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Welcome to the April 10 th CPI meeting Today’s agenda includes the following items: Update and summary of CPI Principal Investigator survey – Dr. Lori.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the April 10 th CPI meeting Today’s agenda includes the following items: Update and summary of CPI Principal Investigator survey – Dr. Lori."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the April 10 th CPI meeting Today’s agenda includes the following items: Update and summary of CPI Principal Investigator survey – Dr. Lori Taylor, Associate Professor, Bush School of Government and Public Service and CPI Executive Committee member Intellectual Property Constituent Committee (IPCC) Update– Dr. Richard Gomer, IPCC Chair and Professor of Biology Update on The Texas A&M University System Office of Technology Commercialization– Mr. Brett Cornwell, Associate Vice Chancellor for Technology Commercialization

2 The CPI Principal Investigator Survey Update and Summary Lori L. Taylor Bush School of Government

3 The CPI Principal Investigator Survey Email survey of all PIs at Texas A&M, AgriLife Research, HSC, TEES and TTI Conducted the first five days of March, 2013 Approximately 10% of the 2,200 PIs responded –Half of the responding PIs who identified their role are full professors –94% are tenured or tenure track professors –Mix is generally representative of the PI community

4 Objectives of the Survey Identify topics for discussion/presentation at upcoming CPI meetings Measure PI satisfaction Inform the PI community about recent CPI activities

5 Please indicate your degree of interest in the following topics for discussions/presentations

6 How familiar are you with the CPI?

7 Do you know the name of your CPI representative(s)?

8 How would you rate the overall health of the research enterprise at Texas A&M University?

9 Which of the following best describes your opinion about the research enterprise at Texas A&M University?

10 How effective is the CPI in addressing PI concerns?

11 PI Satisfaction with the CPI 37% of the respondents believe that the CPI is effective at addressing PI concerns. Common concerns for those who think the CPI is ineffective include –A desire for improved communication between CPI and faculty –A call for increased influence and authority for the CPI, including the capacity to take strong positions with the administration and external agents on behalf of faculty

12 Action Items The CPI-EC will work to ensure that the topics most interesting to PIs are covered in upcoming meetings The CPI needs to do a better job of communicating with the PI community

13 Questions?

14 Acknowledgements Thank you for attending today’s meeting. Copies of today’s presentation materials are be available at The next CPI meeting will be held on May 8 th, 2013 in Rudder 601. *Activities and staff assistance for the CPI is provided through equal annual funding support by the Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Texas A&M Health Science Center, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station, the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, and the Texas A&M University Division of Research.

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