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Technological Exhibits (Education) Shiva Bandla Adam Chernow Evan Foster Mike Regan Brian Shumaker.

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Presentation on theme: "Technological Exhibits (Education) Shiva Bandla Adam Chernow Evan Foster Mike Regan Brian Shumaker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technological Exhibits (Education) Shiva Bandla Adam Chernow Evan Foster Mike Regan Brian Shumaker

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Goal 3. Research 4. Customer Needs 5. Specifications 6. Brainstorming 7. Final Decisions 8.Conclusion 9. Appendix 10. Works Cited

3 To create an educational and entertaining experience for the visitors of the technological structure by coordinating with all of the groups to complete a system of activities for the guests

4 Educational goals that will be used in the exhibits.


6 We chose guided tour because the audience will feel more engaged

7 Experiential learning theory states involvement increases learning Accomodators Convergers Diverger Assimilator






13 At least one piece of information from each field must be comprehended Teach at least one fact which will be assessed with an examination Must work with allotted funds Make sure the guests hit the stations in a particular order

14 Brainstorming Open System – Passport Closed System – Person – Arrows – Automated – Maze – Checkpoint

15 A virtual model of the layout inside the structure.


17 Each station will have tablets or computers for audience

18 Each station will have a hands-on experience for the audience.

19 Each station will have an assessment after completion of the station.

20 Future college students will continue to upgrade in the future.

21 CONCLUSION Final Plan for Layout Final Plan for Assessment Questions?

22 APPENDIX (List of All Tasks) Start date: January 22 nd, 2014 Introduction to project-1 day Research Period-7 days Organize Project (during research period)-7 days Customer Needs Assessment-10 days – Create Assessment-3 days – Perform Assessment-7 days Define Specifications-3 days Brainstorm ideas-3 days Evaluate ideas (Concept screening, scoring, etc.)-3 days Select idea- 1 day Create Presentation, related diagrams, and so on-6 days – Create powerpoint presentation-6 days – Create related diagrams (i.e. CAD Drawings)-6 days Finalize project, prepare for presentation- 3 days Present Project-1 day, March 5 th, 2014

23 APPENDIX (Work Breakdown Structure and Design Structure Matrix)


25 APPENDIX (Pert Chart)

26 APPENDIX (Brainstorming Charts)

27 APPENDIX (Concept Selection Layouts)

28 APPENDIX (Concept Selection Tours)

29 APPENDIX (Concept Selection Quizzes)

30 Works Cited Walter Burke Barbe; Raymond H. Swassing; Michael N. Milone, Jr. (June 1979). Teaching Through Modality Strengths: Concepts and Practices. Columbus, Ohio: Zaner-Blosner. ISBN 978-0-88309-100-5. ISBN978-0-88309-100-5 ual-auditory-and-kinesthetic.html ual-auditory-and-kinesthetic.html taxonomy/

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