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1 By Maribel Aguilar. 2 What is Gallium Scan?  Type of nuclear medicine that uses radioactive tracers.  Radioactive tracers common use in gallium scan.

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Presentation on theme: "1 By Maribel Aguilar. 2 What is Gallium Scan?  Type of nuclear medicine that uses radioactive tracers.  Radioactive tracers common use in gallium scan."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 By Maribel Aguilar

2 2 What is Gallium Scan?  Type of nuclear medicine that uses radioactive tracers.  Radioactive tracers common use in gallium scan.  Gallium 67 radioisotope.

3 3 How does Gallium Scan Work?  Intravenous  Laxatives or enemas are going to be taken during this procedure.  Patient is scan with gamma cameras that identifies where the high and low concentrations of gallium are in the body.

4 4 Intravenous Gallium

5 5 Gallium Scan

6 6 Risks of Gallium Scan  Exposure to radiation (gamma rays)  Infection, painful or red in the part where the radioisotope was administer.  Person might develop an allergic reaction to the gallium 67 radioisotope.

7 7 Usage of Gallium Scan  Detect a source of infection that is caused by an unknown fever.  Abscess or infections in bones.  Monitor the response of antibiotic treatment.  Diagnose inflammatory conditions (pulmonary fibrosis or sarcoidosis).  Detection of lymphomas.  Detection of Hodgkins disease.

8 8 Radiation Emitted from the Gallium Scan RadiationMean % /Disintegration Mean Energy (keV) Gamma-335.7%93.3 Gamma-419.7%184.6 Gamma-616.0%300.2

9 9 Radiation Attenuation by Lead Shielding Radiation cm of Lead (Pb) Attenuation Factor cm of Lead (Pb) Attenuation Factor 0.0660.52.510 -3 0.4110 -1 4.810 -4 1.210 -2

10 10 Replacement of the Gallium Scan  PET scan  SPECT scan

11 11 PET Scan  Some of the common isotopes used are below IsotopeHalf-lifeMaximum Energy (MeV) Range in Water (mm) 18 F109.7 min.0.6352.39 11 C20.4 min.0.964.11 13 N9.96 min.1.195.39 15 O2.07 min.1.728.2

12 12 PET Scan

13 13 PET Scan Images

14 14 SPECT Scan  SPECT is more common than PET scan. StudyRadioisotopeEmission of energy (keV) Half-life Bone scanTechnetium 99m 1406 hrs Myocardial perfusion scan Technetium 99m 1406 hrs Brain scanTechnetium 99m 1406 hrs Tumor scanIodine-12315913 hrs White cell scan Indium-111 and technetium 99m 171 & 245 67 hrs

15 15 SPECT Scan

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