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4th Grade General Music Daphne Chek.

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1 4th Grade General Music Daphne Chek

2 Lesson Plan –Steel Drums
Subject: General Music (Grade 4) Topic: History, type, and musical styles of steel drums. Objective: Students will be able to identify historical elements, types of drums, and specific styles of traditional steel drum playing.

3 Lesson Plan –Cont. Procedure: Students will watch the following Powerpoint presentation and discuss the topics with the class as a class discussion. Evaluation: Students will take a written quiz immediately after viewing the presentation.

4 Introduction to Steel Drums
History The Steel Orchestra Music Styles Panorama/Carnival Steel Drum Composers and Builders

5 History The steel drum, also know as “pan”, was created shortly after World War II in Trinidad. “Tamboo Bamboo” bands began in junkyards. These bands used glass, metal, and bamboo to make music.

6 History Winston Spree Simon noticed that the metal he was using was dented. Each dent made a different pitch. He used this concept and transferred it to an oil barrel. He is credited with creating the first tuned steel drum.

7 The Steel Orchestra Tenor (Lead)-Plays melody and highest notes

8 The Steel Orchestra Double Tenor-Plays melody
Double Second-Plays some melody, but can also play harmony

9 The Steel Orchestra Cello-Plays Harmony

10 The Steel Orchestra Bass-Play lowest notes in the steel band.

11 Mallets The pans are played with mallets. They have wooden handles and have rubber ends. The larger the size of drum, the larger the mallet head needs to be.

12 The “Engine Room” The Engine Room includes drum set, congas, and an “iron”. The “iron” is a automobile brake drum. It is used to keep time through a steel drum band. The Engine Room can also have rattles, shakers, and other percussion instruments.

13 Music Styles Calypso Samba Soca-A combination of a Calypso and a Samba
Pop Classical

14 Carnival Carnival takes place every year in February.
It is a large party that goes on for days and includes eating, dancing, and music. Bands from all over Trinidad compete in a competition called the “Panorama Competition”.

15 Panorama Panorama is a piece of music that is a theme and variation on a popular song in Trinidad. The piece is usually minutes long and goes through about 3 key changes. The music is taught by rote in every band and takes weeks to learn.

16 Composers Len “Boogsie” Sharpe Ray Holman Lord Kitchner
Picture of Boogsie Sharpe in the recording studio

17 Builders Ellie Mannette Cliff Alexis Picture of Cliff Alexis

18 POP QUIZ! Please get out a piece of paper and put your name on it. Answer the following questions.

19 Questions 1) Who is credited with the first tuned steel drum?
2) What pan plays the highest notes in the band? 3) What month does carnival take place? 4) T or F-You cannot play pop music on a steel drum. 5)Name one panorama composer.

20 Please put the quizzes on the desk on the way out.
Good Bye!

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