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Celebrating the Risen Christ! Sunday School for all ages: 9:15 AM Worship: 10:30 AM 9320 W. US Rt. 150, Edwards, IL 61528 Lance: (309)231-8272

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1 Celebrating the Risen Christ! Sunday School for all ages: 9:15 AM Worship: 10:30 AM 9320 W. US Rt. 150, Edwards, IL 61528 Lance: (309)231-8272 Office Hours M 9-12 Office Phone: (309)693-2393 Follow us on Twitter @ChristAliveCC Like us on Facebook Lance Zaerr Jr., Pastor Cleaning Day! We are in need of your help to do some Fall cleaning. As such, we will have an official Fall cleaning day on October 17 th. We will start the day at 8am and hopefully end by noon. We look forward to your participation and are appreciative of your help. Operation Christmas Child Packing Bonanza! Sunday School will be canceled to allow us to join together in fellowship to pack Operation Christmas Child boxes. We’ll have several extra boxes that will need to be packed and look forward to all families being involved in the packing. In the mean time, please be sure to take a box from the fellowship hall to fill it up at home. Then, bring it to church by November 15th, where we’ll bless them and send them off. Pastor Lance’s Ordination Christ Alive! Community Church will formally ordain Rev. Lance R. Zaerr, Jr. as our minister SEPTERMBER 13, 2015 at 2pm. Each of us need to do our best to be here. Invite your family and friends to join us in this celebration with God and Lance. Refreshments will be served following the service. Up-Coming Events Sunday, Oct. 11 th : Youth Group after church Meal & Bible Study, 5pm Monday, Oct. 12 th : BOE Mtg at Church 6:30pm Saturday, Oct. 17 th : Church Work Day 8am Sunday, Oct. 18 th : Loose Change Offering Meal & Bible Study, 5pm Sunday, Oct. 25 th : Trunk-or-Treat 5pm Sunday, Nov. 1 st : 25 th Anniversary Potluck After Church Sunday, Nov. 15 th : Operation Christmas Child Packing Bonanza! Pastor Lance Zaerr’s Ordination at 2pm Food Pantry Oct Families Served16 Sept Items Shared200 Yearly Family Totals325 Yearly Items Shared12,480

2  The invitation to communion comes from Christ Himself and not from any church. Therefore, we invite anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, has trusted Him for the forgiveness of sin, and who accepts Him as Lord and Savior to share in this sacrament with us. However, the call to communion is a call to repentance and humility; it is an invitation to partake in the body and blood of Christ, and it should not be taken lightly. Therefore, young people and adults who do not have a personal, saving faith in Jesus Christ, or who harbor willful, unconfessed sin, as well as ALL young children SHOULD NOT TAKE COMMUNION at this time. If you have questions about the meaning of communion, or your relationship to Christ, you are invited to talk with the pastor. WELCOME TO CHRIST ALIVE! October 11, 2015 Call to Worship WorshipOpening Song Prayer Meeting & Greeting Worship ScriptureIsaiah 59:11-17 Thoughts for Living Series: Revival Part Four: “UGH! into Ahhh” Communion & Prayer at the Altar WorshipClosing Song Welcome! We want to express Christ’s love to you with genuine, heartfelt warmth. We’re eager for the opportunity to get to know you, and we’re excited to share with you the wonderful ways God is working in our church. It won’t take you long to discover that this is truly a family, rich in the relationships that matter most. Growing together, we worship, we serve, we laugh, we cry, we learn, and we reach out to our world with life-transforming truth. We reach out to you, as well. Our doors are open. Our hearts are open, too. If you’ve been thinking, praying, searching, and hoping for a place to belong, we say again—welcome! Worship Thought: “Where there is Christian faith there arises a community, a togetherness. Where Christian faith exists, there God’s congregation arises and lives in the world and for the world.” ~Karl Barth Prayer Requests: Brandt Family David Jones—Mother-in-Law Passed away Karen Yemm The McQuellon and Follis Family Wade & Jolene Miller & Family Shirley Kelstadt & Family Troy B. (Todd & Tara’s Brother)—Health Problems Jeff P.—Eyes Anonymous To have a prayer request published, please contact Pastor Lance before noon on Fridays. Scripture: ” We all growl like bears; like doves we moan mournfully. We wait for justice, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far from us.” … He put on righteousness like a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation on his head; he put on garments of vengeance for clothing, and wrapped himself in fury as in a mantle.

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