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The way of the Cross; the way of life. Jesus’ journey from Galilee to Jerusalem.

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Presentation on theme: "The way of the Cross; the way of life. Jesus’ journey from Galilee to Jerusalem."— Presentation transcript:

1 The way of the Cross; the way of life. Jesus’ journey from Galilee to Jerusalem

2 Take up your cross and deny yourself and follow Jesus Aparneomai – to deny oneself Not giving up chocolate or facebook for Lent Not asthetic practices Not something bad that happens – “the cross we bear” It’s about renouncing, letting go of a right, - say to property a status, Giving up - Paul in Philippians Surrendering to God -

3 Christian Tradition calls this the Paschal Mystery Resisting coercion Speaking truth Willingness to die – and live - for something greater that self Absorbing the pain of scapegoating Suffering as an outcast Relinquishing a need to control the outcomes The emptiness of the tomb New life emerging. Brendan McKeague

4 Sustained in this journey by: – Remembering our Baptism (dying and rising) – Feeding on Word: (being shaped for the journey - Didache) and – Eucharist (food for the journey, Koinonia) – Prayer and Fasting The fruit of the Journey – Kerygma – telling the story – Diakonia – a life of service – Both point beyond the church to the the Reign of God

5 Fruit of the Way By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit.

6 Seeing and listening; knowing what’s happening Knowing our call: what is the gospel? Collaborating together; What of the Gospel is called for, here? Bringing your best Letting go of control Letting go of your need for happiness Building wisdom Building power Building community Planning and delivering What happened?

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