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Published byJeremy Ramsey Modified over 9 years ago
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Overview of California’s Accreditation Process Year-Out Pre-Visit Webcast Joint CTC-NCATE/CAEP Visits Violet Cohort
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Agenda Overview Steps in the Site Visit Process –Planning –Program Assessment, Biennial Reports Institutional Report, Off-Site Review, IR Addendum IR Addendum Interview Schedule Two-Month Pre-Visit Site visit and post site visit Role of the Consultant 2
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Accreditation Cycle Yr. 1 Yr. 2Yr. 3Yr. 4Yr. 5Yr. 6Yr. 7 Biennial Report Follow up to site visit Site Visit Program Assessment Biennial Report 3 Collect and Analyze Data Annually 3
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Accreditation System Site Visit Examines unit operations, effectiveness and quality through the lens of CTC Common Standards Biennial Reports Examine program effectiveness through the lens of program- selected measures of candidate competence and feedback from completers and employers Examines program alignment to CTC Program Standards Program Assessment 4
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 5 Roles and Responsibilities in a Accreditation Site Visit Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) –Committee on Accreditation (COA) National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) or Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Your Institution
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Focus of Accreditation Institution –Education Unit as an entity Common/NCATE/ CAEP Standards address institutional infrastructure and capacities Programs –All Individual Programs offered by the institution Adopted Program Standards –PA reviews to assure that programs are still meeting the standards HO: Sample Org Structure (1) 6
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 7 Common Standards (2008) 1. Educational Leadership 2. Unit and Program Assessment and Evaluation 3. Resources 4. Faculty and Instructional Personnel 5. Admission 6. Advice and Assistance 7. Field Experience and Clinical Practice 8. District-Employed Supervisors 9. Assessment of Candidate Competence
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 8 NCATE Standards 1. Candidate Knowledge, Skills and Professional Dispositions 2. Assessment System and Unit Evaluation 3. Field Experiences and Clinical Practice 4. Diversity 5. Faculty Qualifications, Performance, and Development 6. Unit Governance and Resources
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 9 NCATE/CAEP Crosswalk The education unit implements and monitors a credential recommendation process that ensures that candidates recommended for a credential have met all requirements. Qualified members of the unit are assigned and available to advise applicants and candidates about their academic, professional and personal development, and to assist in their professional placement. Appropriate information is accessible to guide each candidate's attainment of all program requirements. The institution and/or unit provide support and assistance to candidates and only retains candidates who are suited for entry or advancement in the education profession.
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 10 Program Review Each credential program is reviewed through Program Assessment and by the site team Standard Options available to programs ─ Adopted California Standards ─ National or Professional Program Standards ─ Experimental Program Standards—only if operating an approved Experimental Program
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 11 Continuing Accreditation Visit Cycle Consultant Assigned Institutional Overview Webcast – 1 Year Prior Preconditions Report – 6 mo. to 1 year prior Team Structure: Board of Institutional Reviewers ─ Team Leader, Team Size Response to NCATE/Common Standards Planning for the Team Visit Accreditation Team Visit – date of visit Committee on Accreditation HO: NCATE Timeline (2—on web page)
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Team Composition Size and structure of the team is negotiated between the institution, NCATE/CAEP and the Commission CA Team Lead/Co-Chair (1) NCATE/CAEP Co-Chair (1) NCATE/CAEP Unit/Common Standards Cluster (4-6) Program focused team members (2-5) CTC Consultants (2) Total individuals on the your visit will range from 10-15 12
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Planning Team Approach –Logistics California individuals—CTC pays for NCATE/CAEP individuals-Institution pays for –Program Specific Preparation –Institution Preparation Checklists 13
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Logistics Lodging Meals Develop and sign a contract with the CTC to get reimbursed for lodging and meal expenses for CALIFORNIA team members Plan for Transportation – –NCATE/CAEP—out of state – –California team members 14 HO: Hotel-Meals planning (3)
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 3-6 Month Out Phone Call Have all logistics info Hotel identified –Lodging rate –Team room rate –Parking fee, if applicable Identify who at institution will sign the contract—2-3 months prior to the site visit Notify State Consultant if you need the phone call 6 months prior to visit 15
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Presenting Evidence for the Team 1. California: Web pages 2. NCATE/CAEP: AIMS system –Organize by both approved program and by NCATE/CAEP Standard – –All documentation should be electronic whenever possible 16 HO: Site Visit Documentation(4)
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 17 Preconditions Report Preconditions Report Due six months to 1 year before the visit Report includes – –Characteristics of the Institution—including matrix of programs, candidates, and program completers – –Addresses all Preconditions*—General (state law and Commission Policy) and Program Specific *Includes evidence to support meeting the Preconditions Matrix of Approved Programs Report is reviewed by CTC Staff HO: Preparing Preconditions Report (5)
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Which Entity Reviews which Programs? Commission All CTC Approved Educator Preparation Programs Teaching Credentials Services Credentials 18 NCATE/CAEP All programs that prepare educators for P- 12 schools Credential Advanced degrees
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California NCATE/CAEP Program Designation NCATE/CAEP Program Designation 19 Program A planned sequence of courses and experiences for the purpose of preparing teachers and other school professionals to work in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade settings. Programs may lead to a degree, a recommendation for a state license, both, or neither. Initial Teacher Preparation Programs Programs at the baccalaureate or post- baccalaureate levels that prepare candidates for the first license to teach. Advanced Programs (1) the continuing education of teachers who have previously competed initial preparation or (2) the preparation of other school professionals.
