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Brainsweat: The Anatomy of Wisdom Just Ask 2 Chronicles 1:7–12.

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Presentation on theme: "Brainsweat: The Anatomy of Wisdom Just Ask 2 Chronicles 1:7–12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brainsweat: The Anatomy of Wisdom Just Ask 2 Chronicles 1:7–12

2 Memory Verse Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding... Proverbs 3:13

3 Learning Goals Explore: Students will understand that people are completely dependent upon God for wisdom. Transform: Students will identify circumstances that they have been trying to navigate without God’s wisdom and confess their inadequacy to Him.

4 Discussion What do most people consider to be the source of wisdom and knowledge? How did Solomon model humility in his life? How do we make our heart’s desires line up with God’s desires? How does God express His adequacy in our lives through our inadequacy?

5 Key Study 1. God relates to His people on a personal level. 2 Chronicles 1:7–8

6 Key Study 2. God alone equips His people to complete His purpose. 2 Chronicles 1:9–10

7 Key Study 3. God honors the humble heart that is dependent upon Him. 2 Chronicles 1:11–12

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