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TURKEY School Evaluation National Measurement and Evaluation Implementations.

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Presentation on theme: "TURKEY School Evaluation National Measurement and Evaluation Implementations."— Presentation transcript:

1 TURKEY School Evaluation National Measurement and Evaluation Implementations

2 Overwiev 2  General Overwiev to Turkish Education System  National Assessment Tools  Transition System From Basic Education to Secondary Education (TEOG)  Transition System From Secondary Education to Higher Education (OSYS)  International Assessment Tools  PISA  TIMSS  A new National Assessment Study

3 General Overview to Turkish Education System 3

4 Transition System from Basic Education to Secondary Education 4

5 Transition System from Basic Education to Secondary Education Central Common Examination – 8th Grade 2 exams – one in fall, one in spring term. If a lesson has two exams in one term, first one is conducted centrally, If a lesson has three exams in one term, second one is conducted centrally 5

6 Transition System from Basic Education to Secondary Education  To strengthen relationship among the teacher, school and student.  To make the role of school and teachers more active in the education process.  To enable the simultaneous implementation of education curriculum country- wide  To minimize the exam anxiety by spreading the evaluation process to a wider time frame.  Tracking and evaluating of the students gains and the implementation of education curriculums objectively. 6 AIMS

7 Transition System from Basic Education to Secondary Education Subjects: Turkish Mathematics Science Revolution History Foreign Language (English, German, French and Italian) Education of Religion and Ethics (for Juadism and Armenian Community) 7

8 Transition System from Basic Education to Secondary Education Term TurkishMathematics Education of Rel. and Ethics Science Revolution History English 2013-2014 Fall12.3158.08912.79410.61811.2757.863 Spring13.6668.93113.36210.89911.27810.010 2014-2015 Fall11.9837.62815.88011.14311.1909.358 Spring13.3808.68415.25410.77412.0798.425 8 Mean Performances by years* *There are 20 items in each sub-test.

9 Transition System from Basic Education to Secondary Education 9 Discrimination Index by Subjects SubjectsDiscrimination Index Turkish0,696 Mathematics0,601 Education of Religion and Ethics 0,765 Science0,691 Revolution History0,655 Foreign Language0,649 All0,568 SubjectsReliability Level Turkish 0,852 Mathematics 0,813 Education of Religion and Ethics 0,862 Science 0,877 Revolution History 0,850 Foreign Language 0,838 All 0,963 Reliability Levels by Subjects

10 SubjectsItem Difficulty Turkish 0.669 Mathematics 0.434 Education of Religion and Ethics 0.763 Science 0.539 Revolution History 0.604 Foreign Language 0.421 All 0,572 10 Item Difficulty by Subjects Transition System from Basic Education to Secondary Education

11 11 Number Of The Students Attending A Central Common Exam In Each Lesson Turkish 1.235.891 Mathematics1.236.867 Education of Religious Ethics1.235994 Science1.235.681 The History of Revolution1.236.463 Foreign Language1.221.269 TOTAL7.402.165

12 Transition System from Basic Education to Secondary Education 12 Item Development Group Editorial Group Item Developers Academicians Assessment Experts String Group ITEM DEVELOPMENT

13 Transition System from Basic Education to Secondary Education 13 Safety Precautions  Item development in a safe and isolated environment.  Printing in a safe and isolated environment.  Distribution of boxes with security locks to schools.  Different types of booklets.  Cheat control via computer program.

14 Transition System from Basic Education to Secondary Education 14  Year-end Performance Score ( out of 300 points scale)  6, 7 and 8th grades  Weighted Performance Score (out of 700 points scale)  Center Common Examinations  Scores used for placement (500 points scale)  (Year-end Performance Score+Weighted Performance Score)/2 SCORING

15 Transition System from Basic Education to Secondary Education EXPERIENCES  Process evaluation instead of outcome evaluation.  Increasing quality of teacher-made tests.  Unity in implementation of curriculum.  Less anxiety with help of make-up sessions.

16 Transition System from Basic Education to Secondary Education EXPERIENCES  Feedback on curriculums.  Increasing significance of schools instead of courses outside schools.  More usage of testing and evaluation technics by teachers.  Data track by years.  Analysis of factors affecting students’ performance.

17 17 Transition System from Basic Education to Secondary Education

18 DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED  Excessive number of students – increasing work load and need for more staff.  Need for objective testing tools to assess extracurricular activities  Planning to integrate open-ended questions.

19 Transition System From Secondary Education to Higher Education 19

20 Transition System From Secondary Education to Higher Education  Two exams for each lesson per term.  Prepared by the school branch group teachers collectively – enabling a unity in curriculums within school.  Analyses are made related to results, acquisition and program.  If necessary supplementary courses in schools are given by the teachers. 20

21  Two-stage examination – 12th grade.  Higher Education Examination (YGS) – First Stage  Undergraduate Placement Examination (LYS) – Second Stage 21 Transition System From Secondary Education to Higher Education

22  Questions for assessing the skills of the candidates weighted with those questions from the common curriculum of the Grade 9 of all high school types. Interpreting Usage of logical and judgment skill Assessing analytical skills. 22 Higher Education Examination (YGS) Transition System From Secondary Education to Higher Education

