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Welcome to Kaplan University Department of Human Services

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1 Welcome to Kaplan University Department of Human Services
4/25/2017 4:25 AM Welcome to Kaplan University Department of Human Services Human Services Program and Profession HN Seminar Unit 5 © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

2 HN 115 – Unit 5 Seminar This week you will be introduced to some of the core concepts and skills used in Human Services. This week in seminar we are going to talk about the Role of the Human Service Professional – that means you! Every profession has very specific skills or what is sometimes called a tool bag of skills that we use daily when working in the real world with our clients. We are going to talk about some of those skills today.

3 HN 115 – Unit 5 Seminar Ethics
Many of us have heard about ethics but what is the importance of ethics in the Human Service field? 1. What is your understanding of Ethics? 2. Are Ethics the same as confidentiality? 3. Do you go to jail if you break the Ethics Code?

4 HN 115 – Unit 5 Seminar Ethics – “is a set of principles of conduct within an organization that guide decision making and behavior. The purpose of the code is to provide members and other interested persons with guidelines for making ethical choices in the conduct of their work. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of many employees' credibility. Members of an organization adopt a code of ethics to share a dedication to ethical behavior and adopt this code to declare the organization's principles and standards of practice.” (Bar Association Dictionary – U.S. Legal, Inc. 2002)

5 Are Ethics the same as confidentiality?
HN 115 – Unit 5 Seminar Are Ethics the same as confidentiality? Confidentiality is a part of the ethics code. Confidentiality plays a big role in our relationship with our clients. Confidentiality assures the client that the information shared between the HS Professional and the client will not be released unless the client signs a consent form authorizing the HS Professional to release certain information.

6 Do you go to jail if you break the Ethics Code?
HN 115 – Unit 5 Seminar Do you go to jail if you break the Ethics Code? There are times that this could happen depending on whether a crime was committed but in most cases this does not happen. 2. What happens is a complaint has been filed by a client and has been sent to the governing board of the association you are a member of such as NOHS. 3. The complaint is reviewed by the Board. You are then notified that an action has been filed by your client along with the client’s complaint.

7 HN 115 – Unit 5 Seminar 1. What type of ethical dilemmas might you encounter as a Human Service Professional? Be detailed in your example. 2. How would you handle an ethical situation if it would arise? Use your example that you just gave in seminar when explaining. 3. What does it mean to empower a client? 4. Give an example of how you would empower a client you are working with daily.

8 HN 115 – Unit 5 Seminar 5. Do you think you will have difficulty setting boundaries with your clients or have you had difficulty in the past? 6. How will you set boundaries with your clients? What will you do as the Humans Service Professional? 7. What are two issues listed from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and or Child Trends websites that impressed you and why?

9 HN 115 – Unit 5 Seminar Any Questions?
8. In what ways will you encounter these issues in your future work as a Human Service Professional? How will you handle the situation just thinking about it without many tools to use. Do not be shy for this is the way we all learn. Sometimes common sense is the best tool we have to use. Any Questions?

10 HN 115 – Unit 5 Seminar Work for Unit 5
1. Reading - Read Chapters 3 and 4 in your text, Introduction to Human Services. In addition, read about ethical standards and issues in the field in the web resources listed. The site for the National Organization on Human Services (NOHS) lists Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals. The Child Trends Data Bank site is an excellent resource for issues faced by different populations in the field, including issues specific to children and their families. Also, click the website from the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) to learn about some of the hot topics in human services. In the middle of the page, you will see tabs for various topics (Child Welfare, Early Childhood, Marriage & Family Law, Military & Families, Poverty & Hunger, Welfare, and Youth). Click on each of these seven topics and read an overview of what is currently happening with legislature, funding, and research related to each of these issues. Enjoy!

11 HN 115 – Unit 5 Seminar Work for Unit 5
2. Discussion - This week, you will need to read a case study as preparation for discussion. Then, using information learned in Chapter 4, you will identify and apply concepts and skills from the human services field to the case study. After reading the case study, please answer the following questions: How can you apply each of the skills required for the clinical assessment (patience, active listening skills, and good observation skills) to the case study? Using the Task-Centered approach discussed in Chapter 4, how might you help Susie? What specific goals might you work on with this client? How might you use reframing to help Susie view her situation differently?

12 Thanks for a great seminar.
HN 115 – Unit 5 Seminar Work for Unit 5 3. This week you will a quiz covering Chapters 3 and 4 in your text, so be sure to read and take notes on those chapters before taking the quiz. This quiz has 25 questions worth 2 points each for a total of 50 points. Thanks for a great seminar.

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