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Status of K S   e analysis C. GattiT. Spadaro Selection on data Selection on MC Efficiencies from data, K L   e, K S    ,      , bhabha.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of K S   e analysis C. GattiT. Spadaro Selection on data Selection on MC Efficiencies from data, K L   e, K S    ,      , bhabha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of K S   e analysis C. GattiT. Spadaro Selection on data Selection on MC Efficiencies from data, K L   e, K S    ,      , bhabha Efficiencies from MC, K L   e, K S    ,      , bhabha Efficiencies from MC, K S    , single-particle method for 2001  Efficiencies from MC, K S    , single-particle method for 2002  Dedicated MC for the signal, on a period-by-period basis  Efficiencies from MC, KS  e, single-particle method HONEST time scale: weeks Present status of analysis: × × ×

2 Fitting with “old” or “new” MC Different shape of the background distribution Fit residuals are not flat in the signal region

3 Fitting with “new” MC Different shape of the background distribution Fit residuals are not flat in the signal region

4 What is new in the “new” MC Many methodological differences between “new” and “old”: NEW analysis: K L crash algorithm now applied in the MC exactly as in data Different treatment of split tracks NEW MC production: DC Wire sags HW wire efficiency simulated Different s-t relations EMC Muon cluster energy rescaled Pion nuclear interactions revised K L nuclear interactions revised GENERATION: K Se3 now available on a run-by-run basis OLD MC scratched from tapes, we can study it only using selected evts

5 Comparing “old” vs “new” MC Background composition: “  ” K S       with      before the DC “  ” K S      with bad reconstruction, tracking and/or T CL ’s “  ” K S       with an hard , tails of T CL resolution K S   K S      Not K S K L events: , K  K  with a fake K L crash

6 Comparing “old” vs “new” MC Checking shape of Background components identified as e     E miss  cP miss (MeV)

7 Comparing “old” vs “new” MC Checking shape of Background components identified as e     E miss  cP miss (MeV)

8 Comparing “old” vs “new” MC Checking shape of Background components identified as e     E miss  cP miss (MeV)

9 Comparing “old” vs “new” MC Checking shape of Background components identified as e     E miss  cP miss (MeV)

10 Comparing “old” vs “new” MC Checking shape of Background components identified as e     E miss  cP miss (MeV)

11 Comparing “old” vs “new” MC Checking shape of Background components identified as e     E miss  cP miss (MeV)

12 Comparing “old” vs “new” MC Background composition: compare #(selected evts)/#(K S    10 4 K S   K S   KSKLKSKL OLD e    8.38(5)3.80(3)1.01(2)0.067(4) NEW e    2.02(3)10.50(7)3.83(4)0.78(1)0.076(6) 0.19(7) OLD e    8.16(5)3.48(3)0.94(2)0.065(4) NEW e    2.07(3)9.43(7)3.22(4)0.53(2)0.064(5)0.068(6)0.19(7)

13 Comparing “old” vs “new” MC Core of the tracking resolution, compare K S   samples from: Home-made production for 25 pb  downscaled 100 The same production reconstructed with the old s-t rel. P t (MeV)  P (MeV) P t (MeV)  of correction (MeV) 0.2 To endcap To barrel

14 Comparing “old” vs “new” MC Core of the tracking resolution, check gaussian smearing comparing new MC, new MC smeared, and data M  (MeV) Core of M 

15 Comparing “old” vs “new” MC Core of the tracking resolution, check gaussian smearing comparing new MC, new MC smeared, and data M  (MeV) Left tail of M  : resolution tail +  early decays + radiation

16 Comparing “old” vs “new” MC Core of the tracking resolution, check gaussian smearing comparing new MC, new MC smeared, and data M  (MeV) Right tail of M  : resolution tails

17 Comparing data vs “new” MC K Le3 sample used to check the distribution for the signal: K S  tight selection, 490<M  <500 MeV, 100<p * <120 MeV K S  auto-triggering Separation between K S and K L hemispheres Estimate K L momentum from K S (different than the K L crash estimate) Correct position of the K L vertex sampling from the KS lifetime, moves KL cluster positions accordingly Apply the same cuts used for the K S analysis

18 Comparing data vs “new” MC Data:  2.9 MeV MC:  2.8 MeV  (E miss  P miss ) (MeV) Check standard deviation of the E miss  P miss distribution: Y2001Y2002 Y2001Y2002Y2001Y2002 Y2001Y2002

19 Conclusions 1.Checking selection on NEW MC + track momentum smearing: a)Background component distributions b)Selection efficiency on the background 2.Understand in depth  tail below the signal 3.Resolution check MC old vs MC new 4.K L crash contribution to the E miss  P miss sample: repeat with the NEW MC smeared, using a sample with Kcrash + 1 trk (P*p cut) 5.We are checking many other variables, able to separate between background components: vertex quality, PID, Pmiss

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