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KCLS Online Resources Presented by Katie Boyes, Teen Services Librarian Kingsgate and Kenmore Libraries.

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Presentation on theme: "KCLS Online Resources Presented by Katie Boyes, Teen Services Librarian Kingsgate and Kenmore Libraries."— Presentation transcript:

1 KCLS Online Resources Presented by Katie Boyes, Teen Services Librarian Kingsgate and Kenmore Libraries

2 Homework Help ◦ Websites selected by librarians. Live Homework Help ◦ Chat with live tutors and get help with your homework. ◦ They will even proofread your writing! Free downloads for iPad, Kindle, Android.... Databases – “The good stuff” for research.

3 Primary and Secondary Sources

4 Primary Sources First-hand historical evidence or an original account of an event. Examples of primary sources: ◦ memoirs ◦ oral histories ◦ letters ◦ speeches ◦ documents: laws, court decisions, statements ◦ photographs ◦ data, statistics, research findings ◦ creative works (novels, art, poetry etc.) ◦ newspaper articles from the period "primary source noun" The Canadian Oxford Dictionary. Katherine Barber. Oxford University Press 2004. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. King County Library System. 12 November 2008

5 Secondary Sources Analyze and interpret primary sources. Examples of secondary sources: ◦ textbooks ◦ books and magazine or journal articles which interpret past events or research findings ◦ criticism and analysis of creative works ◦ encyclopedia articles ◦ your research paper!

6 “A database is not a website.”

7 What is a database? An online collection of data organized for quick and easy searching. KCLS databases are collections of reputable information resources – newspaper & magazine articles, reference book content, even full-text books. Subscription databases contain information that you can’t find by using Google. You’ll need a library card.You’ll need a library card

8 Database Vocabulary Scope ◦ What the database covers. ◦ Subjects, Time Periods, etc. Content ◦ What you get when you search the database. ◦ Articles, books, primary sources, images, etc. Searching ◦ What types of searches you can do. ◦ Keyword, subject, advanced, topic or time line browsing, etc.

9 Gale Virtual Reference Library Scope: Covers everything. Includes some primary sources. Content: Encyclopedia articles, dictionary entries, letters, court decisions, book excerpts, political cartoons, speeches and more.

10 Opposing Viewpoints in Context Scope: Covers a broad range of controversial topics. Content: Articles, primary sources, images, radio segments, and more. Searching: Try a keyword search or “Browse Issues.”

11 New York Times Historical Scope: Full-text of the New York Daily Times (1851-1857) and the New York Times (1857-2001). Content: Digital copies of the newspaper (letters, ads and all). Searching: By subject, by era, for a specific day in history…

12 Historical Statistics of the U.S. Daily Life Through History Proquest Access Video Other Databases to Try

13 Websites KCLS Homework Help Internet Public Library 2: Information You Can Trust Library of Congress The Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy

14 Google it & Evaluate it. Look for… ◦ Accuracy ◦ Authority ◦ Objectivity ◦ Currency ◦ Coverage

15 Research Insight Read an encyclopedia article first. ◦ Time period & dates. ◦ Keywords. ◦ People. ◦ Broader topics. ◦ Narrower topics. ◦ Suggestions for further reading.

16 Research Insight Give yourself plenty of time.

17 Research Insight Remember: garbage in, garbage out.

18 Research Insight Have an idea of what you want to know. ◦ What information do you need to answer your research question? ◦ What information do you need to complete your assignment?

19 Research Insight If you’re not finding anything, try different search terms. If you’re still not finding anything, ask for help.

20 Plagiarism The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. ORIGIN early 17th cent.: from Latin plagiarius ‘kidnapper’ (from plagium ‘a kidnapping’, from Greek plagion) + -ism.-ism plagiarism noun" The Oxford Dictionary of English (revised edition). Ed. Catherine Soanes and Angus Stevenson. Oxford University Press, 2005. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. King County Library System. 12 November 2008

21 Plagiarism How and when does it happen? What’s wrong with plagiarism? How can you prevent it from happening? Take good notes. Give yourself enough time for research and writing. Cite your sources.

22 Help with Homework Study Zone ◦ Get help with your homework from a volunteer tutor. ◦ Mon-Thurs, 4-8pm ◦ Sun, 2-4pm Live Homework Help ◦ Chat with a tutor live online, 2pm –Midnight. ◦ They’ll even proofread your essay.

23 Have questions? Email me or call the Kingsgate Library. or 425-821-7686. Call Ask KCLS at 425.462.9600 or 800.462.9600. Chat online with a Librarian 24/7 via live chat reference.Librarian 24/7

24 At the Kingsgate Library! Teen Zone ◦ Wed, Nov 13, 2-4pm ◦ Play videogames, snack, and hang out. Study Zone ◦ Mon-Thurs, 4-8pm ◦ Sun, 2-4pm Bird Watching @ Edith Moulton Park ◦ Today! 3-4pm ◦ Snacks provided.

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