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3-D Data cs5984: Information Visualization Chris North.

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Presentation on theme: "3-D Data cs5984: Information Visualization Chris North."— Presentation transcript:

1 3-D Data cs5984: Information Visualization Chris North

2 Review Visualizing document collections:

3 Where are we? Multi-D 1D 2D Hierarchies/Trees Networks/Graphs Document collections 3D Design Principles Empirical Evaluation Java Development Visual Overviews Multiple Views Peripheral Views

4 3-D Data Surface data Volume data

5 Surface Data Vector/Polygonal surface data Polygons approximate surfaces of 3D objects Paint textures on surfaces Examples: Quake

6 VRML Protein example

7 Navigation Move camera Move objects 6 degrees of freedom: 3 translation 3 rotation Zoom = translate forward? y z x x y z

8 Zoom

9 Graphics Projection Z-buffer Shading, texture mapping, … Ray Tracing Shoot rays from camera into scene Reflection, …

10 Challenges Navigation Occlusion, See inside?

11 Volume Data Voxel volume data Fully sampled contents of 3D objects Voxel = 3D pixel; point in a 3D image Volume = 3D array Examples: MRI, CaT scan: »Measures tissue density at each point in space Visible Human »slice and photograph 2-D: 3-D:

12 Slicing Visible Human Explorer (north et al)

13 Slice and Dice

14 3D Cutting Plane Ken Hinckley, UVA

15 Surface Reconstruction Generate surface data from volume data Iso-surfaces Marching Cubes algorithm Look at cubes of 8 voxels Cube is on surface if: ??? Generate polygons Smooth

16 Volume Rendering Ray Casting Like x-ray Accumulate color & opacity along rays “Transfer functions” Splatting Like projection Reverse of ray-casting Calculate each voxel’s contribution to image

17 Transparency: X-Ray Vision SurfaceVolume

18 Combining it all together Voxel-Man Hamburg University

19 Interactive Volume Rendering Kniss, “Interactive volume rendering with direct manipulation” Xueqi, Mahesh

20 3-D volume data: Digital Video 3D: Stack 2D video frames time x y

21 Slicing Digital Video Red’s Nightmare video in VHE Full overview: time zoom Scene change still credits motion Pan left

22 Assignment Thurs: Workspaces Robertson, “Task Gallery” » supriya, varun Upson, “AVS” » christa, jun Dec 7: ACM CHI short papers due Dec 18: Project Final Paper due March: IEEE InfoVis papers due

23 Future Thanksgiving break Tues 27: Debates, 2D vs 3D Kobsa, “Empirical comparison of comm infovis systems” » kunal, zhiping Thurs 29: How (not) to lie with visualization Other fun stuff?

24 Project Presentations Dec 4: Dec 6: Dec 11:

25 Upcoming Opportunities Independent studies Thesis projects GTAs GRAs

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