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Educational Telecommunications by Gerald Knezek Professor of Technology & Cognition University of North Texas.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Telecommunications by Gerald Knezek Professor of Technology & Cognition University of North Texas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Telecommunications by Gerald Knezek Professor of Technology & Cognition University of North Texas

2 Telecommunications l Tele - at a distance l Communications - exchange of information

3 Telecommunications l Communications over distance or time

4 Modes of Communication l Simplex – broadcast radio, TV l Half Duplex – speakerphone l Full Duplex – telephone

5 Types of Telecommunication Systems l Audio l Video l Data l Combinations

6 Audio l Broadcast Radio l Two-way Radio l Audio Teleconferencing

7 Video l Broadcast Television l Slow-Scan TV l Two-Way Videoconferencing

8 Data l Computer-Mediated Communication – Asynchronous (E-mail) – Synchronous (Chat Mode) l Computer Conferencing l Computer-Supported Collaborative Work

9 Required Data Comm. Equipment l Computer l Modem (modulator - demodulator) l Terminal Emulation Software l Phone Line

10 Combination Data/Graphics Systems l Information Retrieval Services – interactive access to (primarily) text – Source, Compuserve, Dow Jones l Teletext – one-way text and graphics; Prestel (UK) – stock market quotations – severe weather alert (continued)

11 l Videotex – Prodigy, U.S. Videotel – two-way interactive retrievel of text and graphics l Audiographics – text, sound and graphics via computer workstation – electronic blackboard

12 Teleconferencing l Audio l Video – includes audio

13 Distance Education l Distance Learning l Distance Teaching

14 Distance Education Delivery Systems l LIFT Model – Live, Interactive, Facilitated TV – Satellite Based – TI-IN (continued)

15 l Modem Courses – Submit homework via Email – TCJC l Two-Way Audio/Video – video teleconference – UNT PDC, VTEL

16 Computer Networks l Cluster – less than 30 machines – near to each other l LAN – local area network – less than 9 miles (continued)

17 l MAN – metropolitan area network – less than 50 miles l WAN – wide area network – greater than 50 miles

18 Internet l Network of networks l All use TCP/IP protocols (continued)

19 l Support basic services – Email (SMTP) – Telnet – FTP l Supports numerous servers and clients – JOVE Unix system at UNT, Tenet in Austin – Listservs – Gopher, WWW, etc.

20 Simple Curricular Enhancements via Email l NGS Kids Network l ATT Learning Network l TERC’s Global Lab l TCET’s Air/Water Project

21 The End

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