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Plants Structure and Function Sexual Reproduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Plants Structure and Function Sexual Reproduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plants Structure and Function Sexual Reproduction

2 Flowers Function Contain the sexual organs for the plant. Produces fruit, which protects, nourishes and carries seeds. Attracts insects for pollination.

3 Parts of the Flower 1. Sepals 2. Petals 3. Male Structures 4. Female Structures

4 Parts of the Flower Sepals Outer covering of the flower bud. Protects the stamens and pistils when flower is in bud stage. Modified leaves. Often green.

5 Parts of the Flower Petals Modified leaves Brightly colored Protects stamen & pistils. Attracts pollinating insects. Carries pollen from one flower to another.

6 Parts of the Flower Petals of plants that have wind pollination: Small sepals/petal or none at all.

7 Parts of the Flower (Stamen) Male reproductive part = Stamen Filament Stalk that supports anther Anther Produces pollen = sperm

8 Parts of the Flower (Pistil) Female reproductive part = Pistil (3 parts) Stigma Sticky top Holds the pollen grains Style tube Ovary Enlarged portion at base of pistil. Produces ovules (eggs). If fertilized, develops into seeds.

9 Parts of the Flower

10 Pollination Wind or animals Pollen reaches stigma Fertilized Egg = Seed Seed Coat: Protection Seed Leaves Developed from embryo Monocot: 1 leaf Dicot: 2 leaves Endosperm: food supply for embryo

11 Pollination Fruit-Ovary Tissue Seed develops here Examples: Apple, watermelons, cherries, vegetables, grains, nuts, tomatoes, cucumbers Help with seed dispersal so doesn’t compete with parent

12 Dispersal Animals: Tasty Eat and then poop out with fecal fertilizer. Sticky Ride away on Ex. Burrs Wind/Water Parachute/Wings Cottonwood Float Coconuts

13 Dormancy Until the right environment is available: Temperature Moisture Oxygen Light Survive animal digestive tracts while softening the seed coat.

14 Germination Steps: 1.Seed coat cracks and embryonic root breaks through. 2.A young shoot breaks through surface of soil. 3.Leaves grow from shoot and begin to photosynthesize  Seedling

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