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In Collaboration with U.S. Department of Education Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education StandardsWork, Inc. CT State Dept. of Education Bureau.

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Presentation on theme: "In Collaboration with U.S. Department of Education Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education StandardsWork, Inc. CT State Dept. of Education Bureau."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Collaboration with U.S. Department of Education Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education StandardsWork, Inc. CT State Dept. of Education Bureau of Health/Nutrition, Family Services and Adult Education Policy Forum September 25, 2015

2 2 Process That Led to the CCR Standards for Adult Education OCTAE created a deliberative, multilayered process:  Convened two review panels: Math English language arts/literacy (ELA/literacy)  Used Common Core State Standards (CCSS) as the basis of discussions  Gathered feedback from colleagues and lead CCSS writers  Established an evidence-based process

3 3 Supporting Evidence 1.ACT, Inc. 2009. ACT National Curriculum Survey 2009. Iowa City, IA: Author; 2.Conley, David T., Kathryn V. Drummond, Alicia de Gonzalez, Jennifer Rooseboom, and Odile Stout. 2011. Reaching the Goal: The Applicability and Importance of the Common Core State Standards to College and Career Readiness. Eugene, OR: Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC). 3.The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC). 1995. Crossroads in Mathematics: Standards for Introductory College Mathematics Before Calculus. Memphis, TN: Author.

4 4 Supporting Evidence, Continued 4. Casner-Lotto, Jill, and Linda Barrington. 2006. Are They Really Ready to Work?: Employers’ Perspectives on the Basic Knowledge and Applied Skills of New Entrants to the 21st Century U.S. Workforce. The Conference Board, Corporate Voices for Working Families, Partnership for 21st Century Skills, and Society for Human Resource Management. 5. ACT, Inc. 2011. ACT COMPASS Accessed November 30, 2011. American Council on Education. 6. New GED ® Test. Accessed November 30, 2011. The College Board. 2011. 7. ACCUPLACER. Accessed November 30, 2011. ed/placement/accuplacer.

5 5 Three Questions Guided the Panels’ Review 1.Using evidence, what CCSS content in the area of ELA/literacy is relevant to preparing adult students for success in higher education and training programs? 2.Using evidence, what CCSS content in the area of mathematics is relevant to preparing adult students for success in higher education and training programs? 3.Using evidence, which standards in each content area are most important for adult students?

6 6 CCR Standards Organized for Adult Education Systems  Panelists bundled standards into five grade-level groupings to reflect adult education levels of learning: ELA/Literacy - A (K–1), B (2–3), C (4–5), D (6–8), and E (9–12) Math - A (K–1), B (2–3), C (4–5 +6), D (6+ 7–8), and E (9–12)  Standards were omitted when they were: too specific, redundant, subsumed by other standards, or handled sufficiently in an earlier level.

7 7 What the CCR Standards for Adult Education Are Not:  They are not an order in which standards are to be taught.  They are not directions about how instructors should teach.  They are not a full spectrum of support and interventions for students.  They are not a curriculum, so states and programs will need to complement them with high-quality curricula.  They are not a national or federal set of mandates.

8 8 They are… A model set of evidence-based CCR standards for use by state and local adult education programs!

9 9 What’s the law? Do we have to teach the CCR Standards?  The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 requires that state ABE content standards are to align to state K-12 academic standards (WIOA, Title 1 A Section 102(2) D (ii)).  The law does not require a single state or federal curriculum nor does it dictate how local programs implement the standards.  The U.S. Department of Education (ED) has revised the NRS level descriptors for ABE/ASE to align to the CCRS. Revised ESL descriptor development is targeted for 2017.  ED anticipates the development of Next Generation Assessments aligned to CCRS.

10 10 CT’s CCRS Journey  Fall 2011 Susan Pimentel (lead author of CCRS) presented information regarding standards  Spring 2013 CCRS published  2013 - 2014 CCRS professional development provided and small pilots conducted  Summer 2014 CCRS adopted in CT CSDE mandated implementation of standards in all programs.

11 11  CT was selected as one of twelve states to participate in federal CCR-SIA initiative  Through participation in OCTAE’S CCR-SIA training, CT has a team trained to provide support to programs: State Lead: Susan Pierson Math: Christine Bjork and Connie Rivera ELA: Aileen Halloran and Kristin Berenson Milestone in CT’s Journey

12 12 Building Momentum  CCRS Implementation and Training Team attended two – three day intensive training sessions in implementation process through federal CCR-SIA Initiative.  CCRS Implementation and Training Team created a state sustainability plan.  CCRS Implementation and Training Team will provide implementation training and technical assistance to all Adult Education programs.

13 13 What’s next? Over the next 2 years, every program will participate in ELA and Math training. Every teacher should attend either ELA or Math  CCRS 100 Series – Standards/Practices and Instructional Shifts  ELA 101 -102 and Math 101-102 Selected teachers in each program should attend  CCRS 200 Series – Resource Alignment, Lesson Study, Student Work, and Observation  ELA 201 – 204 and Math 201 - 204 Certificates of completion will be given.

14 14 The CCRS Series Training Focuses on teacher work. Focuses on closing the gap between the standards and classroom instruction. Pertains to the real work of instructors in the classroom. Creates opportunities for instructors to delve into standards with administrators as part of a learning community. Encourages alignment of existing resources.

15 15 CCRS Implementation & Training Team  Will provide content support and resources  Will provide regional training in ELA and Math: CCRS 100 series (up to 15 hours of training) CCRS 200 series (approximately 6 hours/session)  Will provide on-going technical assistance

16 16 Think about it… Will you send teachers to training or host the training on-site? Who will be the lead teachers - ELA and Math? How will you structure time and provide support for teachers to collaborate? How will teachers be compensated? How will you know when standards-based instruction in ELA and Math classes has been implemented?

17 17 In Summary… Reasons for College and Career Readiness Standards:  High School Completion programs are aligned with standards  WIOA requires alignment with standards  Grants will be tied to them  The NRS level descriptors for ABE/ASE will align with the CCRS  Quality instruction for adult learners requires well-trained teachers! All programs must implement CCRS by July 2017

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