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Janeau A Sacred/Holy Thread that is worn by Hindu people. 1) Hindus wear the Janeau for protection and guidance from all the Gods and Goddesses. 2) A Hindu.

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Presentation on theme: "Janeau A Sacred/Holy Thread that is worn by Hindu people. 1) Hindus wear the Janeau for protection and guidance from all the Gods and Goddesses. 2) A Hindu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Janeau A Sacred/Holy Thread that is worn by Hindu people. 1) Hindus wear the Janeau for protection and guidance from all the Gods and Goddesses. 2) A Hindu person can read the Hindu prayers after they have had a Janeau ceremony.

2 Shabad sbdu The Word (sound). Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jee said “The Shabad is the Guru, upon whom I lovingly focus my consciousness; I am the chaylaa, the disciple.”

3 Vaheguru Glorious Lord God. vaheguru WOW EVERYWHERE/ANYWHERE DARK LIGHT Guru = Teacher Gu : gu = Darkness Ru : rU = Light Guru Jee is one that removes darkness (no knowledge of Vaheguru). Guru Jee removes the darkness of the 5 vices.

4 Kamaee kmweI Spiritual Bank Account. Guru Jee is an investment. We must invest in meditation and prayer with love, seva, positive energy and time.

5 Seva syvw Selfless/Nishkam - Concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own. Service - The action of helping or doing work for someone. Physical : Than qn Mental : Man mn Material : Dhan Dn

6 Five Vices Kwmk®oD u loBumohAhMk wr KaamKrodhLobhMohAhankaar Sexual DesireAngerGreedAttachmentEgo

7 Pangtee A line of Gurbani. a A e s h

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