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Prop 1B: Infrastructure Bonds 2007 Bay Area Vendor Fair Oakland, CA May 24,2007 Bay Area Transportation:

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Presentation on theme: "Prop 1B: Infrastructure Bonds 2007 Bay Area Vendor Fair Oakland, CA May 24,2007 Bay Area Transportation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prop 1B: Infrastructure Bonds 2007 Bay Area Vendor Fair Oakland, CA May 24,2007 Bay Area Transportation:

2 California has a Transportation Crisis Indicators  Declining Pavement Maintenance  Increased Pressure on State Highway System  Growing Congestion Impacts  Economic slowdown  Reduced quality of life  Environmental degradation

3 Congestion Costs California Billions  Three of the 5 most congested U.S. urban areas are in California 1.Los Angeles 2.San Francisco/Oakland 5.San Diego  Cost of congestion = extra fuel + wasted time + lost productivity  Total cost for California: $20.7 billion every year

4 $20 Billion Transportation Bond Steps Up  Estimated $4-5 billion to Bay Area over next 10 years  Significant down payment on needs identified in the Long Range Plan, but no silver bullet

5 Proposition 1B: Statewide Funding At A Glance 5 Category Amount Dollars in billions Corridor Mobility$ 4.5 Transit Capital$ 4.0 Goods Movement$ 2.0 Local Roads$ 2.0 State Transportation Improvement Program$ 2.0 Air Quality$ 1.2 State-Local Partnership$ 1.0 State Route 99$ 1.0 Transit Security$ 1.0 Highway Repairs$ 0.5 Other$ 0.7 Total$ 19.9

6 Proposition 1B – Transportation Bond  The Bay Area expects roughly $2 billion in formula funding and will go after a large share of competitive programs. Millions of Dollars

7 Proposition 1B: Corridor Mobility (Adopted by CTC February 28)  Total Regional funding of $1.7 billion to address Congestion and Safety in the Bay Area

8 Corridor Mobility: Ready-to-Go

9 Proposition 1B Transit Focus Funds Expected over 10-Years *Subject of regional discussions

10 Population-Based Transit – Policy Principles  Expand “Lifeline” commitment to low-income communities  Invest in urban core transit improvements to support Smart Growth vision  Provide funding for ridership growth on smaller transit systems  Continue progress in Clean Air bus compliance 10

11 Other Bond Programs Could Boost Bay Area Projects  Trade Corridors  State-Local Partnership  Transit Security  Decisions to be made by CTC after additional program guidance through legislation  Eligible Projects will vary  Role of MTC and Bay Area project sponsors TBD

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