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California California Approved Programs within the NCATE/CAEP Process Program Level Data Program Assessment & Biennial Reports Unit Level Data Unit data (IR) available to the site visit team—a minimum of 6 months prior to the site visit See NCATE/CAEP’s processes Additional data will be uploaded at a later date. Specific assessments must be presented at the unit level (i.e., diversity, dispositions) HO: NCATE/CAEP Processes (6) 20
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Program Sampling Most programs will be reviewed using Program Sampling after having completed Program Assessment. – –Some programs will not have done Program Assessment (transitioning or new programs) If many program standards have More Information Needed, a full Program Review will take place 21 HO: Program Sampling or Full Program Review (7)
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 22 Program Sampling Cluster Complete Program Summary is needed for each program Review team member(s) will be looking across groups of approved programs – –Program Design – –Course of Study (Curriculum & Fieldwork) – –Assessment of Candidates HO: NCATE/CAEP Processes (6)
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Biennial Report Due to site visit deferral of one year, the Biennial Report turned in Fall 2012 will be used If there are updated assessments, responses to Biennial Report feedback, team needs to know Biennial Report Section B—provides evidence for Common Standard 2 23
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Biennial Report—Section B Part B of the Biennial Report requires the unit head to reflect upon the program specific data—for Common Standard 2. Consider: – –Aggregating data up to the unit – –Report on unit level analysis of data and decisions to act on the analysis 24 HO: PSA 12-08 (8)
Documentation of Actions Taken in Unit Assessment System Action TakenDateData Source(s) Analysis Leading to Action 25
Common Standard Implications for 2012-13 Identified Issue Program(s) Involved Data Source(s) Analysis Leading to Action Applicable Common Standards 26
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 27 Institutional Report Document that addresses the NCATE/CAEP Standards Supporting evidence must be available electronically when the IR is submitted to AIMS Off-Site Review will take place within 1-2 months of submission of IR Off-Site Report is prepared for the Institution
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California IR Addendum Off-Site Report is posted in AIMS Institution develops an IR Addendum addressing all questions and concerns in the OSR. Additional data may be provided Site visit team will consult the OSR and Addendum rather than the IR for the visit 28 HO: NCATE Process (7)
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 29 Post approximately 6 months prior to visit Include links to supporting documentation IR—AIMS too Off-Site Report—AIMS too IR Addendum—AIMS too Narrative addressing 4 sentences from Common Standards Program Documents including – –Preliminary Report of Findings – –Program Summaries Biennial Reports and CTC Feedbac k HO: Site Visit Documentation (4)
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 30 Sample Interview Schedule NCATE/CAEP/Common Standards Program Sampling –Program specific issues, if needed See Accreditation Handbook: Appendix B See Accreditation Handbook: Appendix B HO: NCATE/CAEP’s Processes (7)
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 31 Interviews NCATE/CAEP Unit Standards 1.Candidate Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions 2.Unit Assessment 3.Clinical Experience 4.Diversity 5.Faculty 6.Unit Governance and Resources Approved Programs Organized into clusters of programs Preliminary Teaching Programs Special Education Programs Advanced Teaching Programs Services Programs Talk with your CTC Consultant
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Focus of the Interviews NCATE/CAEP Unit Standards—interview across the education unit focusing on concepts in the NCATE/CAEP Unit standards Programs—interview one stakeholder constituency within the assigned cluster of programs Columns—strands such as NCATE/CAEP or Program cluster Rows—time of day, room, constituency 32
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Schedule Essentials Program Sampling team members need 1½ hours on the first morning with the Program Coordinators, organized by Program Cluster 1½ hours for lunch each day for the team (CTC and NCATE) to eat and have a team meeting 15 minutes at end of Day 1 & 2 w/ Team Lead for any needs Provide short morning and afternoon breaks Each team member needs a minimum of 1 hour per day not to be in a scheduled interview Mid-Visit Report needs to be on the schedule (late Day 2)— meeting with unit head on progress and what is still needed 33
