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By: Tevin Johnson D AO IS M. What is Daoism/Taoism? Tao means “the way.” It is not monotheistic Instead of gods there are masters.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Tevin Johnson D AO IS M. What is Daoism/Taoism? Tao means “the way.” It is not monotheistic Instead of gods there are masters."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Tevin Johnson D AO IS M

2 What is Daoism/Taoism? Tao means “the way.” It is not monotheistic Instead of gods there are masters

3 Tao masters spread the teaching of Tao Taoism reaches into its followers physical, intellectual, and spiritual lives. Taoist say that the Tao that can’t be expressed in words is the real Tao

4 To a Taoist the way someone treats their body is as important as what they think, believe, or do to others Taoists believe that a healthy body is the first step in a lofty spiritual state Taoists forbids no food

5 Master Zhang San Feng Watched birds and animals’ movements Founder of taijiquan (t’ai chi ch’uan)

6 Taiji exercises helps control breathing Other exercises embody the natural ‘qi’ of animals and tenisions that keep others from obtaining inner peace and being in touch with Tao

7 Meditation Used to come into harmony with the universe The concept of wu wei (“not doing”) is the center of the Taoist meditation

8 The Variety of Taoism Taoist masters prefer to have students come to them Many masters have different interpretations of the belief of the Tao

9 There are many levels of Taoism –The purest level can be the basis for a life of prayer and contemplation All Taoists seek harmony and balance in their lives

10 Yin/Yang Yin can’t exist without yang The are mostly known to be exact opposites and that is true.

11 “Yin is passive; yang is active. Yin is cool; Yang is warm. Yin is night; Yang is day. Yin is female; Yang is male.”

12 Final Facts Taoism accepts many point of views and practices Taoist monks and nuns stay in monasteries and live to achieve spiritual perfection

13 Some people study different Taoist medicines or the practice taijiquan and meditaion. Either way they consider themselves Taoist.

14 Taoist Phrases *Teach by example, not by words. * Pretty words aren't sincere, sincere words aren't pretty.

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