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CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY SCHOOLS Number and Number Sense Professional Development Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY SCHOOLS Number and Number Sense Professional Development Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY SCHOOLS Number and Number Sense Professional Development Plan

2 Participants PreK – 8 Teachers and Special Education Teachers  Number and Number Sense Course  3 graduate credit hours  90 recertification points  2 concurrent sessions each semester over the next two years Principals, Assistant Principals, Special Education Coordinators, & Math Specialists  Lenses On Learning  Observation tool  Common language  Common expectations  4 to 5 sessions over the next two years

3 Course Costs

4 Proposed Funding Sources

5 School Year 2012-2013 & Beyond Number and Number Sense Course  Offer annually to all new teachers Administrative Training  Offer as needed

6 Rationale for Implementation

7 PreK–8 teachers and special education teachers who take this class will: Develop a deeper understanding of the base ten number system including exploring learning to count, performing operations with multi-digit numbers, and working with fractions and decimals. Investigate how to represent and interpret quantitative situations verbally, pictorially, and symbolically. Investigate a variety of situations modeled by addition and subtraction and examine various representations of multiplication and division. Study how children develop their understanding of number and develop number sense. Develop additional strategies to help children build number sense and understand how numbers are used in problem solving. Investigate how to implement the school division’s curriculum and instructional resources to support students developing understanding of mathematics. Develop additional skills in teaching standards-based mathematics. Become more reflective teachers.

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