2001NETWORK ICE2 What is Computer Forensics? Acquisition of Computer Evidence Preservation Analysis Court Presentation

3 January 2001NETWORK ICE3 Why Computer Forensics? U.S. businesses will generate 17.5 trillion electronic documents as compared to only about 7.5 trillion paper documents by 2005. Computer evidence is fragile by nature and can be easily erased or otherwise compromised without special handling. Forensic tools should promoted the non- invasive recovery of deleted, hidden and temporary files that are normally invisible to the user.

4 January 2001NETWORK ICE4 Computer Forensics and the Law Courts in the US and other jurisdictions mandate that computer evidence be collected in a forensically sound manner -Gates Rubber Co. v. Bando Chemical Indus., Ltd., 167 F.R.D. 90 (D.C. Col., 1996); Simon Property Group v. mySimon, Inc. 2000 WL 963035 Proper Preservation and Chain of Custody of Computer Evidence must be Established

5 January 2001NETWORK ICE5 Forensic Type cases theft of intellectual property destruction of/misappropriation of data alteration of data, alteration/misuse of programs use of unlicensed software illegal duplication of software unauthorized access to a computer system unauthorized use of a company's computer for private gain unofficial access to confidential data downloading/distribution of pornographic material e-mail mis-use blackmail money laundering murder rape insurance fraud

6 January 2001NETWORK ICE6 Extreme Forensics

7 January 2001NETWORK ICE7 Evidence Display

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