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Back to School Night September 24, 2015.

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1 Back to School Night September 24, 2015

2 3rd Grade Curriculum Literacy:
Reader’s and Writer’s Workshops focusing on Expeditionary Modules Reading assessment is Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Reading & Writing Curriculum includes: Comprehension Strategies, Story Elements, Character Study, Nonfiction, Book Clubs, Personal Narrative, Realistic Fiction, Informational Research, Writing about Reading, Opinion Writing

3 3rd Grade Curriculum Mathematics:
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space is designed to engage students in making sense of mathematical ideas. Units include: Multiplication, and Division; Data; Estimation; Addition, Subtraction, Geometry; Measurement; and Fractions Interactive Math Notebooks Science: Inquiry based approach using science notebooks for evidence based explanations of their investigations. Units include: Changes in Matter, Rocks and Minerals; Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling Earth Materials; as well as Adaptations of Plants and Animals Fieldtrips Third grade will be initiating a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) Unit about water during the month of October. Social Studies: Units include: Building Community, Comparing World Cultures, Geography; these units are integrated into Literacy as well.

4 Homework Read for 30 min. per night & complete reading log with short written response Math games for review and practice Electronic homework starting soon Fundations/word study as needed Vocabulary for content areas

5 Monthly Math Experience
Thursdays, 3:15-4:00, room 203 Topics will be related to current unit of study These workshops are designed to inform families, so they may support their child with current mathematical practices. Oct.22, Nov.19, Dec.17, Jan.21, Feb.25, Mar.31,Apr.28, May19.




9 National Geographic

10 Our Tickets Responsible Respectful Safe Six to Six Magnet School
Way to Crow! Award Responsible Respectful Safe

11 P.B.I.S. Matrix

12 P.B.I.S. Matrix

13 Family School Compacts
In third grade our goal is for students to have a deeper understanding of literature through conversations about their reading. 2 Family Events one in December and on in June. Families will complete a shared reading and poster project. Information will be sent home prior to the events.

14 Parent – Teacher Communication
Telephone contact is best prior to school or after school. Voic will pick up during instructional hours. In an emergency contact the office or me ext. 7421 contact

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