23 23 Higher Education Examination (YGS)  4 subjetcs - 40 items in each test. Turkish Social Sciences Basic Mathematics Science Transition System From Secondary Education to Higher Education

24  Performing more than 140 score - Vocational School of Higher Education.  Performing more than 180 – Chance for Undergraduate Placement Examination. 24 Higher Education Examination (YGS) Transition System From Secondary Education to Higher Education

25  More difficult than YGS.  Five different examination.  1.Mathematics, Geometry Exam (LYS 1),  2.Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) Exam (LYS 2),  3.Turkish Language and Literature, Geography 1 Exam (LYS 3),  4.Social Science (History, Geography 2, Philosophy group) Exam (LYS 4),  5.Foreign Language Exam (LYS 5) 25 Undergraduate Placement Examination (LYS) Transition System From Secondary Education to Higher Education

26  The gap between the exam questions and the curriculum was removed.  The distributions and the numbers of the questions in the exam were determined according to the fields.  Thanks to the new structure, by integrating the richness of questions in the exam and the curriculum, the school absenteeism in the last grade of the high school was prevented. 26 Using results for Quality Transition System From Secondary Education to Higher Education

27 27 Stats for OSYS High SchoolVocational SchoolTotal Those having the Privilege of Preference (Including Transition without Examination) 1.144.744866.0462.010.790 Those having Preferred a Field704.557535.2431.239.800 Number of the Candidates having the privilege of Preference and who have preferred a Field Transition System From Secondary Education to Higher Education

28 28 Percentage of Placed and not Placed Students in Higher Education Transition System From Secondary Education to Higher Education

29 AverageStandard Deviation Number of Candidate Turkish 15,87,51.944.933 Social Science 10,76,81.944.933 Basic Mathematics 5,28,11.944.933 Science 3,97,31.944.933 29 2015 YGS Average and Standard Deviations Transition System From Secondary Education to Higher Education

30 Percentage of Candidates Scoring 140 or more Percentage of Candidates Scoring 180 or more Female92,0872,26 Male87,466,01 Total89,5568,89 30 2015 YGS Success Distribution According to Sex Transition System From Secondary Education to Higher Education

31 31 Distribution of Number of Correct Answers of All Tests in 2013-2015 YGS Transition System From Secondary Education to Higher Education


33 PISA in TURKEY * Participation and progress since 2003. 33

34 PISA in TURKEY "It is clear that there is a significant increase trend in all three domains but still not enough. This needs other requirements. It is surely beyond doubt that we are working to fullfill these requirements. We believe this is not only a general evaluation but also an opportunity for self-criticism that we consider our failings." 34 Results of 2012 Nabi AVCI Minister of National Education

35 PISA in TURKEY After each cycle and releasing of the results, National Preliminary and Final Reports are prepared and sent to the units of Ministry of National Education, universities and other stakeholders. PISA results are taken into consideration especially while revising education curriculum. Besides, academicians in the universities benefit from the findings and the results of PISA while conducting studies on the education systems in Turkey and the world. 35 How Results Are Used

36 PISA in TURKEY 4 seminars before administration of PISA 2015.  For provincial director of national education  For coordinators from provincial directorate of national education.  For school coordinator from each school.  For test administrators from Ministry of National Education Brochures, introductory booklets and guidebooks for PISA 2015 were distributed to the participants 36 Preparations for PISA 2015

37 PISA in TURKEY  PISA 2015 Main Study between April 02-22.  61 cities – 192 schools and 5904 students.  A test administrator from Ministry for each school  2-3 ‰ data loss.  Data submission at the end of June 2015. 37 Statistics for PISA 2015


39 TIMSS in TURKEY * Participation and progress since 1999 39 8 th Grade Science Performances 8 th Grade Mathematic Performances

40 TIMSS in TURKEY TIMSS educational research study has a high prestige among educational and academicals environments in Turkey. After each cycle attended TIMSS national reports are prepared. Turkey’s success in TIMSS studies and the evaluation of Turkish Education System in school, family, teacher and socio- economic contexts Many academicians use the results and findings of TIMSS studies while conducting researches on the education system and education policy makers pay regard to TIMSS national reports, results and conducted researches while making educational policies in Turkey. 40 Using Results

41 TIMSS in TURKEY 4 seminars before administration of TIMSS 2015.  For provincial director of national education  For coordinators from provincial directorate of national education.  For school coordinator from each school.  For test administrators from Ministry of National Education Brochures, introductory booklets and guidebooks for TIMSS 2015 were distributed to the participants 41 Preparations for TIMSS 2015

42 TIMSS in TURKEY  TIMSS 2015 Main Study between 23 March – 22 April.  78 cities – 498 schools and about 15000 students.  A test administrator from Ministry for each school  Minimized data loss.  Data submission in beginnig of July 2015. 42 Statistics for TIMSS 2015

43 New National Assessment Tool Aim of the Study To assess students’ ability of applying their knowledge and competences learned in school to real-life situations at the end of basic education. Other targeted sub-aims are designed to:  Assess students’ higher-order thinking skills through knowledge.  Assess effectiveness of current curriculums.  Monitor performance by years through standard tests.  Provide reliable data for addressing aspects of education reforms. 43

44 New National Assessment Tool 44

45 Thank you…

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