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Misplaced Modifiers. What is a misplaced modifier? A misplaced modifier is an ambiguous grammatical construct whereby a grammatical modifier could be.

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Presentation on theme: "Misplaced Modifiers. What is a misplaced modifier? A misplaced modifier is an ambiguous grammatical construct whereby a grammatical modifier could be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Misplaced Modifiers

2 What is a misplaced modifier? A misplaced modifier is an ambiguous grammatical construct whereby a grammatical modifier could be misinterpreted as being associated with a word other than the one intended, or with no particular word at all. For example, a writer may have meant to modify the subject, but word order makes the modifier seem to modify an object instead. Such ambiguities can lead to unintentional humor or difficulty in understanding a sentence in formal contexts.

3 Some potential threats exist in the modern mass communications media, though there are many significant advantages. If a powerful minority should happen to control it, public opinion could be manipulated through biased reporting. And while a wide knowledge of public affairs is a great advantage that results from national coverage, divisiveness and factionalism can be accentuated by connecting otherwise isolated, local conflicts into a single larger conflict as a result of showing that conflicts about the same issues are occurring in different places. It will always be true, of course, that human nature produces differences of opinion, but the threat of faction and division may be reinforced when national coverage publicizes uninformed opinions. According to some, education can suppress faction when the true nature of conflicts reaches the public through the media, but history has shown that as much coverage is given to people who encourage conflict as to people who try to remove conflict. Original

4 Today’s mass media has some potential threats as well as significant advantages. Biased reporters can manipulate public opinion controlled by a powerful minority. The media causes factionalism by connecting isolated, local issues that occur in different places into a singular conflict. On the other hand, the national media causes an advantageously wide knowledge of public affairs. Humans will always produce different opinions, but when the national media publicizes uninformed opinions, they reinforce faction. The media can suppress faction when the true nature of conflicts reaches the public, but people who encourage conflict receive as much coverage as people who try to remove conflict. Corrected

5 A brochure about the scholarship program is enclosed with the application that gives complete details. The scholarship brochure has complete details of the application. Example Misplaced Modifiers:

6 The study suggests that we should continue the recycling program to the city and the council. The city council should continue the recycling program.

7 The police shot the protesters with guns. The police shot the protesters.

8 The technician banged angrily on the flashlight in the laboratory that was dimly lighted. As a soccer mom, Mrs. Garcia’s van was always full of soccer players. After returning to his office, Patrick’s phone rang. Now You Try:

9 The technician banged the flashlight in the dim laboratory. Mrs. Garcia’s van was always full of soccer players. Patrick’s phone rang in his office. Answers:

10 After six months as an exchange student in Italy, the United States was a wonderful sight. After six months as an exchange student in Italy, he missed the United States. Example Dangling Modifiers:

11 Running to the meeting, the cover for her flash drive was lost. She lost the cover for her flash drive running to the meeting.

12 During discussions with the architect, it was determined that the building needed a new elevator shaft. After testing the new airbag, the new design was approved for delivery to the factory. At the age of 18, my parents bought me a new car. Now You Try:

13 During discussions with the architect, we determined the building needed a new elevator shaft. After testing the new airbag, the factory approved the new design. My parents bought me a car when I turned 18. Answers:

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