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Teaching to the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education CAUSEway Webinar Sept 12, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching to the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education CAUSEway Webinar Sept 12, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching to the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education CAUSEway Webinar Sept 12, 2006

2 Workshop at St. Mary's of California

3 Challenges facing Math Educators in preparing stats teachers AP Stats most often taught by math teachers. Most math degrees do NOT require a statistics course that covers the same content as AP. “Extra-mathematical” concepts: Exploratory data analysis, the role of randomization, experimental design, fitting statistical models to data

4 GAISE Based on a constructivist paradigm Statistics is about doing, as well as understanding, and so activities are vitally important. You can't expect students to play piano after taking music theory lessons. So don't expect students to do data analysis after reading about mathematical properties of the mean.

5 GAISE College Statistical literacy and statistical thinking Use real data Conceptual understanding over knowledge of procedures Active learning Technology to develop concepts and for data analysis Assessments should improve and evaluate student learning

6 Resources CAUSEWeb (Where? Show how to search for lesson plans? But what about the many bad ones?) Magazines and Journals Conferences and Meetings Software

7 Magazines and Journals Chance (ASA) Stats! The magazine for students of statistics Significance (RSS) Statistical Science (IMS)

8 Magazines and Journals Teaching Statistics (RSS) Journal of Statistics Education (ASA) Statistics Education Research Journal (IASE) Technological Innovations in Statistics Education (UCLA) Coming in May 2007.

9 Software Fathom particularly suited for teaching

10 Meetings and Organizations CAUSE –USCOTS (every two years, next in May, 2007) International Statistical Institute –ICOTS (every 4 years, next in 2010) Statistical Reasoning, Teaching and Learning (every 4 years, next in 2007)

11 Brief demonstration of Fathom

12 Lesson Plans from workshop Bias and variability for sampling Understanding mean and median Understanding when to use types of graphs Hypothesis test of means Descriptive stats and hypothesis testing Designing experiments Understanding chi-square test

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