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 34 Planning for the Team Visit Interview Schedule includes ─ ─ Candidates ─ ─ Graduates ─ ─ Master teachers/Supervisors ─ ─ Employers/Administrators ─ ─ Administration and Faculty of the Institution ─ ─ Collaborative partners in governance (advisory) Off Campus/Satellite visits Credential Programs outside the School/Department of Education
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Two Month Out Pre-Visit Visit to your institution CTC Consultants California Co-Chair NCATE/CAEP Co-Chair Purpose: Finalize all logistics including interview schedule 35
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Site Visit Sunday noon through Tuesday afternoon for CI/TI Visit. Sunday Interviews—constituencies not available on Monday afternoon (i.e., employers, advisory board, completers, district-employed supervisors) School visit—required by NCATE/ CAEP Leave campus Monday with all data and interviews completed Tuesday—no scheduled interviews, plan for early afternoon Exit Report (determined by team leads and consultant) 36
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Initial CTC-NCATE/ CAEP visit is Sunday noon to Wednesday 37
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California One Visit-Two Reports California Team makes decisions on all standards— Common and Program Team makes a recommendation on the accreditation status COA hears the report within 1-2 months Accreditation Decision 38 NCATE/CAEP Team makes recommendations on the 6 standards AFI Multi-step process to the UAB UAB hears the report in about 6 months Accreditation Decision
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 39 Accreditation Team Report Format - Narrative Style Team makes DECISIONS about all standards: NCATE/CAEP/Common and Program NCATE/CAEP and Program Standard Findings – –Standard Met – –Standard Met with Concerns – –Standard Not Met
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 40 Accreditation Team Report Team makes an Accreditation to the COA on the unit and all of its approved programs Team makes an Accreditation Recommendation to the COA on the unit and all of its approved programs –Accreditation –Accreditation with Stipulations –Accreditation with Major Stipulations –Accreditation with Probationary Stipulations –Denial of Accreditation
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 41 Presentation to COA Consultant - Introduces Report Team Leader - Presents Report Institutional Representative - Responds to Report Committee Discussion Committee on Accreditation Decision Appeals Available on the process
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 42 Accreditation Decision Committee on Accreditation accepts and reviews the team report Committee on Accreditation makes the California Accreditation Decision ─ Accreditation ─ Accreditation with Stipulations (Stipulations, Major Stipulations, Probationary Stipulations) ─ Denial of Accreditation
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 43 After the Site Visit Accreditation Decision by COA Report due within one year of the COA decision addressing any and all –Stipulations –Concerns –Questions Continue in the accreditation cycle with the activities of the Violet Cohort – See Cohort Map HO: Cohort Map (9)
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California NCATE/CAEP-UAB Process Check the NCATE/CAEP web page Process takes place in AIMS – –Team provides report to NCATE and some editing takes place – –Report available to institution within 30 days – –Rejoinder opportunity—limited time – –Factual corrections—limited time – –Presentation to UAB scheduled: Fall visits—March/April Spring visits—October 44
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Consultant Monthly contact—video conference, Skype, phone calls, emails. Ask any question. Webinar software—if needed for “presentation” to advisory board or others Always cc: CTC Consultant when communicating with NCATE/CAEP or the NCATE/CAEP Co-chair Consultant will be present for the Off Site Review, Two Month Out Pre-Visit, site visit and presentation to the COA 45
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California CTC Webcasts prep/webcasts.html Accreditation 101/Overview Common Standard 2 Unit and Program Evaluation System 46
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 47 Additional Information (Program Sponsors) Site Visit Web page: prep/program-accred-site-visits.html prep/program-accred-site-visits.html – –Accreditation Framework – –Accreditation Handbook handbook.html handbook.html Cheryl Hickey, Administrator of Accreditation Assigned CTC Consultant HO: Additional Resources (10)
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